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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Table of Contents
Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Control Panel Map - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What Is New About the 7600/9600 - - - - - - - - Sensors, Motors, Solenoids, and Fans - - - - - - Initialization Sequence - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missing Nozzle Diagnosis and Repair - - - - - - Image Quality Diagnosis and Repair - - - - - - - Bi-Directional Adjustment Instructions - - - - - - Print Head Replacement Procedure - - - - - - - Main Board Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - Paper Feed Belt Tension Adjustment - - - - - - Carriage Belt Tension Adjustment - - - - - - - - Paper Feed Encoder Alignment - - - - - - - - - Carriage Encoder Alignment - - - - - - - - - - - Cutter Guide Alignment - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parameter Back-Up Utility (NVRAM.exe) - - - - Adjustment Wizard (Adj_wiz.exe) - - - - - - - - Updating Firmware From Windows (WinPRN Utility) Updating Firmware From DOS - - - - - - - - - Epson User Print Quality Solutions - - - - - - - Firmware History - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ink Cartridge Errors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Error Codes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Glossary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 7 10 11 15 18 26 28 32 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 47 48 50 52 53 55

Table of Contents

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

Page 1.

Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Control Panel Map
NOTE: Although this is a guideline to navigate through the Service and User Menus, the Service Manual, Technical Bulletins or Users Guide may still be needed to reference detailed information on a setting or adjustment listed.
SelecType Mode: While printer LCD shows Ready, pressing the [SelecType] button enters this mode. Settings Available: 1. Printer Setup. 2. Test Print. 3. Printer Status. 4. Paper Config. 5. Maintenance. 6. Print Head Alignment. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. Settings Available: 1. Hex Dump Mode. 2. Language Mode. 3. Unit. 4. Parallel I/F. 5. IEEE1284.4 Mode. 6. Crtg Info. Menu. 7. SSCL. 8. SN Menu. 9. Default Panel. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. Settings Available: 1. View Counters. 2. Clear Counters. 3. Service Config. 4. Parameter Backup Mode. 5. Maintenance Info. 6. Init. Info. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. Settings Available: 1. Check: Test. 2. Check: Adjustment. 3. Check: Cleaning. 4. Check: Print. 5. Check: Parameter. 6. Check: Life. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. For navigation and details on menu items, go to page 3.

Maintenance Mode 1: Press [Pause] button while powering on printer.

For navigation and details on menu items, go to page 4.

Maintenance Mode 2: Press [Paper Source] + [Cut/Eject] + [Paper Feed -] buttons while powering on printer.

For navigation and details on menu items, go to page 4.

Self Diagnostic Mode: Press [Paper Feed+] + [Paper Feed ] + [Cut/Eject] buttons while powering on printer. ** While in this mode, pressing the [Cleaning] button will Auto Cut roll fed media Firmware Download: Press [Paper Source] + [Cut/Eject] + [Cleaning] buttons while powering on printer.

For navigation and details on menu items, go to page 5.

Once in this mode, the LCD will display Date Send. At this point send the UPG Data file (BN or BWxxxx.UPG) to the printer via the copy command from a DOS prompt using the following syntax: COPY /B Filename.UPG LPT1: Once the download is complete, the LCD will display Complete.

Control Panel Map

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide
SelecType Menu Options
1. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. 2. Pressing the [SelecType] button will move you into the sub menu. 3. Pressing the [Paper Source] button will move you back one menu item. 1. Printer Setup. 1. [Platen Gap] - *Std, Wide, Wider, Narrow 2. [Page Line] - *Off, On 3. [Interface] - *Auto, Parallel, USB, Option 4. [Code Page] - *PC437, PC850 5. [Paper Margin] - *T/B 15mm, 15mm, 3mm 6. [Ppr Size Chk] - *On, Off 7. [Ppr Align Chk] - *On, Off 8. [Timeout] - *Off, 30 sec., 60 sec., 180 sec., 300 sec. 9. [No Margin] - *L/R Only, 1 Cut, 2 Cut 10. [Cutter Adj.] - Exec. (this will print an adjustment pattern for the built in cutter and cut down the middle) 11. [Refresh Margin] - *On, Off 12. [Init. Settings] - Exec. (This will reset the Printer Setup options to default values) ** DENOTES Default Values Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item. 1. [Nozzle Check] - Print, press [Cut/Eject] to execute. 2. [Status Check] - Print, press [Cut/Eject] to execute. 3. [Job Info] - Print, press [Cut/Eject] to execute. Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item. This menu allows you to view all the Status Check items on the LCD display without printing the Status Check page from the Test Print menu. Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to move up or down the menu. 1. [Paper Number] - *Standard (range is 1-10) 2. [Cut Pressure] - *100% (range is 0% - 150%) 3. [Cut Method] - *3 Step, 4 Step 4. [Ppr Feed Adj.] - *0.00% (range is -1.00% - +1.00%) 5. [Drying Time] - *0.0sec. (range is 0.0sec. - 10.0sec.) 6. [Suction] - *Normal, Low 7. [Print Adj.] - *5 (range is 1-9) ** DENOTES Default Values Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.


2. Test Print Menu.

3. Printer Status Menu.

4. Paper Config. Menu.

5. Maintenance Menu.

1. [Pwr Cleaning] - Executes a power head cleaning cycle. 2. [Bk Ink Change] - Executes the Bk Ink Change process. This allows the user to change from PhotoK/Light K to Matte K/Light K or Dual Matte K inks. 3. [Cutter Repl.] - Executes the cutter replacement process. When in these menus, you want to follow the LCD Display for instructions 1. [Ppr Thkns] - Std, On, 3N, x.xmm (where x= 0.0mm - 1.6mm) 1a. Once the thickness has been set, you can choose the head alignment pattern you want to perform. The options are: a) Bi-D Black b) Bi-D All c) Uni-D All Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.

6. Head Alignment Menu.

Control Panel Map

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide
Maintenance Mode 1 Options
1. [PRINT] - Prints data in Hexadecimal format for troubleshooting control codes. 2. [*English, Potuguese, Spanish, German, Italian, French] - Determines the language used for the LCD Display. 3. [*Meter, Feet/Inch] - This allows measurements to be displayed/printed in format selected. 4. [*ECP, Compat] 5. [*Off, On] 6. [Crtg Info Menu] - Gives details about ink cartridges (type and usage). 7. [SSCL] - Super Strong Cleaning cycles. Perform when normal cleanings do not work. This should be last option as a lot of ink of consumed during the process. 8. [SN Menu] - For Factory Use only. 9. [Default Panel] - This will reset all Maintenance Mode 1 settings to factory defaults. 1. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. 2. Pressing the [SelecType] button will move you into the sub menu. 3. Pressing the [Paper Source] button will move you back one menu item. 1. View Counters [Paper Feed] + or [Paper Feed -] to change value. Use [Cut/Eject] to Confirm, Save or Execute the item/value.


