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Color Television Chassis
Supplement to Manual BP2.3U: 3122 785 15540


Contents Page Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis SSB: Viper: Control (B5A) 30 51-56
Overview 2 SSB: Viper: Main Memory (B5B) 31 51-56
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4 SSB: Viper: A/V + Tunnel Bus (B5C) 32 51-56
3. Directions for Use 4 SSB: Viper: Supply (B5D) 33 51-56
4. Mechanical Instructions 4 SSB: Viper: Display Diversity + Ambilight (B5E) 34 51-56
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 4 SSB: Display Interface: MOP (B6) 35 51-56
6. Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overview, and SSB: HDMI (B7A) 36 51-56
Waveforms SSB: HDMI: I/O + Control (B7B) 37 51-56
Wiring Diagram Plasma 5 SSB: HDMI: Supply (B7C) 38 51-56
Block Diagram Video 6 SSB: USB2.0: Host (Optional) (B8) 39 51-56
Block Diagram Audio 7 SSB: Ethernet (Optional) (B9A) 40 51-56
Block Diagram Control 8 SSB: UART (B9B) 41 51-56
I2C overview 9 SSB: POD: Common Interface (B10A) 42 51-56
Supply Lines Overview (37") 10 SSB: POD: Out of Band (B10B) 43 51-56
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing PWB SSB: POD: Buffering (B10C) 44 51-56
SSB: DC/ DC (B1A) 11 51-56 SSB: POD: TS Buffering (B10D) 45 51-56
SSB: DC/DC Connections (B1B) 12 51-56 SSB: Firewire 1394: Main (Optional) (B11A) 46 51-56
SSB: RS232 Interface (B1C) 13 51-56 SSB: Firewire 1394: Buffering (Optional) (B11B) 47 51-56
SSB: Channel Decoder (B2A) 14 51-56 SSB: Miscellaneous (B12) 48 51-56
SSB: Main Tuner + OOB Tuner (B2B) 15 51-56 SSB: SRP Overview 49 51-56
SSB: MPIF Main: Video Source Selection (B3A) 16 51-56 SSB: SRP Overview 50 51-56
SSB: MPIF Main: Supply (B3B) 17 51-56 External I/O Panel: Externals A (BE1) 57 61
SSB: MPIF Main: IF + SAW Filter (B3C) 18 51-56 External I/O Panel: Externals B (BE2) 58 61
SSB: MPIF Main: Audio Source Selection (B3D) 19 51-56 External I/O Panel: Externals C (BE3) 59 61
SSB: MPIF Main: Audio Amplifier (B3E) 20 51-56 External I/O Panel: Externals D (BE4) 60 61
SSB: MPIF Main: Connections A (B3F) 21 51-56 PDP Audio Amplifier Panel (C) 62 63
SSB: MPIF Main: Connections B (B3G) 22 51-56 Side I/O Panel (D) 64 65
SSB: PNX2015: Audio/Video (B4A) 23 51-56 Control Board (Side Control) (E) 66 67
SSB: PNX2015: DV I/O Interface (B4B) 24 51-56 8. Alignments 69
SSB: PNX2015: Tunnel Bus (B4C) 25 51-56 9. Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data
SSB: PNX2015: DDR Interface (B4D) 26 51-56 Sheets 69
SSB: PNX2015: Standby + Control (B4E) 27 51-56 IC Data Sheets 71
SSB: PNX2015: Supply (B4F) 28 51-56 10. Spare Parts List 72
SSB: PNX2015: Display Interface (B4G) 29 51-56 11. Revision List 81