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Electronics > Consumer electronics > Power supply > Huatong Industry Stock Co., Ltd. > ( there are 1 files in this category )

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LC1 series AC Contactors Huatong Industry Stock Co., Ltd. We are one of leading manufacturer & exporters specializing in low voltage electric in China.

Now we are in the position to supply AC contactors, mini circuit breakers, earth leakage circuit breakers, moulded case circuit breakers, relays, starters, pushbuttons, switches, fuses, meters, UPS, SVC, plugs, sockets, distribution boxes, lighting, etc. 

If you are interested in any items listed above, please feel free to contact us. Quotation will follow upon your specific enquiry.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Luo Chao
Tel: 0086 136 816 99 808
Fax: 00852 301 407 46
LC1 series AC Contactors Huato

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