Maintenance Mode 2 Options

While in this menu option, you are capable of viewing all the counter information for the following components: Cutter, Cutter Total, Total Pages, Maint. Tank, CR Motor, CR Motor Total, PF Motor, Head K1, Head K2, Head C, Head M, Head LC, Head LM, Head Y, Flushing Box, Head Cleaner and Sponge. While in this menu option, you are capable of initializing the following items: Init All, NVRAM, RTC, Cutter, CR Motor, CR Total, PF Motor, Head, Head Cleaner, Total Pages, Maint. Tank and Sponge 1. [XXD] - Reserved for future use. Not used for Stylus Pro 7600/9600 2. [XXP] - Reserved for future use. Not used for Stylus Pro 7600/9600 3. [XXS] - Reserved for future use. Not used for Stylus Pro 7600/9600 4. [Change Device ID] - * Sty Pro 9600, Sty Pro 9600D, PX-9000 5. [NPD] - *1 (UltraChrome), 2 (Dye), 0 (Neutral 6. [ED Mode] - *X (all CSIC info is read), O (all CSIC info is read except market), N (no CSIC info is read) [Exec] - Pressing the [Cut/Eject] button will execute the command.

2. Clear Counters

3. Service Config.

4. Parameter Back Mode

5. Maint. Info.

Options in this menu are for Factory Use ONLY.

6. Init. Info

Options in this menu are for Factory Use ONLY.

Control Panel Map

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide
Self Diagnostic Mode Options
1. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. 2. Pressing the [SelecType] button will move you into the sub menu. 3. Pressing the [Paper Source] button will move you back one menu item.


1. Check: Test

1. [Version] - (Checks firmware version, dip sw. settings and control panel & main board versions. 2. [Panel] - (Checks control panel buttons, LCD display and LED indicators. 3. [Sensor] - (Checks all optical and physical switches - On/Off, Open/Close) 4. [Encoder] - (Checks CR and PF motor encoders) 5. [Fan] - (Checks fans - On/Off) 6. [Elec.] - (Checks maintenance record and fatal error history) 7. [D/A Revision.] - (Factory Use Only - head voltage correction) 8. [Head Signal] - (Factory Use Only - head pulse check) 9. [CSIC] - Checks the CSIC information for the ink cartridges and maintenance tank 10. [Actuator] - Checks the cutter actuator 11. [Actuator 2] - Checks the cutter solenoid and pump motor When in the sub menu of each item, pressing the [Pause] button will back up one menu. 1. [Rear AD] - Allows for adjustment of the Rear AD Sensor. 2. [Edge AD] - Allows for adjustment of the Edge AD. 3. [Front AD] - N/A, No Front AD to adjust on the SP7600/9600. 4. [Input Rank] - Allows you to input the Head Rank. 5. [Edge Sns. Lvl] -Factory use only. 6. [Check Nozzle] - Prints a detailed nozzle check, horizontal and vertical pattern. 7. [Check Skew] - Checks for paper skew. 8. [Feed Adj. T&B] - Prints a pattern and allows adjustment for 1000mm feed length, top, bottom and left margin. 9. [Top & Bottom] - Prints a pattern to allow adjustment for top and bottom margin. 10. [AT Mecha Adj.] - Factory use only. 11. [Rear Sen. Pos.] - Allows for adjustment of rear sensor (adj. in mm). 12. [Platen Pos.] - Centers print head on foam pads (for edge to edge printing). 13. [Platen Pos. Chk] - Verifies adjustment 12 (Platen Position Adjustment). 14. [Cut Adj.] - Allows adjustment of cutter pressure. 15. [Head Slant] - Prints a pattern to allow slant adjustment of the entire head. 16. [Bi-D] - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment for Bi-D (Double Weight Matte, VSD1). 17. [Copy Param.] - Copies parameters to backup area of NVRAM. 18. [Bi-D2] - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment for Bi-D2 (Photo Glossy Paper, VSD2). 19. [Bi-D3] - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment for Bi-D (Double Weight Matte, VSD4). 20. [Bi-D Chk] - Prints a pattern of all Bi-D adjustment patterns. 21. [Head LR Adj.] - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment of the Head Gap (Head LR). 22. [Test Print] - Prints pattern of all adjustment variables. 23. [Clean Head] - Performs ink drain function. This process should only be done during refurbishment of product. 24. [Counter Clear] - Clears ink flag counter to 0. When in the sub menu of each item, pressing the [Pause] button will back up one menu.

2. Check: Adjustment

3. Check: Cleaning 4. Check: Print 5: Check: Parameter 6. Check: Life

Go to Page 6

Control Panel Map

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide
Self Diagnostic Mode Options, cont.
1. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper Feed+] to move up or down the menu. 2. Pressing the [SelecType] button will move you into the sub menu. 3. Pressing the [Paper Source] button will move you back one menu item.


3. Check: Cleaning

1. [KK0] - Normal Cleaning Cycle is performed, volume of ink cleared = Low. 2. [KK1] - Strong Cleaning Cycle is performed, volume of ink cleared = Med./Rubbing = Off. 3. [KK2] - Strong Cleaning Cycle is performed, volume of ink cleared = High/Rubbing = On. 4. [Init. Fill] - Perfoms initial fill cycle.

4. Check: Print

1. [Check Ptn] - Prints out the current adjustment patterns. 2. [Adj. Variables] - Prints out the adjustment variables. Also lists feed length, firmware, error information. 3. [Check Ptn 2] - N/A (No information on this adjustment). 4. [Check Ptn 3] - N/A (No information on this adjustment).

5. Check: Parameter

1. [Initialize] - Initializes specific or all parameter items. Refer to the service manual for list. 2. [Update] - Allows you to update certain parameter items. Refer to the service manual for list. 3. [Display] - Displays parameter items. Refer to service manual for list

6. Check: Life

THIS MENU IS FOR FACTORY USE ONLY. This menu tests the operation of printer components and should not be performed during field service.

Control Panel Map

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


What Is New About the 7600/9600
CSIC Ink Cartridges
CSIC (Customer Satisfaction Ink Cartridge) chips on the Ink Cartridges, inform the Printer about: · The type of ink (dye or pigment). · The color of the ink. · The quantity of the ink. · The vendor, date manufactured, etc.

7 Nozzle Sets, Pigment or Dye
The 7600/9600 are equipped to handle either pigment or dye ink from the factory. The User has three ink combinations to choose from (all combinations include cyan, light cyan, magenta, light magenta, and yellow). · 7 color pigment (black and light black) · 7 color pigment (matte black and light black) · 6 color pigment (two matte blacks) · 6 color dye (2 photo blacks) If the User installs either of the pigment ink sets, the Printer recognizes the ink and becomes a pigment Printer. The customer can switch from one pigment set to the other, but never to dye. If the User installs dye inks first, the Printer will not accept pigment inks (and vice versa).

4 Platen gaps
The Printer has a Paper Thickness Sensor like the other Epson Large Format Printers. This sensor recognizes two thickness of paper, and sets the platen gap accordingly (Standard or Wide). There are two additional gaps (Narrow and Wider). These gaps must be set through the Driver, or SelecType.

User Waste Ink Tank Replacement
The Waste Ink Cartridge is designed for the User to remove. It has a CSIC like chip attached to it, and is easily slid out of the right side of the printer. The quantity of ink contained by the Waste Ink Cartridge is stored on the CSIC
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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


chip. Consequently, a new cartridge will also reset the Cartridge Counter.

