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ETD:2000- TECHNICAL INFORMATION Colour Television Model:- All 100Hz Models Chassis:- All above models displaying phenomenon described. Date:- 23/11/01 Subject: Vertical Bands. Please use the following IRIS codes when making a claim:- 1.Symptom = F343 2. Section Code = 0UT 3.Defect Code = T 4. Repair Code = K Background: The reported Models (TX32PK25/28PK25) AND DVD players (SC-HT80 / SC-HT70) shows 2 vertical bands that appear on screen. When the audio lead is removed from the rear of the TV, the vertical shading bands disappear. Remedy: Using Modification Kit TZS9EK018 refer to diagram below and carry out the following:- Method: 1. Remove C2303. 2. Remove jumper chip resistor JA 115. (Not jumper wire JA115). 3. Connect the ferrite bead supplied between the earth pad of JK2301and the audio earth of AV1 (Pin 4). Safety Notice ! : The ferrite bead must be glued in place CHIP JUMPER C2303 JK2301 AV1 (PIN 4) Panasonic Document No:QUA0011 ISSUE:2 TechInfo Sheet fax: 01344 853689 Audio Visual email:[email protected] Product Group: Colour Television Model: TX-32DT2 Date: 28/02/00 Revision No: 1.0 Document No: 01 Subject: Audio Buzz Symptom: Buzzing on audio Cause: The plug Z2 has pins incorrectly wired Remedy: Solder pins 2 and 3 of plug Z2 together Application: All sets beginning with serial number LE-012-- Foilside View of Z-PCB Panasonic CS U.K. Document No: 01 Model: TX-32DT2 1 ETD:2001-050 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Colour Television Model:- TX-32DT2 & TX-28DT2 Affected Serial Number :- LE-115**** Chassis:- Euro-4D Date:- 16/03/01 Subject: Will not power up from standby ( Takes 2 Minutes). Background: Jumper wire J124 missing from W-PCB. Note: Applicable to version W3 PCB only. Link runs North-South as indicated. Do not

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