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Now downloading free:panasonic TX-P50GT50B

panasonic TX-P50GT50B free download

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File name:TX-P50GT50B.rar
[preview TX-P50GT50B]
Size:11815 kB
Model:TX-P50GT50B 🔎 TXP50GT50B
Original:TX-P50GT50B 🔎
Descr: panasonic Plasma TV TX-P50GT50B TX-P50GT50B.rar
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name TX-P50GT50B.rar

Confidential For Authorised Service Agents Only Ref No: MQM0081DG190412REV2 TECHNICAL INFORMATION A BG CY E FL I LT MD NL S TR Date AL BIH CZ EST GB IRL LV MK P SK UA 04/04/2012 AND BY D F GR IS M MNE PL SLO Country Reported B CH DK FIN H L MC N RO SRB UK Product Category: Plasma IDTV / LCD IDTV Subject: Analogue RF audio hiss Model(s) Affected: Please see the list below Symptom / When the set is tuned to the analogue RF output of a satellite receiver (STB) a hiss can be heard on the audio. Cause: Remedy / This modification applies to all serial numbers prior to: **-2220001 Method: Change the setting of Bit 0 in Option Byte 4 from "0" to "1": (X = Do Not change) Before After Bit No: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Data: X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X X 1 Plasma LCD TX-P42/50GT50B TX-P50/55/65VT50B TX-L32/37/42/47/55/60ET5B TX-L42/47ET50B TX-P42/50UT50B TX-P42/50/55/65ST50B TX-L42/47/55WT50B TX-L32/37/42/47E5B TX-P42/50XT50B TX-L42/47/55DT50B TX-L42E5BTS Do NOT change any other setting - The television may be damaged Adjustment Procedure 1. Turn on the TV. 2. Enter service mode. a. Press and hold the "Vol -" button on the television. b. Whilst holding the button on the television, press the "0" button on the remote control 3 times. - A screen similar to Fig. 1 will be displayed. 3. Press either "1", or "2" on the remote control until a screen similar to the one shown in Fig. 2 is displayed. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Warranty Claims - Please use the following IRIS and Activity codes Activity Codes: Guarantee Status Repair Type Location Source (UK Only)

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