Easy Removal of the Cap and Pump
After the Right Side Cover has been removed, only 4 more screws must be removed to remove the Cap and Pump Assembly. All 4 screws are removed from the back side of the Printer.

One Print Head
7 nozzle sets, on a one piece Print Head. One Print Head mechanical adjustment (head rotation).

Back Light on LCD
The back lit LCD is easy to read.

Auto Open Valves in the Ink Bays
Inserting an Ink Cartridge opens a spring loaded Valve located on the inside of each Ink Bay.

No Front Paper Sensor
The Front Paper Sensor has been eliminated. The Paper Edge Sensor is used for Leading Edge detection.

Electronic Paper Sensor Adjustments
The Rear Paper Sensor and the Edge Sensor adjustments are performed from the Self Diagnostic/Check:Adjust menu. The Printer senses the paper and writes the appropriate level to the Main Board. On earlier Epson Large Format Printers, a potentiometer was used to set the level.

Edge to Edge Printing
The 7600/9600 Printers can print with no top, bottom, or side margins. All margin adjustments are critical for this type of printing. The printer also has many foam screened openings in the Platen area to catch over spray.

Automatic Cap Adjustment
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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


There is no Cap Position Adjustment. It is performed automatically when the Printer is turned on.

Parameter Back-up Utility
The main board parameters can be backed-up with a PC, and stored as a file. Read the Parameter Back-up Utility (NVRAM.exe) section of the 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide for details.

Adjustment Wizard Utility
The Adjustment Wizard Utility is designed to assist with component replacement. After replacing a component, boot the utility, and highlight the component replaced. The utility will prompt you to perform the necessary adjustments, in the proper order. Most adjustments can be performed from the PC. Read the Adjustment Wizard (Adj_wiz.exe) section of the 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide for details.

Selectype Control Over Paper Advancement
The 7600/9600 printers feature an expanded Paper Config options found in the SelecType Menu. One of the new additions to this feature allows the User to adjust paper feed steps, to minimize horizontal banding. It is effective with Non-Epson RIPS/Drivers. This paper feed adjustment is global, and will affect every job sent to the Printer.

Epson User Print Quality Solutions
The Epson Printer Service Utility, is a utility that allows the User to adjust: · Paper Feed Step · Ink Saturation · Suction Fan · Platen Gap · Ink Dry Time · Cut Method It can also be used to update firmware, and perform electronic adjustments. For details see the Epson User Print Quality Solutions document in the 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide.

What Is New About the 7600/9600

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Sensors, Motors, Solenoids, and Fans

Home Position Sensors: Maintenance/Waste Ink Tank Sensor Ink Cartridge Sensors:

Carriage HP Sensor Gap HP Sensor (HD-Slide Origin) Waste Ink ID (CSIC) Cartridge CSIC's (Customer Satisfaction Ink Cartridge (7) Ink Cartridge Lock Lever Sensor Carriage Encoder Paper Feed Encoder Rear Sensor Edge Sensor (for width and leading edge) Paper Thickness Sensor (also registers paper release) Cover Sensor Head Temperature Sensors

Encoders: Paper Sensors:

Cover Sensors: Temperature Sensors:


Carriage Motor (5.8 ohm) Paper Feed Motor (5.8ohm) Pump Motor (Head Slide / Platen Gap Motor) (9.2ohm) Cutter Blade Solenoid (29 ohm) Head Drive Cooling Fan 7600 Paper Suction Fans (2) 9600 Paper Suction Fans (3)

Solenoids Fans

Sensors, Motors, Solenoids, and Fans

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Initialization Sequence
Technician Action NOTE: These steps are performed prior to observable initialization activities. What You Should Observe Control Panel (if button sequence is pressed). Maintenance Tank status (CSIC). Ink Cartridge status (CSIC). Ink Cartridge Lock Lever status. Paper Release Lever status. Front Cover Sensor status Control Panel displays Set Paper Lever. The Operate LED (green) is ON. Paper Out LED (red) is ON. Pause LED (green) is ON. One of the three Paper Options LED's is ON. No Vacuum Fans are running. When paper is first inserted, the Vacuum Fans turn ON. Note: If the Fans do not turn on, Perform "Rear AD" sensor adjustment.

1. Turn on power with the Paper Release Lever in the "Released" position.

2. Load paper using the Paper Alignment Guides for reference.

Initialization Sequence

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


3. Move the Paper Release Lever to the "Secured" position.

Control Panel LCD displays Wait. Paper Out LED (red) is OFF. Pause LED (green) is ON. Operate LED (green) is ON. Pause LED will flash for a short period of time, then return to solid.

1. The Paper Cutter Solenoid is energized, releasing the Carriage Assembly. 2. The Carriage Assembly moves to the Home Position Sensor to establish the carriage home position.
If fails: Check the Carriage Encoder Strip, the Carriage Encoder, and the Home Position sensor.

3. The Carriage Assembly moves to the right side frame, engaging the Pump Motor, to set the platen gap.
If fails: Check the Gap Home Position Sensor, related gears, and outside light on the Gap Home Position Sensor (light from an outside source ­ i.e.- sunlight from a window).

4. The Paper Cutter Solenoid energizes twice. 5. The Carriage Assembly moves to the right side of the media to detect the right edge, then returns and parks on the Cap Assembly.
The Control Panel displays Press Pause Button. If not pressed within 5 seconds, the initialization process continues.

Initialization Sequence

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6. Press the Pause button.

1. The Paper Cutter Solenoid energizes, releasing the Carriage Assembly. 2. The Carriage Assembly moves to verify the right edge of the paper. 3. The Carriage Assembly moves to the right side frame, engaging the Pump Motor, to set the platen gap. 4. The Carriage Assembly moves from right to left across the paper, using the Paper Edge Sensor to measure the paper width.
If fails: Perform the "Edge AD" sensor adjustment.

5. The Carriage Assembly moves back to the right edge of the paper. 6. The paper is backed up until the leading edge of paper reaches the Paper Width Sensor, establishing the "TOP of Form" reference. 7. The Carriage Assembly moves from right to left across the leading edge of the paper checking for any evidence of paper skewing.
If fails: Control Panel displays "Reload Paper". Reload the paper verifying the paper is aligned with the paper guide holes. If fails again: Check to see if the paper edge is uneven, or there is ink on the paper. Also check the Carriage Timing Strip and Carriage Encoder.
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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Press the Pause button (continued)

8. The Carriage Assembly moves to the right side frame, engaging the Pump Motor, which resets the platen gap. 9. The Carriage Assembly moves back to the carriage lock position, and is locked in place. 10. The paper is advanced to the "Top of Form" position. 11. The Vacuum Fans turn off until printing, or paper movement, is initiated. 12. The Control Panel displays Ready. The Operate LED (green) and one of three Paper Option LED's (green) are on.

Technician Tech Tips: The initialization process described above is defined by the firmware version installed on the printer. Slight variations can be observed depending on the firmware version installed. To observe the final steps again, release the "Paper Lever", then lock it into the "Secured" position. The Vacuum Fans will come back on, the carriage home and head gap will be reset. Up and down paper movement will occur as the printer verifies all it's settings again.

