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Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV > Plasma > LG > ( there are 304 files in this category )

A plasma display panel (PDP) is a type of flat panel display that uses small cells containing plasma; ionized gas that responds to electric fields.

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ServiceManuals LG TV PLASMA 50PJ350 50PJ350 Service Manual LG  LG Plasma 50PJ350R-TA ServiceManuals_LG_TV_PLASMA_50PJ350_50PJ350 Service Manual.pdf
ServiceManuals LG TV PLASMA 50
60pv250-ub chassis pu14k LG  LG Plasma 60PV250-UB chassis  PU14K 60pv250-ub_chassis_pu14k.pdf
60pv250-ub chassis pu14k LG
42PW350 LG  LG Plasma 42PW350U  chassis  PU11A 42PW350.pdf
42PW350 LG
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50pa4500-zm 50pa4510-zg 50pa4520-zj chassis pb23a LG  LG Plasma 50PA4500-ZM 50PA4510-ZG 50PA4520-ZJ CHASSIS PB23A lg_50pa4500-zm_50pa4510-zg_50pa4520-zj_chassis_pb23a.pdf
50pa4500-zm 50pa4510-zg 50pa45
service. LG  LG Plasma 32LC2R service..pdf
service. LG
LG PLASMA panel alignments LG  LG Plasma Plasma Panel Alignments Handbook LG PLASMA panel_alignments.pdf
LG PLASMA panel alignments LG
LG 42PQ6000 chassis pd92a sm LG  LG Plasma 42PQ6000 chassis PD92A LG_42PQ6000_chassis_pd92a_sm.pdf
LG 42PQ6000 chassis pd92a sm L
LG 42PJ350 Manual+de+Treinamento LG  LG Plasma 42PJ350, 42PJ350-UB chassis PU01A
LG 42PJ350 Manual+de+Treinamen
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42PC1RV.part1 LG  LG Plasma 42PC1RV  chassis PP61 42PC1RV.part1.rar
42PC1RV.part1 LG
PDP TV-H2 series, fitted with 42V7 Module LG  LG Plasma 42V7 training PDP TV-H2 series, fitted with 42V7 Module.rar
PDP TV-H2 series, fitted with
LG 42PJ350 Chassis PD-01A Plasma TV SM LG  LG Plasma LG 42PJ350 Chassis PD-01A Plasma TV SM.rar
LG 42PJ350 Chassis PD-01A Plas
42PX3DBV DLV LG  LG Plasma 42PX3RV 42PX3DBV_DLV.rar
LG+50PT350,351+-+Chassis+PD13K LG  LG Plasma PD13K chassis LG+50PT350,351+-+Chassis+PD13K.pdf
42PC1RV.part2 LG  LG Plasma 42PC1RV  chassis PP61 42PC1RV.part2.rar
42PC1RV.part2 LG
50PJ250 SB-EX-SI 1344853606 LG  LG Plasma 50PJ250-ZC 50PJ250_SB-EX-SI_1344853606.pdf
50PJ250 SB-EX-SI 1344853606 LG
lg 42pj350 training manual LG  LG Plasma 42PJ350 lg_42pj350_training_manual.pdf
lg 42pj350 training manual LG
LG 42PG20R MA Chassis PP81A LG  LG Plasma 42PG20R MA  chassis PP81A
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60pb5600 LG  LG Plasma 60PB5600 60pb5600.pdf
60pb5600 LG
LG 42PJ350 42PJ350-UB chassis+PU01A LG  LG Plasma 42PJ350, 42PJ350-UB chassis PU01A
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Televisores+Plasma.+LG+Electronicis LG  LG Plasma Plasma training Televisores+Plasma.+LG+Electronicis.pdf
50PN4503AEU SB-EX-SI 1379930196 LG  LG Plasma 50PN450B 50PN4503AEU_SB-EX-SI_1379930196.pdf
50PN4503AEU SB-EX-SI 137993019
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42PN450D-ZA+Ch-PD31B LG  LG Plasma 42PN450D-ZA 42PN450D-ZA+Ch-PD31B.pdf
42PN450D-ZA+Ch-PD31B LG
TV+PLASMA++LG 50PT250B manual+do+usu%E1rio LG  LG Plasma 50PT250B
TV+PLASMA++LG 50PT250B manual+
LG+50PM670S+Chassis+PD22A LG  LG Plasma PD22A chassis LG+50PM670S+Chassis+PD22A.pdf
LG+50PM670S+Chassis+PD22A LG
42PQ2000 SB-EX-SI 1244173506 LG  LG Plasma 42PQ2000-ZA  chassis PD92A 42PQ2000_SB-EX-SI_1244173506.pdf
