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Software Upgrade With Portable Memory
Note: You can upgrade the software of you TV by using the USB
port on the side of the set. Using the USB as described below to 1. Go to www.philips.com/support using the web browser on
upgrade software does not affect your warranty. It is located near your PC.
the service port identified in the users manual for repair center 2. Follow the procedure to find the information and the software
use only. related to your TV.
3. Select the latest software upgrade file and download it to your
Introduction PC.
Philips offers software upgrade capability for your TV using 4. Decompress the ZIP-file and copy the file upgrade.pkg to the
USB portable memory (not supplied). root directory of the USB portable memory (not supplied).
After you have completed a software upgrade, your TV will Note: Only use software upgrades that can be found on the
typically perform better. www.philips.com/support web site.
What improvements are made depends on the upgrade software
you are using as well as the software your TV contained before Verifying the version of the TV software
the upgrade. You can execute the software upgrade procedure 1. Before starting the software upgrade procedure, it is advised to
yourself. check what the current TV software is.
Be aware that the content of this document is addressing 2. Select Software Upgrade OSD menu. Press the cursor right.
technical or software skilled users. The Software Upgrade menu moves to the right panel.
3. Select Current Software Info to observe the version and the
description of the current software.
Fig. 3
Automatic software upgrade procedure
Fig. 1 1. Power off your TV and remove all memory devices.
2. Insert the USB portable memory (not supplied) that contains
Preparing a portable memory (not supplied) for the downloaded software upgrade.
software upgrade 3. Switch on your TV with the power switch at the right side of the
For the procedure you will require: TV.
A personal computer with web browsing capability. 4. At startup the TV will scan the USB portable memory (not
An archive utility that supports the ZIP-format (e.g. supplied) until it finds the update content. The TV will
WinZip for Windowsor StuffIt for Mac OS). automatically go to the upgrade mode. The light will flash. After
A preferably empty USB memory stick. a few seconds it will display the status of the upgrade
Note: Only FAT/DOS-formatted portable memory is supported. procedure.
New software can be obtained from your dealer or can be Warning:
downloaded from the www.philips.com/support web site: You are not allowed to remove the USB portable memory (not
supplied) during the software upgrade procedure!
In case of a power drop during the upgrade procedure, don't
remove the USB portable memory (not supplied) from the TV.
The TV will continue the upgrade as soon as the power comes
If you try to upgrade to a software version lower than the
current version, a confirmation will be asked. Down grading to
older software should only be done incase of real necessity.
If an error occurs during the upgrade, you should retry the
procedure or contact your dealer.
Fig. 4
5. When the software upgrade was successful, remove the USB
portable memory (not supplied) and restart your TV with the
Fig. 2
power switch at the right side of the TV.
Your TV will start up with the new software.
Note: Once the upgrade is finished use your PC to remove the TV
software from your USB portable memory (not supplied).
Manual software upgrade procedure
Please change the file name to " autorun.upg" and put the file in
the root of the disk then plug the USB portable memory (not
1 If the software update screen does not appear automatically,
select [Setup] > [Software update] > [Local updates]> [USB] to
update the TV software manually.
2. The TV will list all compatible images available on the USB Fig. 6
portable memory (not supplied) and display the data for each
selected upgrade image.
3. Select the correct upgrade image and press the "OK" button to
start the upgrade. Your TV will restart and will automatically go to
the upgrade mode. After a few seconds it will display the status of
the upgrade procedure.
If you try to upgrade to a software version equal or lower than the
current version, a confirmation will be asked. Downgrading to
older software should only be done in case of real necessity.
4. When the software upgrade was successful, remove the USB
portable memory (not supplied) and restart your TV with the
power switch at the right side of the TV. Your TV will start up
with the new software.
Fig. 7
Fig. 5
Software history:
26-42 inch
TPM2.1E version V2.02
Software 1st time released