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Searched for: 141a scope and 1402a dual trace amp service, Found: 490 lines
the only other way i use to enter the service mode is via the sony trace interface, replacing the ee
Follow the trace to the next component and put a jumper in.

Combining mixer outputsI have been running a mixer for live bands & karaoke for years combining the left & right ou
Sony STR-11S DatasheetHi, I have an old (~15 years) Sony amp with a blown speaker output. Any ideas how I could find t
Fourth, when you press the shutter release button can not take pictures 1. Just take pictures of t
Toshiba 3787DB - Very low Base / Woofer outputGetting a very low output on the sub woofer, with the sub and the base turned all the way up you can
:idea: Found the following: 1) C951 = 4.7ufd/250V 2) Suggest changing these caps in standby po
Service mode: With TV ON Press simultaneously OSD button on TV panel and Standby button On remot
How to protect the CD-R?1.The main influence to the durability of CD-R Temperature and humidity are the most basic and
Hi, The situation is very much the same here (in Bulgaria) - same new stores, which give credit,
[quote:e6a73c2eac="opal"]Thanks for the Info, i have to addmit, im not into Musik really, so i dont
[quote:780ca32676="Justmanuals"]This Parts & Service manual can now be purchased for $11.77 and
Convergence IC's in this case are dual amplifiers. On IC does red and half of green. The other IC do
Have you attempted a degaussing of the screen?Have you attempted a degaussing of the screen? If this helps trace down and check the the thermister
Re: Ilo 32 quick inverter question...Not familiar with the specifics of the set but, for the balast-on line, I would say 1.49 is too low
Fujitsu PDS4234 42 Plasma Failure - Blinking RED lightHi, I got a Fujitsu PDS4234 42 Plasma and till now it worked fine since 2003. Now I encountere
Sears 509-14370 TV, chassisA67Sears 509-14370 TV, chassisA67, made by JVC, the board is labeled CKF0822-DU3-1. TV turns on when f

Speakers and wiring are good. The distortion is there regardless of input - whether internal (tuner)
Capacitior help!I need to replace two capacitors in a TV that i can see are visibly leaking,i've replaced all the ot
NOKIA2130HS-service mode?.I am looking for information about service mode and hotel mode unlock for TV NOKIA2130HS(HOTEL TV)
Re: Viewsonic N3245W Black Screen - Need some helpI would like your old inverter board; have one with bad transformer on; can't find supply of board o
Re: peugeot radio code[quote:da7380a6aa="masterskay62"][quote:da7380a6aa="vunjko"]peugeot 206 serial CL0410Z0151554. MOD
Samsung 760V TFT Lower Half of Screen Darker than Top HalfThis happens every so often and I have to turn the monitor off and on and it fixes it, works fine af
JVC AX-22 Service manualI need service manual for JVC AMPL. Model AX-22.Please help!!!
Vizio L32RTek, thanks for the help. I had to put this one on the shelf for a bit. My current problem is t
[quote:5a5876d182="Anonymous"]I traced back to the input of the motor control IC (SIP #BA6209N) pins
I need schematic diagram of Sony ericsson t68ipower ways are cut off. i need it to trace and make jumpers for its positive ways. can you share p
Request - Service Manual of Lanier 6112Can anyone help me with this model? I burn-out the board and wanted to trace the pcb-side for par
resolder all joints in the line output stage, check R629 (27ohms, 1/2w 90 degree tube)(2.7ohms, 1/2w
There really are so many variables to even attempt to guess at the problem... the guy who gave it to

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