42PQ2000 SB-EX-SI 1244173506 L
lg-50pa6500-zg-50pa6520-zm-pd23a (1) LG  LG Plasma PD23A chassis lg-50pa6500-zg-50pa6520-zm-pd23a (1).pdf
LG-42PN450H LG  LG Plasma 42PN4500 LG-42PN450H.pdf
LG-42PN450H LG
LG Plasma Panel Alignment Handbook 8-2-2010 LG  LG Plasma LG Plasma Panel Alignment Handbook_8-2-2010.pdf
LG Plasma Panel Alignment Hand
LG 60 INCH PDP TRAINING LG  LG Plasma training Tv plasma Lg LG 60 INCH PDP TRAINING.pdf
lg-50pj350-training-manual LG  LG Plasma 50PJ350 Training lg-50pj350-training-manual.pdf
lg-50pj350-training-manual LG
LG 42PG3000 Plasma TV SM LG  LG Plasma LG 42PG3000 Plasma TV SM.rar
LG 42PG3000 Plasma TV SM LG
42PT353AEU SB-EX-SI 1375701225 LG  LG Plasma 42PT350 42PT353AEU_SB-EX-SI_1375701225.pdf
42PT353AEU SB-EX-SI 1375701225
pdp42v7 281 LG  LG Plasma PDP42V pdp42v7_281.pdf
pdp42v7 281 LG
LG+60PN6500 LG  LG Plasma 60PN6500-UA chassis PU31A LG+60PN6500.pdf
LG+60PN6500 LG
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lg pdp repairguide full LG  LG Plasma Plasma Training 2004 lg pdp_repairguide full.pdf
lg pdp repairguide full LG

lg 32pc51 ch pp78c LG  LG Plasma 32PC51  chassis PP78C lg_32pc51_ch_pp78c.pdf
lg 32pc51 ch pp78c LG
LG TV plasma ch PD92A 42PQ1100 LG  LG Plasma 42PQ1100 LG_TV_plasma_ch_PD92A_42PQ1100.pdf
LG TV plasma ch PD92A 42PQ1100
Toshiba LCD Firmware Loader Instructions LG  LG Plasma software for LG plasma Toshiba LCD Firmware Loader Instructions.pdf
Toshiba LCD Firmware Loader In
LG 42PX4RVH CHASSIS RF-052C LG  LG Plasma 42PX4RVH, 50PX5R Chassis RF-052C LG 42PX4RVH CHASSIS RF-052C.pdf
lg chassis pd92a 42pq3000 LG  LG Plasma 42PQ3000 lg_chassis_pd92a_42pq3000.pdf
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lg 50pk350n zb chassis pd01a sm LG  LG Plasma 50PK350 lg_50pk350n_zb_chassis_pd01a_sm.pdf
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LG+42PG3000+CHASSIS+PD83A LG  LG Plasma 42PG3000-ZA  chassis PD83A LG+42PG3000+CHASSIS+PD83A.pdf
LG Plasma.part1 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG_Plasma.part1.rar
LG Plasma.part1 LG
50PA4500AEB SB-EX-SI 1378895227 LG  LG Plasma 50PA4510 50PA4500AEB_SB-EX-SI_1378895227.pdf
50PA4500AEB SB-EX-SI 137889522
LG Plasma.part2 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG_Plasma.part2.rar
LG Plasma.part2 LG
LG Plasma.part4 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG_Plasma.part4.rar
LG Plasma.part4 LG
60PB6500+TV+LG LG  LG Plasma 60PB6500 60PB6500+TV+LG.pdf
60PB6500+TV+LG LG
LG+42PQ200R+CH-PP91B LG  LG Plasma 42PQ200R chassis PP91B LG+42PQ200R+CH-PP91B.pdf
LG Plasma.part3 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG_Plasma.part3.rar
LG Plasma.part3 LG
lg plasma training 20072 269 LG  LG Plasma training Tv plasma Lg lg_plasma_training_20072_269.pdf
lg plasma training 20072 269 L
pdp42v5-netzteil LG  LG Plasma PDP42V5 pdp42v5-netzteil.pdf
pdp42v5-netzteil LG
LG Plasma.part5 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG_Plasma.part5.rar
LG Plasma.part5 LG
LG Plasma.part6 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG_Plasma.part6.rar
LG Plasma.part6 LG
60pz550 LG  LG Plasma 60PZ540 60pz550.pdf
60pz550 LG
lg plasma 42pc1dv pb61h LG  LG Plasma PB61A chassis lg_plasma_42pc1dv_pb61h.pdf
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50PG3000 SB-EX-SI 1224836413 LG  LG Plasma 50PG3000 50PG3000_SB-EX-SI_1224836413.pdf
