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Colour Television Chassis
Contents Page Contents Page
1. Revision List 2 10. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing PWB
2. Technical Specifications, Directions for Use, and Main Supply Panel (42") 67 n.a.
Connections 2 Main Supply Panel (47") (Part 1) 68 n.a.
3. Safety Instructions, Warnings, Notes, and Main Supply Panel (47") (Part 2) 69 n.a.
Abbreviation List 5 Small Signal Board (B02-B10) 71-101 105-110
4. Mechanical Instructions 9 SSB: SRP List Explanation 102
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 14 SSB: SRP List Part 1 103
6. Alignments 34 SSB: SRP List Part 2 104
7. Circuit Descriptions 37 DC / DC Converter Panel (DC) 111 111
8. IC Data Sheets 39 Keyboard Control Panel (E) 112 112
9. Block Diagrams i_Board (Part 1) (HC01) 113 115
Wiring Diagram 26" (ME8) 53 i_Board (Part 2) (HC02) 113 115
Wiring Diagram 32" (ME8) 54 IR & LED Panel (J) 116 117
Wiring Diagram 26" & 32" (ME8) 55 System Interface Panel (SI) 118 119-120
Block Diagram Video 56
Block Diagram Audio 57
Block Diagram Control & Clock Signals 58
SSB: Test Points (Overview Top Side) 59
SSB: Test Points (Overview Bottom Side) 62
I2C IC Overview 65
Supply Lines Overview 66