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Graphics 1209s Barco R762722 and R762724 IRIS Control and CAM CCD
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762720 - R-G-B Driver
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco Parts list on board level
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R7627591 - Frame cpl
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R7621055 - RGB input aut sync track (port 3)
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R791664 - Transmitter RCU (Remote Control Unit)
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762716 - EHT module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762745 - QUAD decoder+Comb_Filter
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762284 - Power (mains) input module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762519 - Convergence module output
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco Barco graphics 1209s
762457 - Deflection switching module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762839 - RGB output ABL+CRT (neck board)
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R7621127 - Sync and vertical deflection
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762719 - RGB input and Switching module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762271 R762271S - Electromagnetic focus and horizontal shift
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R7625115 - Controller module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762120 - G2 and diagnostic
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762510 - IR and RS232 communication module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762518 - Convergence driver module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R761781 - IR receiver module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R762514 - Dynamic astigmatism module
Graphics 1209s Barco
Graphics 1209s Barco R7621085 - Horizontal deflection
Graphics 1209s Barco

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