50PG3000 SB-EX-SI 1224836413 L
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lg-pdp-training plasma tv alap
lg 50pg60ur-ta chassis pp81a LG  LG Plasma 50PG60UR-TA  chassis PP81A lg_50pg60ur-ta_chassis_pp81a.rar
lg 50pg60ur-ta chassis pp81a L
lg m1910a 850 LG  LG Plasma M1910A lg_m1910a_850.pdf
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LG 42PJ250-UA 42PJ250-ub chassis PU01A LG  LG Plasma 42PJ250 PU01A LG_42PJ250-UA_42PJ250-ub_chassis_PU01A.pdf
LG 42PJ250-UA 42PJ250-ub chass
zsus v5 187 LG  LG Plasma LG 42v5 zsus_v5_187.pdf
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lg pdp repairguide full.part01
LG Training Manual (2007) LG  LG Plasma RZ-42PX11 LG Training Manual (2007).pdf
LG Training Manual (2007) LG
lg 42pg20 training manual 2008 LG  LG Plasma 42PG20 lg_42pg20_training_manual_2008.pdf
lg 42pg20 training manual 2008
LG PDP42V5 Plasma Tv Training Manual LG  LG Plasma LG PDP42V5 Plasma Tv Training Manual.rar
LG PDP42V5 Plasma Tv Training
LGE PDP42X3 LG  LG Plasma 42X3A LGE_PDP42X3.pdf
 Service Manual edit LG  LG Plasma 60PY2DR _Service_Manual_edit.pdf
Service Manual edit LG
50PQ60D - Service Manual LG  LG Plasma 50PQ60D 50PQ60D - Service Manual.pdf
50PQ60D - Service Manual LG
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Technical manual(LGVer1.0).part1 LG  LG Plasma Technical_manual(LGVer1.0) Technical_manual(LGVer1.0).part1.rar
Technical manual(LGVer1.0).par
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LGE PDP42X3.part2 LG
50PM1MA Service Manual LG  LG Plasma 50PM1M 50PM1MA Service Manual.pdf
50PM1MA Service Manual LG

50PC1DR,Troubleshooting,Manual,2007,VG,training LG  LG Plasma 50PC1DR,Troubleshooting,Manual,2007 50PC1DR,Troubleshooting,Manual,2007,VG,training.pdf
60PK550AEU BA 1419855522 LG  LG Plasma 60PK550AEU 60PK550AEU_BA_1419855522.pdf
60PK550AEU BA 1419855522 LG
RT-42PX11 Service Manual LG  LG Plasma RT-42PX11 RT-42PX11 Service Manual.pdf
RT-42PX11 Service Manual LG
lg pdp repairguide full.part23 LG  LG Plasma Plasma Training 2004 lg_pdp_repairguide_full.part23.rar
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service LG  LG Plasma 32LC2R service.pdf
service LG
LG DU-42PY10X Plasma TV Service Manual LG  LG Plasma AF044P chassis LG_DU-42PY10X_Plasma_TV_Service_Manual.pdf
LG DU-42PY10X Plasma TV Servic
42v5 training 125 LG  LG Plasma 42V5 training 42v5_training_125.pdf
42v5 training 125 LG
flashRom 16 LG  LG Plasma software for LG plasma gm1601FW ISP batch flashRom_16.txt
flashRom 16 LG
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PD11K SI 1327405482 LG  LG Plasma PD11K chassis PD11K_SI_1327405482.pdf
PD11K SI 1327405482 LG
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42PX3DCV LG  LG Plasma 42PX3DCV 42PX3DCV.rar
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lg 50pa6500-tf chassis pa21a L
50PV450 LG  LG Plasma 50PV400-430-450 chassis PU14K 50PV450.pdf
50PV450 LG
lg chassis pd92a 42pq3000 LG  LG Plasma 42PQ3000
lg chassis pd92a 42pq3000 LG
Plasma Display Panel Training Manual 2006 PDPTraining 2006 v2 LG  LG Plasma LG Plasma Display Panel Training Manual
Plasma Display Panel Training
60PS60 LG  LG Plasma 60PS60 60PS60.pdf
60PS60 LG
Service Manual 60PH6700 LG  LG Plasma 60PH6700 chassis PA32A Service Manual 60PH6700.pdf