Initialization Sequence

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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Missing Nozzle Diagnosis and Repair
Note: Inspect the printer and media for dust or fiber accumulation. Excessive "dirt" will cause missing nozzles.

Some Missing Nozzles, One or more Colors 1. Check Cap Assembly for mechanical problems and "dirt".
1.1 Clean Cap. 1.2 Check Wiper Blade for correct installation and flaws. 1.3 Clean Wiper Blade. 1.4 Clean Wiper Blade Cleaner.

2. Puddle the Cap and park the Print Head for 30 minutes.
2.1 Fill the Cap with as much water as possible. 2.2 Park the Printhead on the Cap.

3. Perform 2 cleaning cycles.
3.1 Re-test nozzles. 3.2 Repeat.

4. Replace the Print Head and Dampers.

Missing Nozzle Diagnosis and Repair

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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All Nozzles Missing, One Color Only (The color comes back after a cleaning cycle, but drops out again) 1. Check the following components of the ink supply for a minor restriction, causing partial starvation.
Note: Partial Starvation refers to a slight blockage of the ink supply system that slowly starves the Print Head for ink. 1.1 Remove corresponding Damper and attempt to draw ink with a syringe. The ink should draw easily. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 If ink can not be drawn easily, remove Damper and attempt to draw ink through the Tube. If ink can be drawn easily, replace the Damper. If Ink can not be drawn easily through the Tube, check the Ink Valve on the Cartridge Bay for correct operation. If the Ink Valve is working properly, replace the Tube.

All Nozzles Missing, One Color Only (The color does not comes back after a cleaning cycle) 1. Check the following components of the ink system for full starvation
1.1 Remove corresponding Damper and attempt to draw ink with a syringe. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 If the Damper is empty, check for air leaks in the Tubes, Joints (O-rings and Fittings), or Dampers. If ink can not be drawn, remove Damper and attempt to draw ink through the Tube. If ink can be drawn, replace the Damper. If Ink can not be drawn through the Tube, check the Ink Valve on the Cartridge Bay for correct operation If the Ink Valve is working properly, replace the Tube.

Missing Nozzle Diagnosis and Repair

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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All Nozzles Missing
Note: Steps 1 and 2 must be run in sequence.

1. Check the Pump's operation.
1.1 Run a cleaning cycle. 1.1.1 When the Printhead moves off of the Cap, and the Pump is running, inject water into the Cap with a syringe. If the water is drawn through the Cap, the Pump is good. If water is not drawn through the Cap, check the Pump Tube connections to the Cap. If the two preceding steps reveal no problems, replace the Pump.

2. Check the Cap's seal with the Printhead
2.1 Check the amount of ink in the Cap (it should be clean because of step 1). 2.2 Run a cleaning cycle 2.3 Check the amount of ink in the Cap (there should be clear signs of ink compared to step 2.1). 2.3.1 If there is no ink: The Cap is not sealing with the Printhead. Check the Cap Assembly for mechanical problems. Check the Air Valve on the Cap Assembly for proper operation.

3. Check Printhead Fuses on Main Board (F6 and F7).
3.1 If the Fuses are blown, replace the Main Board. 3.2 If the Fuses are good, replace the Printhead.

Missing Nozzle Diagnosis and Repair

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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Image Quality Diagnosis and Repair
Horizontal Banding:
1. Perform a Nozzle Check from the Adjustment menu within Self-Diagnostic Mode.
1.1 Inspect printed pattern for missing, deflected or sympathetic nozzle(s). 1.1.1 Perform 2 Cleaning Cycles then reprint Nozzle Check. Missing or deflected nozzle(s) Clean the Cap, Wiper, and Wiper Cleaner and repeat cleaning cycles. Inspect the Cap Assembly and replace if it is damaged. Replace the Print Head. Replace the Print Head.

Sympathetic nozzle(s)

2. Verify that paper is not binding:
2.1 While loading. 2.2 While ejecting. 2.3 On the spindle.

3. Verify the Head Slant alignment is correct (Head Angular)
3.1 Print and inspect the pattern. 3.2 Perform adjustment if required.

4. Verify Platen Gap, with the Printer Settings section, of the SelecType Menu.
4.1 Four settings are available: Standard, Narrow, Wide, Wider. 4.2 Set to the appropriate setting to match the media (default is Standard)
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4.3 Verify that the platen gap is being set to the proper position by observing the Platen Gap HP Flag. 4.3.1 4.3.2 Inspect Thickness Sensor Actuator for proper position. Adjust if required.

5. Verify Printer Driver settings.
Note: Non-Epson drivers may need to have a custom profile created to ensure optimum print quality. Non-Epson drivers may not support MicroWeave 5.1 Set Resolution (1440 High Speed- OFF for best quality) 5.1.1 Slight banding may occur at lower resolutions. That is within the printer's specifications. 5.2 Verify that MicroWeave is enabled. 5.3 Verify Screening Method (Error Diffusion is the best choice). 5.4 Verify Paper settings. 5.4.1 5.4.2 Type (Plain, Semi-Gloss, Luster, etc.) Configuration (Paper Thickness, Suction, etc.)

6. Inspect Paper Feed Encoder Disc for cleanliness. 7. Perform Paper Feed Belt Tension Adjustment. 8. Perform Feed Length Adjustment. 9. Perform Banding Adjustment for Fine-tuning.
NOTE: (This adjustment is the responsibility of the User. Adjustment must be performed from the customer's computer. The compensation value is attached to the driver.)

10. Verify correct Head ID (Print Head calibration value)
10.1 Compare the label on the Print Head and "Head ID" value located in the Adjustment section of the SelfDiagnostic Mode.
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11. Verify that the printer doesn't pause during printing (caused by a slow computer).
11.1 If the printer pauses, it can create a horizontal band (especially on pigment ink printers). To minimize the problem: 11.1.1 Set Spool Settings within the Driver Properties Select Start printing after last page is spooled 11.1.2 Set High Speed OFF within the printer driver.

12. Replace the Paper Feed Motor (very rare)

Vertical Banding, Linear
1. Print with High Speed turned off (Uni-directional).
1.1 If the quality improves perform a Bi-directional adjustment.

2. Verify the Printer Driver settings.
Note: Non-Epson drivers may need to have a custom profile created to ensure optimum print quality. Non-Epson drivers may not support MicroWeave. Use the Epson driver, supplied media, and image to eliminate customer media, driver and application issues. 2.1 Set Resolution (1440 High Speed- OFF for best quality) 2.1.1 Slight banding may occur at lower resolutions. That is within the printer's specifications. 2.2 Verify that MicroWeave is enabled. 2.3 Verify Screening Method (Error Diffusion is the best choice). 2.4 Verify Paper settings. 2.4.1 2.4.2 Type (Plain, Semi-Gloss, Luster, etc.) Configuration (Paper Thickness, Suction, etc.)

3. Perform the Uni-directional Adjustment
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4. Verify Platen Gap, with the Printer Settings section, of the SelecType Menu.
4.1 Four settings are available: Standard, Narrow, Wide, Wider. 4.2 Set to the appropriate setting to match the media (default is Standard) 4.3 Verify that the platen gap is being set to the proper position by observing the Platen Gap HP Flag. 4.3.1 4.3.2 Inspect Thickness Sensor Actuator for proper position. Adjust if required.

