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DVD-Video Player SACD 1000
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Contents Page Contents Page
1 Technical specifications and connection facilities2 Mono Board: CPU & MPEG decoder(Diagram 5)82 92-102
2 Warnings, laser safety and service hints 4 Mono Board: Pwr supply & outp. int.(Diagram 6) 82 92-102
3 Directions for use 7 Mono Board: SDRAM's (Diagram 7) 82 92-102
4 Mechanical- and dismantling instructions 20 Mono Board: SACD decoder (Diagram 8) 82 92-102
5 Diagnostic software, trouble shooting and test Mono Board: System clocks (Diagram 9) 82 92-102
instructions 24 Mono Board: DAC interface (Diagram 10) 82 92-102
6 Wiring and block diagrams 8 Alignments (not available) 103
Wiring diagram 59 9 Circuit-, IC descriptions and 103
Block diagram (general) 60 List of abbreviations 152
Block diagram (DAC PCB) 61 10 Spareparts list 155
7 Electrical diagrams and print-layouts Diagram PWB
Display & on/off panel 62 63/64
Switched mode power supply 65 67
LPSU-L2-2N 66 67
AV Board (europe): Video control & SCART
switch (Diagram 1A) 68 71/72
AV Board (europe): Video out (Diagram 1B) 69 71/72
AV Board (europe): Audio (Diagram 2) 70 71/72
AV Board (US & AP): Video (Diagram F1) 73 75/76
AV Board (US & AP): Audio (Diagram F2) 74 75/76
DAC Board: L2N 77 80/81
DAC Board: Audio1-L2N 78 80/81
DAC Board: Audio2-L2N 79 80/81
Mono Board: DVD ALAS (Diagram 1) 82 92-102
Mono Board: Micro controller (Diagram 2) 82 92-102
Mono Board: CD-DVD decoder (Diagram 3) 82 92-102
Mono Board: Program memories (Diagram 4) 82 92-102