Service Manual 60PH6700 LG
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part4 LG  LG Plasma RZ-42PX10 RZ42-PX10_11[1].part4.rar
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part4 LG
flashRom 8 4M LG  LG Plasma software for LG plasma gm1601FW ISP batch flashRom_8_4M.txt
flashRom 8 4M LG
2006-002 LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG Plasma 2006-002.pdf
2006-002 LG
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lg 60pk750 chassis pu02a panel
42-PC1RR.part1 LG  LG Plasma 42-PC1RR chassis MF-056L 42-PC1RR.part1.rar
42-PC1RR.part1 LG
lg pdp repairguide full.part03 LG  LG Plasma Plasma Training 2004 lg_pdp_repairguide_full.part03.rar
lg pdp repairguide full.part03
FlashRom 8 LG  LG Plasma software for LG plasma gm1601FW ISP batch FlashRom_8.txt
FlashRom 8 LG
Doet niets,relais klikt LG  LG Plasma 50PJ350R-TA Doet niets,relais klikt.txt
Doet niets,relais klikt LG
service LG  LG Plasma 50PZ750-ZA service.pdf
service LG
60PB6500+TV+LG LG  LG Plasma PB41A chassis 60PB6500+TV+LG.pdf
60PB6500+TV+LG LG
LG+60PB660V-ZD+Chassis+PD42A LG  LG Plasma 60PB660V-ZD chassis PD42A LG+60PB660V-ZD+Chassis+PD42A.pdf
LG+60PB660V-ZD+Chassis+PD42A L
50PZ250 SB-EX-SI 1327404286 LG  LG Plasma 50PZ250 50PZ250_SB-EX-SI_1327404286.pdf
50PZ250 SB-EX-SI 1327404286 LG
50PA5500ZBBEBLLJP SB-EX-SI 1400496838 LG  LG Plasma 50PA5500 50PA5500ZBBEBLLJP_SB-EX-SI_1400496838.pdf
lg 47lg90 training manual 177 LG  LG Plasma 47LG90 Training Manual lg_47lg90_training_manual_177.pdf
lg 47lg90 training manual 177
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lg pdp repairguide full.part02
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part8 LG  LG Plasma RZ-42PX10 RZ42-PX10_11[1].part8.rar
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part8 LG
blijft in stby LG  LG Plasma EAY32808901 Plasma Power Supply Schematic blijft in stby.txt
blijft in stby LG
http service.php &file=  42pq2000-za mode-d-emploi LG  LG Plasma 42PQ2000-ZA  chassis PD92A http___download.aswo.com_service.php_&file=lg_42pq2000-za_mode-d-emploi.pdf
http servi
lg 42pc51 chassis pp-78a sm LG  LG Plasma 42PC51 chassis PP-78A lg_42pc51_chassis_pp-78a_sm.pdf
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LG+42PC51+Chassis+PP78A LG  LG Plasma 42PC51 chassis PP-78A LG+42PC51+Chassis+PP78A.pdf
LG+42PC51+Chassis+PP78A LG
42PX4RV SM 4529239828 LG  LG Plasma 42PX4RV 42PX4RV_SM_4529239828.pdf
42PX4RV SM 4529239828 LG

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lg 42pc1d-dab chassis pa-61b s
50PC51 ET-SB-EX-SI 1290576911 LG  LG Plasma 50PC51ZB 50PC51_ET-SB-EX-SI_1290576911.pdf
50PC51 ET-SB-EX-SI 1290576911
lg pdp repairguide full.part08 LG  LG Plasma Plasma Training 2004 lg_pdp_repairguide_full.part08.rar
lg pdp repairguide full.part08
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42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
lg pdp repairguide full.part06 LG  LG Plasma Plasma Training 2004 lg_pdp_repairguide_full.part06.rar
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RZ42-PX10 11[1].part7 LG  LG Plasma RZ-42PX10 RZ42-PX10_11[1].part7.rar
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LGE PDP42X3.part1 LG  LG Plasma 42X3A LGE_PDP42X3.part1.rar
LGE PDP42X3.part1 LG
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part2 LG  LG Plasma RZ-42PX10 RZ42-PX10_11[1].part2.rar
