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Colour Television Chassis
Contents Page Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis Large Signal Panel (E2) 49 52-53
Overview 2 Large Signal Panel (E3) 50 52-53
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4 LSP: Diversity Tables (E4) 51 52-53
3. Directions for Use 5 Side Jack Panel (G1) 54 56
4. Mechanical Instructions 6 Mapping Side Jack Panel G1 (G2) 55 56
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 10 ACS Module (H1) 57 61-62
6. Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overviews, and ACS Module (H2) 58 61-62
Waveforms ACS Module (H3) 59 61-62
Wiring Diagram 17 Mapping ACS Module H1-H3 (H4) 60 61-62
I2C Overview 18 Mapping ACS Module H1-H3 (H4) 60 61-62
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Diagram PWB HOP Panel (J1) 63 68-69
Power Supply Panel: AC Input (A1) 19 20 HOP Panel (J2) 64 68-69
SSB: SIM Connector (Male) (B1) 21 27-29 Diversity HOP Panel J1 and J2 (J3) 65 68-69
SSB: IF, I/O Videoprocessing (B2) 22 27-29 Mapping HOP Panel Part 1 (J4) 66 68-69
SSB: Feature Box (100Hz Processing) (B3) 23 27-29 Mapping HOP Panel Part 2 (J5) 67 68-69
SSB: HOP (B4) 24 27-29 Keyboard Panel(K1) 70
SSB: Audio Demodulator (B6) 25 27-29 Mapping Keyboard Panel(K2) 71
SSB: Painter (B6) 26 27-29 Layout Keyboard Panel (Top and BottomSide) 72
SSM: Tuner (C1) 30 41-42 UART Interface Module(U1) 73
SSM: I/O's (C2) 31 41-42 8. Alignments 75
SSM: Video Buffer (C3) 32 41-42 9. Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC
SSM: Convergence HV Output 1 (C4) 33 41-42 Data Sheets 81
SSM: Convergence HV Output 2 (C5) 34 41-42 10. Spare Parts List 106
SSM: Interconnections (C6) 35 41-42 11. Revision List 107
SSM: Audio Amplifier (C7) 36 41-42
SSM: Headphone Amplifier (C8) 37 41-42
Mapping SSM C1-C8 Part 1 (C10) 38 41-42
Mapping SSM C1-C8 Part 2 (C11) 39 41-42
Mapping SSM C1-C8 Part 3 (C12) 40 41-42
CRT Panel: Red (DR1) 43 47-47
CRT Panel: Green (DG1) 44 47-47
CRT Panel: Blue (DB1) 45 47-47
Mapping CRT Panel: Red, Green, and Blue 46 47-47
Large Signal Panel (E1) 48 52-53