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Colour Television Chassis
Contents Page Contents Page
1. Revision List 2 11. Styling Sheets
2. Technical Specs, Diversity, and Connections 2 Golden horse 19" 64
3. Precautions, Notes, and Abbreviation List 5 Golden horse 22" 65
4. Mechanical Instructions 9 Golden horse 26" 66
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 14
6. Alignments 22
7. Circuit Descriptions 24
8. IC Data Sheets 31
9. Block Diagrams
Wiring diagram 19" 37
Wiring diagram 22" 38
Wiring diagram 26" 39
Block Diagram 40
10. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing PWB
A01 715G4899 PSU 19" and 22" 41
Adapter (A01) 41 43-44
Inverter (A02) 42 43-44
A01 715G5043 PSU 26" 45
Inverter (A01) 45 47-48
Power (A02) 46 47-48
B 715G4796 SSB 49
Power-1 (B01) 49 60-61
Power-2 (B02) 50 60-61
MT5366 cvou (B03) 51 60-61
FLASH/UART/IR/JTAG (B04) 52 60-61
SPK AMP / HP AMP / AUD MUX (B05) 53 60-61
SCART I/O / HDMI1 INPUT (B06) 54 60-61
YPBPR/ VGA INPUT (B07) 55 60-61
DDR3 DRAM (B08) 56 60-61
LVDS OUTPUT/USB (B09) 57 60-61
DVB-T+C_DEMOD MT5135 / CI (B10) 58 60-61
DVB-T+C_TUNER (B11) 59 60-61
J 715G4939 IR Golden horse 62
LED & IR board (J) 62 63