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Color Television Chassis



Contents Page Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis Control Panel (26" & 32") (E) 145 146
Overview 2 Control Panel (37" & 42") (E) 145 147
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 6 Front IR / LED Panel (26") (J) 148 148
3. Directions for Use 8 Front IR / LED Panel (32", 37", & 42") (J) 149 149
4. Mechanical Instructions 9 Standby/Audio Panel: Connections (SA1) 150 153-155
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 15 Standby/Audio Panel: Standby (32"& Up) (SA2) 151 153-155
6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and Standby/Audio Panel: Audio (32"& Up) (SA3) 152 153-155
Waveforms 8. Alignments 157
Wiring Diagram 26" LCD 33 9. Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data
Wiring Diagram 32" LCD 34 Sheets 163
Wiring Diagram 37" LCD 35 Abbreviation List 165
Wiring Diagram 42" LCD 36 IC Data Sheets 168
Block Diagram Supply 32" 37 10. Spare Parts List 178
Block Diagram Supply 37" 38 11. Revision List 189
Block Diagram Supply 42" 39
Block Diagram Video 40
Block Diagram Audio 41
I2C IC's Overview 43
Supply Lines Overview 44
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Diagram PWB
LCD Supply (32"): Mains Filter + Standby (A1) 45 47-50
LCD Supply (32"): Supply (A2) 46 47-50
LCD Supply (37"): Mains Filter + Standby (A1) 51 53-58
LCD Supply (37"): Supply (A2) 52 53-58
LCD Supply (42"): MF + Standby Part A (A1) 59 63-68
LCD Supply (42"): Supply Part A (A2) 60 63-68
LCD Supply (42"): MF + Standby Part B (A3) 61 63-68
LCD Supply (42"): Supply Part B (A4) 62 63-68
Small Signal Board .3 Version (B1-B8) 69-97 100-105
SSB: SRP List Part 1 (For both .3 & .4 version) 98
SSB: SRP List Part 2 (For both .3 & .4 version) 99
Small Signal Board .4 Version (B1-B8) 106-134 135-140
Side I/O Panel: (26" & 32") (D) 141 142
Side I/O Panel: (37" & 42") (D) 143 144