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part2 LG
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.part09 LG  LG Plasma 42PG20 PDP Training 2008 42PG20_PDP_Training_-_2008.part09.rar
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
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lg pdp repairguide full.part05
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gamma08 LG
PP78C+32PC5RVH  32PC5RVH-MF LG  LG Plasma 32PC5RVH32PC5RVH-MF chassisPP78C PP78C+32PC5RVH__32PC5RVH-MF.pdf
Gprobe&IDS LG  LG Plasma Training 2007 LG Plasma Gprobe&
Gprobe&IDS LG
MFL38562706 LG  LG Plasma 50PC55 chassis PD-73A 50PC55 ch.PD-73A MFL38562706.pdf
MFL38562706 LG
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RT-42PX10 Service Manual LG  LG Plasma RT-42PX10 RT-42PX10 Service Manual.pdf
RT-42PX10 Service Manual LG
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part5 LG  LG Plasma RZ-42PX10 RZ42-PX10_11[1].part5.rar
RZ42-PX10 11[1].part5 LG
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MZ-42PZ44, MZ-42PZ45Plasma TV Service Manual LG  LG Plasma LG MZ-42PZ44, MZ-42PZ45Plasma TV Service
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42PG100R SB-EX-SI 1224836693 LG  LG Plasma 42PG100R 42PG100R_SB-EX-SI_1224836693.pdf
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RT-42PZ60 Service Manual LG  LG Plasma RT-42PZ60H RT-42PZ60 Service Manual.pdf
RT-42PZ60 Service Manual LG
09090710555771 LG  LG Plasma 42PX3RVA-ZC 09090710555771.pdf
09090710555771 LG
LG DU-42PY10X Plasma TV Service Manual LG  LG Plasma DU-42PY10X LG_DU-42PY10X_Plasma_TV_Service_Manual.pdf
LG DU-42PY10X Plasma TV Servic

RT-42PZ45V Service Manual LG  LG Plasma RT-42PZ45V RT-42PZ45V Service Manual.pdf
RT-42PZ45V Service Manual LG
LG-50PS80 LG  LG Plasma 50PS80 LG-50PS80.pdf
LG-50PS80 LG
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lg plasma quick reference alignment handbook 132 LG  LG Plasma Quick Reference Alignment Handbook lg_plasma_quick_reference_alignment_handbook_132.pdf
lg plasma quick reference alig
50PK950 SB-EX-SI 1287643646 LG  LG Plasma 50PK950 50PK950_SB-EX-SI_1287643646.pdf
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42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
lg pdp repairguide full.part10 LG  LG Plasma Plasma Training 2004 lg_pdp_repairguide_full.part10.rar
lg pdp repairguide full.part10
Technical manual(LGVer1.0).part2 LG  LG Plasma Technical_manual(LGVer1.0) Technical_manual(LGVer1.0).part2.rar
Technical manual(LGVer1.0).par
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.part02 LG  LG Plasma 42PG20 PDP Training 2008 42PG20_PDP_Training_-_2008.part02.rar
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.part11 LG  LG Plasma 42PG20 PDP Training 2008 42PG20_PDP_Training_-_2008.part11.rar
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.part03 LG  LG Plasma 42PG20 PDP Training 2008 42PG20_PDP_Training_-_2008.part03.rar
42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
42-PX3RV[1].part2 LG  LG Plasma 42PX3RVA 42-PX3RV[1].part2.rar
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42PG20 PDP Training - 2008.par
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LG PLASMA TV RT42PX10[1].part
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