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Colour Television Chassis

Contents Page
1. Revision List 2
2. Technical Specs, Diversity, and Connections 2
3. Precautions, Notes, and Abbreviation List 5
4. Mechanical Instructions 9
5. Service Modes and Fault Finding 12
6. Alignments 15
7. Circuit Descriptions 16
8. IC Data Sheets 19
9. Block Diagrams
Wiring diagram 2000 series 22" 27
Block diagram 2000 series MB82S platform 28
10. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing PWB
A 17ips61-3 26" to 40" LED Slim Integrated Power
Supply 29 30-31
B 17MB82S SSB 32 40-41
J 17LD141-2 IR/LED 42
11. Styling Sheets
2000 series 22" 43

Published by MB/SC 1370 Quality Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 19560