Vertical Banding, Irregular: (Paper Rippling)
1. Verify Printer Driver settings.
Note: Non-Epson drivers may need to have a custom profile created to ensure optimum print quality. Non-Epson drivers may not support MicroWeave 1.1 Set Resolution (1440 High Speed- OFF for best quality) 1.1.1 Slight banding may occur at lower resolutions. That is within the printer's specifications. 1.2 Verify that MicroWeave is enabled. 1.3 Verify Screening Method (Error Diffusion is the best choice). 1.4 Verify Paper settings. 1.4.1 1.4.2 Type (Plain, Semi-Gloss, Luster, etc.) Configuration (Paper Thickness, Suction, etc.)

Note: Very High humidity may contribute to the issue (wet paper). Use the Epson driver, supplied media, and image to eliminate customer media, driver and application issues.

2. Verify correct Head ID (Print Head calibration value)
2.4.1 Compare Label on print head with Value indicated by Adjustment program.

Over or Under Saturation: (See Vertical Banding Irregular
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3. Verify Platen Gap, with the Printer Settings section, of the SelecType Menu.
3.1 Four settings are available: Standard, Narrow, Wide, Wider. 3.2 Set to the appropriate setting to match the media (default is Standard) 3.3 Verify that the platen gap is being set to the proper position by observing the Platen Gap HP Flag. 3.3.1 3.3.2 Inspect Thickness Sensor Actuator for proper position. Adjust if required.

4. Perform the Head Angular Adjustment. 5. Perform the Bi-directional Adjustment. 6. Perform the Uni-directional Adjustment.

Un-sharp: Caused by to much dot gain: (See Vertical Banding Irregular) Smear: typically caused by one or more of the following reasons.
1. Slow dry time caused by 3rd party media.
1.1 Try with the Epson supplied media, image and driver.

2. Slow dry time caused by 3rd party ink. 3. Slow dry time caused by over saturated media.
3.1 Try with the Epson supplied media, image and driver.

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1. Clean the edges (metal) of the Print Head (DO NOT touch Print Head nozzle area). 2. Clean the Cap, Wiper Blade, and Wiper Cleaner.
Note: Look for fibers from cotton or rag based media, attracted to the Print Head and saturated with ink. It collects and drops onto the media.

1. Clean the Paper Feed Rollers.
1.1 (Ink or dirt accumulation)

2. Ensure Print Head is in the cap position while loading paper.
2.1 (Paper contact with the Print Head during loading)

3. Increase Suction to Normal or feed paper an extra 3 inches.
3.1 (To much curl on the leading edge of the media for the Suction Fan to over come, results in contact between the media and the Print Head)

Drop of Ink:
1. Inspect the Ink Supply Tubes for damage (Leakage). 2. Inspect Dampers for correct installation or damage (Leakage).
2.1 Inspect the O-ring inside the Joint Screw (fitting that joins the Ink Supply Tube to the Damper). 2.1.1 Look for a deformed O-ring caused by over tightening the Joint Screw

Paint Brush Effect: Ink saturated fibers on the Printhead being dragged across the media.
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3. Clean the edges (metal) of the Print Head (DO NOT touch the Print Head nozzle area)
3.1 Clean Cap, Wiper Blade, and Wiper Cleaner Assembly Note: Look for fibers from cotton or rag based media, attracted to the Print Head and saturated with ink. It collects and drops onto the media.

1. Use the Epson supplied image to eliminate the following:
1.1 Application 1.2 Low quality (resolution) image

2. Perform a Bi-Directional Adjustment 3. Perform a Uni-directional Adjustment

Ink Color Contamination:
Note: It is caused by a restriction in the ink supply. The restriction causes the Damper for the contaminated color to collapse. Eventually the collapsed Damper will expand, drawing ink from the Cap through the Print Head into the Damper, contaminating the color.

1. Inspect or replace the following components.
1.1 The related Damper for a clog (replace if required). 1.2 Supply Tubes for crimps or clogs (replace if required). 1.3 A 3rd party, or damaged ink cartridge.

2. Clean the Cap, Wiper Blade, and Wiper Cleaner Assembly.

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Ink Impurities: Poor quality control in the manufacture of 3rd party ink Ghosting:.
1. Perform the Bi-D Adjustment 2. Perform the Uni-Directional Adjustment

White Specks:
Note: Caused by particles that flaked off Epson Premium Luster Paper during cutting. The particles attach themselves to the leading edge of the remaining paper, and absorb some of the ink from the next image. Latter, the particles drop off, leaving white specks where there is no ink.

Margin Shift:
Note: Caused by incorrect horizontal positioning information from the Carriage Encoder device.

1. Clean or replace the Timing Fence (most likely). 2. Clean and adjust the Carriage Encoder. 3. Clean the Carriage Rail. 4. Perform the CR Belt Tension adjustment.

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Bi-Directional Adjustment Instructions
The 7600/9600 Printers have multiple ways to perform Bi-Directional adjustments. The Service Technician has access to the primary Bi-Directional adjustment. All other methods depend on the accuracy of the primary adjustment. The following explains the primary method of adjustment.

1. Enter Self Diagnostic Mode
1.1 Turn on the Printer while holding the Paper Feed +, Paper Feed -, and the Cut/Eject buttons.

2. Enter the Check: Adjustment menu. 3. Load Double Weight Matte paper. 4. Execute Bi-D adjustment
4.1 Print the black pattern (the printer will print the colored patterns also) 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2.1 Adjust the black pattern Reprint the black pattern Repeat steps 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 if necessary Identify the correct value for each color, and enter the value.

4.2 Print the 6 corresponding colored patterns 4.3 Repeat 4.1 through 4.2 for the next two groups of seven colors. There are 21 adjustment patterns. The patterns are divided into 3 groups of 7. It is necessary to align the black pattern (the first pattern for every group of 7) before aligning the 6 colored patterns that correspond. The six corresponding colored patterns are relational to the black pattern. Changing the black pattern, changes the colored patterns.

Bi-Directional Adjustment Instructions

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5. After completing all 21 patterns:
5.1 Execute Copy Param (the next menu item following Bi-D) Copy Param (Copy Parameters) initializes Bi-D2 and Bi-D3. Failure to do so will result in very poor print quality with some media and resolutions.

Bi-Directional Adjustment Instructions

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Print Head Replacement Procedure
1. Place a sheet of paper (drop cloth) under Printer work area. 2. Remove the Ink Cartidges to close the Ink Valves 3. Removal of the Damper Assembly.
3.1 Turn off the Printer and UNPLUG from AC. 3.2 Remove the Control Panel, Waste Ink Tank, and the Right Side Cover. 3.3 Re-connect the Control Panel to the cable. 3.4 Gently press on the Cutter Assembly to release the Carriage Mechanism from the capped position. 3.5 Loosen the screw securing the middle of the Damper Holder. 3.6 Separate the Damper Assembly from the Printhead. 3.7 Disengage the three hooks to separate the Damper Assembly into two pieces. 3.8 Note the order that the Ink Tubes are connected to the Dampers (K,LK,DC,LC,DM,LM,Y). 3.9 Disconnect the Joint Screws, and separate the Dampers from the Tubing.

