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Electronics > Consumer electronics > Photo > Analogue and Accessories > Metz > ( there are 2 files in this category )

Analogue photo camera service manuals, repair guides and schematics

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Mecablitz 36 CT 3 Metz Gebrauchsanleitung in Deutsch für Metz mecablitz 36 CT 3
aus dem SCA 300 System. Produziert ca. Mitte der 1980er .

This is the user manual for the Metz mecablitz 36 CT 3 flashgun. The manual is written in German language. This flash was produces in the mid - 1980s. It is part or the SCA 300 system to adapt it to different camera systems.
You can contact me if you have trouble translating parts of the text or technical instructions.
Mecablitz 36 CT 3 Metz
Mecablitz 106 Metz This has German text but the parts list is in three languages and the schematic is very clear.
Mecablitz 106 Metz

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