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ORDER No. ETD: 96-304 Technical Information Colour Television Model:- TX-21S1T/B TX-21S1TL/B TC-21S1R/B TC-21S1RL/B TX-21S1T/BN TC-21S1R/BN TC-21S1M/B TC-21S1R/BH TX-21S1T/BH Date:- 23-11-96 Subject:- Horizontal Oscillations (Ringing). Background:- Possibility of chopper transformer causing interference on 12V line causing the above phenomenon. Remedy:- Fit capacitor Part No. (ECKR1H102 ) across D856 on component side of P.C.B. Method:- 1. Remove diode from PCB, position capacitor across diode body and solder to top of diode legs. 2. Replace diode/capacitor in PCB checking polarity is correct. 3. Re-solder diode to PCB. Warning:- Do not fit capacitor on copper side of PCB side as there is a possibility of capacitor touching HOT SIDE of Power Supply. Panasonic Document No. QUA0011 Issue: 1 ORDER No. ETD: 96-283 Technical Information Colour Television Model:- TC-14S1R/BH TX-14S1T/BH TC-14S2R/BH TX-14S2T/T TC-14S1R/B TC-14S1T/B TC-14S1M/B TC-21S1M/B TC-21S1R/B TC-21S1R/BN TC-21S1R/BH TC-21S1T/B TX-21S1T/BN TX-21S1T/BH Date:- 14-10-96 Subject:- Change of part types on E-PCB Background:- The following change of parts on the E-PCB require them to be changed together. Note:- Please refer to Parts Change Notice ETD:-96-284 14" Models T551 R551 IC1205 JC43 OLD TLH15460M ERDS1TJ1R8 X24C0502A NIL NEW ETH19Z169AZ ERDS1TJ1R5 X24C0503A ERJ6GEY0R00 When replacing OLD version F.B.T. with NEW version R551 must be changed at the same time. When replacing IC1205 with NEW version JC43 must also be changed. 21" Models T551 R517 IC1205 JC43 OLD TLH154601M ERG3SJS101 X24C0502AC NIL NEW ET

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