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Color Television Chassis



Contents Page Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis Externals B (BE2) 116 117
Overview 2 Side I/O Panel (Top) (D) 118 119
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 5 Control Board (E) 120 120
3. Directions for Use 7 Led Panel (J) 121 122
4. Mechanical Instructions 8 8. Alignments 123
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 15 9. Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data
6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and Sheets 130
Waveforms Abbreviation List 139
Wiring Diagram 42" SDI 37 IC Data Sheets 142
Block Diagram Platform Supply 38 10. Spare Parts List 157
Display Supply (Sanken) 39 11. Revision List 169
Block Diagram Video 40
Block Diagram Audio 41
Block Diagram Control & Clock Signals 42
Test Point Overview SSB 43-48
I2C ICs Overview 49
Supply Lines Overview 50
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing PWB
Ambi Light (AL1) 51 54
Ambi Light (AL2) 52 54
Ambi Light (AL3) 53 54
Platform Supply 42": Aux Supply (AP1) 55 63-68
Platform Supply 42": Stby Supply (AP2) 56 63-68
Platform Supply 42": Filter (AP3) 57 63-68
Platform Supply 42": Audio Left/Right (AP4) 58 63-68
Platform Supply 42": Audio Prot / Mute (AP5) 59 63-68
Platform Supply 42": Audio Sub Woofer (AP6) 60 63-68
Platform Supply 42": Audio Centre (AP7) 61 63-68
Platform Supply 42": SRP List 62
Small Signal board (B1-B12) 69-105 109-114
SSB: SRP List 106
SSB: SRP List Part 1 107
SSB: SRP List Part 2 108
Externals A (BE1) 115 117