4. Removal of the Print Head
4.1 Loosen the left screw of the Head Holder. 4.2 Remove the right screw and release the Head Holder downward. 4.3 Gently remove the Print Head by lifting on the inner side. 4.4 Disconnect the two Foil Cables from the Print Head.

5. Installation of the Print Head.
5.1 Write Down the Head Rank (Print Head Calibration Value) 5.2 Insert the Print Head Cables.
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5.3 Ensure the Print Head Cables are fully inserted, to avoid damaging the Main Board. 5.4 Install the Print Head onto the Carriage Assembly. 5.5 Place your fingers on the base of the Print Head and slide the Print Head, ensuring that it is seated properly. 5.6 Secure the Head Holder with both screws. 5.7 Back off each screw a 1/4 turn and ensure the Print Head still slides, using the Adjustment Lever. 5.8 Set the Adjustment Lever 1/4 of an inch from the top/back position.

6. Installation of the new Dampers.
6.1 Before installation, inspect the Dampers closely (Look for cuts in the flexible membrane). 6.2 Inspect the O-rings for damage and replace if necessary. 6.3 Place a Joint Screw, then an O-ring onto an Ink Tube. 6.4 Insert the Tube fully into a Damper. 6.5 Maintain insertion pressure on the Ink Tube, and finger tighten the Joint Screw. 6.6 Repeat steps 6.1 through 6.5 for each Damper. 6.7 Install the Dampers into the Damper Holder and reassemble. 6.8 Insert the Ink Cartridges 6.9 Manually prime the Dampers using a syringe. 6.10 Remove the Ink Cartridges (closing the Valves) 6.11 Install the Damper Assembly onto the Print Head. 6.12 Park the Print Head on the Cap Assembly.

7. Install the Ink Cartridges and the Waste Ink Tank.
Note: During the next procedures look for leaks from the dampers. If the damper leaks from the outlet, check for proper installation. If the damper leaks from the fitting, remove fitting and inspect the O-ring. Re-fasten with less pressure.
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8. Perform the required adjustments.
8.1 Plug in the Printer and connect to your PC via Parallel or USB. 8.2 Turn on the Printer (the Printer must be in "Ready" mode). 8.3 Execute the Adjustment Wizard (adj_wiz.exe) (the Printer must be in "Ready" mode). 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 Select Printer Name from the drop down menu. Select Printhead from the Parts Replaced During Service list. Click on the Right Arrow button to select Print Head and click Next. A list of adjustments will appear. Click Next and complete the adjustments using the instructions provided. Head Rank Clear Print Head Counter. Input Rank. Ink Charge (Do Not perform, proceed to Nozzle Check) Nozzle Check Cleaning cycles and then nozzle check (until all nozzles are working). Head Slant Top/Bottom/Side Margin Platen Position Adjustment Bi-D Adjustment Uni-d Adjustment (Head Gap) Leak Check Test Print Confirmation patterns for all the adjustments. Inspect and repeat any necessary adjustments by clicking the back button. Click Finish if patterns are acceptable.
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9. Print a test image. 10. Re-assemble the Printer.
10.1 Turn off the Printer and unplug from AC. 10.2 Remove the Waste Ink Tank. 10.3 Install the Side Cover. 10.4 Install the Waste Ink Tank. 10.5 Install the Control Panel.

11. Plug in the Printer and turn it on. 12. Perform a Nozzle Check from the Self Diagnostic / Adjustment menu.

Print Head Replacement Procedure

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Main Board Replacement
Note: The 7600 and 9600 use different Main Boards. The 7600 Main Board has no optional take up reel connector (CN 30) The 9600 Main Board has the optional take up reel connector (CN 30)

1. Parameter Backup
1.1 Connect PC to printer (Parallel or USB). 1.2 Turn the Printer ON 1.3 Execute the NVRAM.EXE program (Parameter Backup Utility). 1.4 Select Printer 1.5 Select Read (it takes approximately 20 minutes) 1.6 Select Save 1.6.1 Create name for file and save to your hard drive. (I.E. 9600_00058.bin) 00058 = Last 5 digits of Serial Number.

2. Remove the Main Board Housing. 3. Turn off the Printer and UNPLUG from AC. 4. Remove the Main Board. 5. Set the Dip Switch settings on New Board to match the Old Board. 6. Install the New Board. 7. Ensure that the Foil Cables are inserted correctly, or the new board will be damaged. 8. Update the Firmware on New Board.
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8.1 Plug in the Printer and connect to your PC via Parallel or USB. 8.2 Turn on the Printer (the Printer must be in "Ready" mode). 8.3 Send the Firmware file using the DOS or Windows Firmware Update Method.

9. Re install the parameters.
9.4 Execute the NVRAM.EXE program (Parameter Backup Utility). 9.5 Select Printer. 9.6 Select Open. 9.6.1 Open the file that your previously created and named (I.E. 9600_00058.bin). 9.7 Select Write

Caution: Do not turn off Printer until the control panel lights stop flashing (they flash very subtly). The utility indicates that the data has transferred, but the printer requires twenty more minutes to process the data.
9.8 Click Quit to close the application. 9.9 Turn the Printer off, and then on. Note: If Parameters can not be reloaded proceed to Step 10 for the adjustment procedures. Adjustments procedure if the Parameter Backup was successful. 9.10 Execute the Adjustment Wizard (adj_wiz.exe) (the Printer must be in "Ready" mode) 9.10.1 Select Printer Name from the drop down menu. 9.10.2 Select select Main Board, (Backup OK) from the Parts Replaced During Service list. 9.10.3 Click on the Right Arrow button to select Main Board, (Backup OK) and click Next. 9.10.4 A list of adjustments will appear. 9.10.5 Click Next and complete each adjustment as directed. Edge AD Rear AD
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7/22/02 Write RTC

10. Adjustments if the Parameter Backup failed.
10.1 Execute the Adjustment Wizard (adj_wiz.exe) (the Printer must be in "Ready" mode). 10.1.1 Select Printer Name from the drop down menu. 10.1.2 Select Main Board, (Backup NG) from the Parts Replaced During Service list. 10.1.3 Click on the Right Arrow button to select Main Board, (Backup NG) and click Next. 10.1.4 A list of adjustments will appear. 10.1.5 Click Next and complete each adjustment as directed. Edge AD Rear AD Clear Initial Ink Charge (Cancels Initial Charge) Write RTC Confirm Rank (Write down value from print head.) Input Rank Ink Charge (Do Not perform, proceed to Nozzle Check) Nozzle Check Clean as necessary. Slant Feed Length Adjustment Margin Adjustment Position Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment (Head Gap) Sensor Position
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7/22/02 USB ID. 10.1.6 Click on the Print button to print all the adjustment patterns. 10.1.7 Inspect and repeat any adjustments by clicking the Back button. 10.1.8 Click Finish if the patterns are acceptable.

11. Turn off the Printer and UNPLUG from AC. 12. Re-install the Main Board Housing. 13. Plug in the Printer and turn it on. 14. Perform a Nozzle Check from the Self Diagnostic Check:Adjustment menu.

Main Board Replacement

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Paper Feed Belt Tension Adjustment
Note: The following instructions are for the purpose of performing the belt tension adjustment when the 4000g Tension Gauge is not available. Recommended tension is 2200g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Remove the Left Side Cover (4 Screws). Loosen the 4 screws on the Fixing Bracket indicated in FIG. 1. Slide the Fixing Bracket in the direction indicated in FIG. 1. While holding the Bracket in place, tighten the bottom left and top right screws to secure Bracket evenly. Secure remaining 2 screws. Inspect the Belt tension by pressing with your finger as shown in FIG. 2. The Belt will flex approximately a 1/8". Refer to red circle in FIG. 2. Fig.1 Fig. 2

NOTE: If the Paper Feed Timing belt tension is to loose, Horizontal Banding will appear. Refer to the Image Quality Diagnosis Document for more details on Horizontal Banding.
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Carriage Belt Tension Adjustment
The following instructions explain how to perform the belt tension adjustment when the 10000g Tension Gauge is not available. Recommended tension is 8000g. 1. 2. Remove the Right Side cover. (4 Screws) Turn the adjustment screw so that the Tension Gauge is set to the middle position of the Scale.

Adjustment Screw

Middle Position

NOTE: If the CR Timing Belt tension is loose, you may encounter carriage errors. Also a slight vibration may occur when printing, resulting in vertical banding.

Carriage Belt Tension Adjustment

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Paper Feed Encoder Alignment
Special Tool: Will be provided by Epson, when necessary, on a case by case basis.

Paper Feed Encoder Alignment

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Carriage Encoder Alignment
Special Tool: Will be provided by Epson, when necessary, on a case by case basis.


Carriage Encoder Alignment

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Cutter Guide Alignment

Special Tool: Will be provided by Epson, when necessary, on a case by case basis.

Cutter Guide Alignment

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Parameter Back-Up Utility (NVRAM.exe)
Purpose: Back up and restore all parameters for the Printer. Location: (Epson Resource CD): Adjustment Software\76_9600\Backup Utility\(SP7600 or SP9600)\ File Name: NVRAM.exe Note: The Printer Driver for the Printer must be loaded on the PC.

To Back up: 1. Turn on the Printer and load paper (Printer must be "Ready") 2. Open NVRAM.exe. 3. Select the name of the Printer being serviced. 4. Select Read (Wait approximately 20 minutes for printer to complete). 5. Select Save Give the file a unique name (I. E. 9600_ 00058. bin)(Model_Serial #). To Restore: 1. Turn on the Printer and load paper (Printer must be "Ready") 2. Open NVRAM.exe. 3. Select the name of the Printer being serviced. 4. Select Open
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5. Select the File that was previously created (I. E. 9600_ 00058. bin). 6. Select Write (Wait approximately 20 minutes for printer to complete).
Caution: Do not turn off Printer until the control panel lights stop flashing (they flash very subtly). The utility indicates that the data has transferred, but the printer requires twenty more minutes to process the data.

To Restore: (Printer in Error State) 1. Open NVRAM.exe. 2. Select the name of the Printer being serviced. 3. Select Open 4. Select the File that was previously created (I. E. 9600_ 00058. bin). 5. Turn on the Printer while holding Power On + Paper Source + Paper Down + Cut/Eject (Maintenance Mode 2). 6. Scroll and select Parameter Backup mode, and execute. 7. Select Write (Display will indicate nothing, Wait 30 minutes for printer to complete. Turn Printer OFF) If Parameter Back Up fails, and the Printer will not Store Parameter Settings 1. Open NVRAM.exe. 2. Select the name of the Printer being serviced.
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3. Select Open 4. Select the appropriate recover File for the printer (I.E. 9600recovery.bin). 5. Turn on the Printer while holding Power On + Paper Source + Paper Down + Cut/Eject (Maintenance Mode 2). 6. Scroll and select Parameter Backup mode, and execute. 7. Select Write (Display will indicate nothing, Wait 30 minutes for printer to complete. Turn Printer OFF) 8. Load ADJ_WIZ.EXE 9. Select Main Board (Back up NG). 10. Follow the instructions to perform all necessary adjustments.

Parameter Back-Up Utility (NVRAM.exe)

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Adjustment Wizard (Adj_wiz.exe)
Purpose: To assist in performing all the necessary adjustments after replacing a part (or parts). Location: (Epson Resource CD): Adjustment Software\76_9600\Adjustment Wizard\(SP7600 or SP9600)\ File Name: Adj_wiz.exe Note: The Printer Driver for the Printer must be loaded on the PC.

To Use: 1. Replace the part(s) on the Printer. 2. Turn on the Printer and load paper (Printer must be "Ready") 3. Open Adj_wiz.exe. 4. Select the name of the Printer being serviced. 5. Select the appropriate part(s) from the Change Parts menu 6. Select OK and follow the prompts.

Adjustment Wizard (Adj_wiz.exe)

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Updating Firmware From Windows (WinPRN Utility)
Caution: 7600 and 9600 firmware files are not compatible. BW3024.upg (9600) and BN3024.upg (7600) is the correct file format for this method. BW3024_q.upg (9600) and BN3024_q.upg (7600) is the correct file format for the Epson Printer Service Utility.

1. Execute WINPRN.EXE Located in the Utilities folder on your Epson Resource CD. 2. Click Open.


3. Locate Firmware File

Firmware File (BW3024.upg) File Type *.* Open

3.1 Change File Type to *.*
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3.2 Highlight Firmware file (BW3024.upg) 3.3 Click on Open

4. Turn on the Printer while holding down the Cleaning + Paper Source + Cut/Eject buttons.
4.1 The display will read F/W Download.

5. Click START PRINT to copy file to printer.

Start Print

5.1 Once completed, the display will read Update Complete and all Control Panel LED's will be ON.

6. Turn off the Printer.

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Updating Firmware From DOS
Caution: 7600 and 9600 firmware files are not compatible. BW3024.upg (9600) and BN3024.upg (7600) is the correct file format for this method. BW3024_q.upg (9600) and BN3024_q.upg (7600) is the correct file format for the Epson Printer Service Utility.

1. Connect the Printer to the PC via a Parallel Printer Cable. 2. Copy the firmware file to the ROOT directory of you Hard Drive. 3. Boot your Computer in DOS mode. 4. Ensure that you are logged to C:\ 5. Type: copy (name of firmware file.extension) lpt1:/b (do not press the Enter key)
5.1 Example: copy BW3024.upg lpt1:/b Note: Step 4 prepares the computer to send the firmware. It is important to send the file quickly after preparing the printer to receive it. At this point, when the Enter key is pressed, the file will be sent.

6. Turn on the Printer while holding down the Cleaning + Paper Source + Cut/Eject buttons.
6.1 The display will read F/W Download

7. Press the Enter key on the PC key to start the firmware update.
7.1 Once completed, the display will read Update Complete and all Control Panel LED's will be ON.

8. Turn off the Printer.

Updating Firmware From DOS

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Epson User Print Quality Solutions
The Stylus Pro 7600/9600 provide the Printer User with three methods for tuning their Printer to their job specifications, media, and ink. The print quality solutions discussed in this document are the responsibility of the User and the Epson User Phone Support Group to implement. The purpose of this document is to inform the Service Technician of the User solutions, only. The three methods for tuning the User's Printer fall into two groups. · Methods that work with the Epson Printer Driver. · Methods that work with Non-Epson Printer Drivers and RIPs.

Epson Printer Driver Support
Epson Printer Service Utility This utility allows the User to control: · Ink drying time between passes (to reduce smearing). · Paper feed pitch (to reduce horizontal banding). · Suction Fan power (to reduce vertical rippling on thin media). · Cut Method (to reduce cutting errors on thin media). · Ink density (to increase or reduce saturation). · Turn off MicroWeave (to increase speed, but cause horizontal banding). · Update Firmware. · Perform Bi-Directional and Head Gap Adjustments. · Perform a strong Print Head Cleaning The Epson Printer Service Utility consists of menu choices and test prints that allow the User to adjust the custom settings. The adjusted custom settings are named and saved. They can be loaded from the Custom menu on the Printer Driver at the User's discretion. A Technician should use his media, image, and driver (computer) to bypass all User settings.If the
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Printer is aligned properly, and works with the Technician's media, image, and Printer Driver, the issue should be referred back to Epson Phone Support. Epson Printer Driver (Paper Config Section) This Section of the Printer Driver does essentially what the Epson Printer Service Utility does. It can be used to adjust and save custom settings. They can be loaded from the Custom menu on the Printer Driver at the User's discretion. This method has no test print support, and requires more experimentation and User knowledge.

Non-Epson Drivers/RIPs Support
The Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Printers utilize numerous media and ink control features that are accessed by commands built into the Epson Printer Driver. The purpose of the control features is to improve print quality and minimize banding, and saturation issues. Non-Epson Drivers and RIPS do not support those control features. The SelecType / Paper Config menu allows the User to configure the Printer to use a group of custom settings on every job that is received that does not contain Epson Printer control feature commands. The following is a list of custom settings supported. · Paper Number (to assign a number to the custom settings). · Cut Pressure (to control cutter blade pressure). · Cut Method (to reduce cutting errors on thin media). · Paper feed pitch (to reduce horizontal banding). · Drying time (to increase Ink drying time between passes to reduce smearing). · Suction Fan power (to reduce vertical rippling on thin media).

Epson User Print Quality Solutions

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Firmware History
EPSON Stylus Pro 9600 (Current version: BW0526)
Firmware Version

BW3024 BW0526

Release Date 4/30/02 6/05/02

Description of Changes Initial release for mass production units. 1) Corrected the issue of ink out when the initial ink charge is performed and the user interrupts the process by doing the following: 1. Opening the front cover. 2. Releasing the paper release lever. 3. Releasing the ink holder lever. 4. Turning the printer off. The printer will not stop the initial ink charge when any of the above acts are performed and the unit will continue to prime the ink delivery system. However, if the waste ink tank or ink cartridges are removed during the initial fill, the ink flag will stop and generate an ink out condition. 2) Corrected "Svc. Req. 1000C" error when the front cover is open and closed again during printing. 3) Corrected Bi-d shift when printing at 1440dpi Super Microweave mode. 4) Corrected paper jam issue when printing on A4 or Letter size media when paper is back fed prior to printing. 5) Corrected issue where printing hangs up if the cover is opened during printing. 6) Corrected rare issue where "Svc. Req. 10009" error occurs when turning on printer. 7) Corrected issue where Bi-d adjustment for VSD4 is changed when performing VSD2 using the EPSON Printer Service Utility (User Utility).

Backward Compatibility Issues N/A None

Firmware History

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

Page 50.

Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


EPSON Stylus Pro 7600 (Current version: BN0526)
Firmware Version

BN3024 BN0526

Release Date 4/30/02 6/05/02

Description of Changes Initial release for mass production units. 1) Corrected the issue of ink out when the initial ink charge is performed and the user interrupts the process by doing the following: 1. Opening the front cover. 2. Releasing the paper release lever. 3. Releasing the ink holder lever. 4. Turning the printer off. The printer will not stop the initial ink charge when any of the above acts are performed and the unit will continue to prime the ink delivery system. However, if the waste ink tank or ink cartridges are removed during the initial fill, the ink flag will stop and generate an ink out condition. 2) Corrected "Svc. Req. 1000C" error when the front cover is open and closed again during printing. 3) Corrected Bi-d shift when printing at 1440dpi Super Microweave mode. 4) Corrected paper jam issue when printing on A4 or Letter size media when paper is back fed prior to printing. 5) Corrected issue where printing hangs up if the cover is opened during printing. 6) Corrected rare issue where "Svc. Req. 10009" error occurs when turning on printer. 7) Corrected issue where Bi-d adjustment for VSD4 is changed when performing VSD2 using the EPSON Printer Service Utility (User Utility).

Backward Compatibility Issues N/A None

Firmware History

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

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Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Ink Cartridge Errors
APS FYI Bulletin 07/18/02
1. Question: I just purchased an UltraChrome Stylus Pro 7600/9600 printer and intend to use it with Matte Black ink only. Could I initialize and perform initial ink charge of the printer with Matte Black ink? 1. Answer: No, you will not be able to initialize the printer and perform initial ink charge with Matte Black inks. You must first initialize the printer with the UltraChrome Black/LBlack ink that was shipped with the printer. Once the printer has been initialized, then perform the ink switch as described in the SP 7600/9600 User's Guide under Switching Between Black Ink Modes section. This switching process will take about 10 minutes and it will take of up to 180 - 215 ml of ink total across all 7 ink cartridges. 2. Question: I have already installed the Matte Black inks into my Stylus Pro 7600/9600 printer as part of the initial charge cycle and now I am getting "Wrong Cartridge" error and the printer will not initialize even after placing the UltraChrom Black/LBlack inks into the printer. What is wrong and how should I recover from this? 2. Answer: You must remove the Matte Black ink and initialize the printer using the UltraChrome Black/LBlack ink that shipped with the printer. If this does not work contact technical support for assistance. If the ink initialization flag data is corrupted the printer may not be able to recognize the UltraChrom Black/LBlack ink cartridges and it may be required to change the NPD value under Maintenance Mode 2* to "0" to get the printer to initialize. Make sure the customer has the UltraChrom inks installed then switch the NPD value to "0". 1. Power Off the printer. Press Paper Source + Paper Feed - (down) + Cut/Eject buttons then power On the printer. 2. Navigate to Service Config mode then change the NPD value to "0".

Ink Cartridge Errors

Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button

Page 52.

Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Field Repair Guide


Error Codes
00000101 00010000 00010001 00010002 00010003 00010004 00010005 00010006 00010007 00010008 00010009 0001000A 0001000B 0001000C 0001000F 00010010 0001001B 0001001D 0001001E 00010020
Error Codes

CR motor life PF motor encoder check error PF motor out of step PF motor overcurrent PF motor in-position time-out CR motor encoder check error CR motor out of step CR motor overcurrent CR motor in-position time-out Servo interrupt watchdog time-out System interrupt watchdog time-out CR home position sensor error PF home position sensor error Head slide (PG) home position sensor error CR motor PWM output faulty PF motor PWM output faulty