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Eugene Turuta
2 - pins
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3 - pins
SMD components
mar king codes
SOT - 89
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 2-pins cases
SOT - 223
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 3-pins cases
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in SOT-89 cases
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in SOT-223 cases
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in BGA and LPP cases
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 4-pins cases
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 5-pins cases
SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 6 and more pins cases 4 - pins
Conventional cases drawings. Cases pin assignments. Pinouts
SMD-codes marking style
5 - pins
Sample schematics diagrams
Logos, contact and web-adresses of the manufacturers
6... - pins
Chisinau, 2008 edition
Surface mount devices (SMDs) are used in a growing number of commercial and industrial products. SMDs
have improved performance over through-hole components due to their smaller size, shorter internal leads, and
smaller board layouts. These factors reduce the circuit's parasitic inductance and capacitance. SMDs can also be
more cost effective than traditional through-hole components due to the smaller board size, fewer board layers,
and fewer holes. Today more than 50% of active semiconductor components are surface-mounted.
At the same time, SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type
numbers. Therefore, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a simple
one, two or more character or graphic ID code. Thus it is necessary to take into account that the colour and (or)
placing of alphanumeric or graphic symbols are also important.
Identifying the manufacturers type number of an SMD device from the package code can be a difficult task.
Unfortunately, each device code is not necessarily unique.
It is possible for various manufacturers to place different devices in the same case with the same SMD-code.
For example, with a 6H SMD-code in a SOT-23 case might be either a npn-transistor BC818 (CDIL) or a capacitance-
diode FMMV2104 (Zetex) or a n-channel JFET transistor MMBF5486 (Motorla) or a pnp-digital transistor MUN2131
(Motorola) or a pnp-digital transistor UN2117 (Matsushita) or a CMOS-integrated circuit- voltage detector with reset
output R3131N36EA (Ricoh). Even the same manufacturer may use the same code for different devices.
To identify a particular SMD device, is necessary to identify the manufacturer, package style and note the ID
code printed on the device.
The identification of the manufacturer is possible only if on the case are printed the manufacturer's logos, but it
not always happens. Besides, sometimes it is possible to determine the manufacturer with indirect tags. Many recent
Motorola devices have a small superscript letter after the device code, such as SAC (this smaller letter is merely a
month of manufacture code). Siemens and Infineon devices usually have a lower case 's' (ATs, LOs). Philips
devices usually have a lower case 'p' (AHp, Z1p, pB0) or '-' (D-Q, Z-S) for the devices made in Hong Kong and 't'
(ZtS, tT9, Y7t) for the devices made in Malaysia. In section 5 are submitted the logos of the SMD devices manufac-
The package style is another problem for the identification of SMD devices. The different manufacturers can
designate identical cases according to the various standards (or according to the internal firm system). Besides the
various cases can have an identical kind (form) and differ only by sizes, but this distinction of sizes so it is not
enough, that can be is measured only by special measuring devices. The conformity of the cases name of different
manufacturers is submitted in the bottom table:
Table 1
JEDEC EIAJ Central Rohm Sanyo Hitachi Motorola KEC Panasonic
Maxim Toshiba
TO-236 SC-59 SOT-346 SMT3 MPAK2 SC-59 S-Mini Mini3
TO-236AB SOT-23 SST3 CP SOT-23
TO-243AA SC-62 SOT-89A MPT3 UPAK PW-Mini
TO-243AB SC-62 SOT-89B
TO252-3 SC-63 CPT3
TO-253 SOT-143 SMT4 SOT-143
TO-253 SC-61B SOT-143R
SOD-123 SOD-123
SC-76 SOD-323 UMD2 USC
SC-74 SMT6 SM6
SC-74A SOT-753 SMT5 SMV Mini5
SC-79 SOT-523 EMD2 SSFP S-Flat SMini3
SC-82 UMT4
SC-88 SOT-363 UMT6 US6
SC-88A SOT-353 UMT5 SC70-5 USV
SC-89 SOT-490
SOT23-5 SC59-5
SC-73 SOT-223
DO-214AC SOD-124
SC-81 SSMini3
In the following tables sections the SMD semiconductor components - irrelevant as to whether it is dealing with
transistors, diodes, integrated circuits etc. are plased in separate tables according to numbers of terminals and (or)
type of cases and are listed in strict alpha-numeric order by SMD-codes.
Column 1 ("SMD-Code") Ext. External
...(blue) Color of SMD code FM Frequency Modulation (FM range)
...+ blue Color of cathode band GaAs Gallium arsenide
GP General Purpose Applications
Column 2 ("Type") HF High Frequency
The type designations correspond to those of the re- Hi-sp High-speed
spective manufacturer documentations. HV High Voltage
Instrum. Instrumental
Column 3 ("Device") Latch-Pr. Latch-Protection
Short definition of the semiconductor component. LDO Low drop voltage
Used abbreviations: LED Light-emitting diode
C-Diode Capacitance diode (varactor, varicap) LLS Logic Level Shifter
CMOS-IC CMOS integrated circuit LN Low Noise
CMOS-Logic CMOS logic integrated circuit LogL Logic Level (Uth > 0,8...2V)
Comp-IC Volatge comparator integrated circuit Lo-sat Low collector-emitter saturation voltage
CPE Circuit protector element Mix Mixer
Digi-IC Digital integrated circuit MR Manual Reset
GaAs-Diode Gallium-Arsenide diode ODO Open Drain Output
GaAs-N-FET Gallium-Arsenide n-channel FET OVP Over Voltage protection
transistor Osc Oscillator
H-IC Hall effect integrated circuit Out Output
Lin/Dig-IC Linear/digital combination integrated PA Power Amplifier
circuit Pow Power
Lin-IC Linear integrated circuit PPO Push-Pull Output
MOS-...* With integrated gate protection diode PWM Pulse-width modulation
MOS-FET-d Metal oxide FET, depletion type Rect Rectifier
MOS-FET-e Metal oxide FET, enhancement type Reg Regulated
n-FET n-channel field-effect transistor Res. Resistor
n/p-FET n and p-channel field-effect transistors Reset-Pr. Reset-Protection
p-FET p-channel field-effect transistor RF Radio Frequency applications
Op-IC Operational amplifier integrated circuit St-Down Step-Down
SA-Diode Surge absorbtion diode Supress. Supressor
Si-Diode Silicon diode Sw. Switching
Si-npn Silicon npn transistor T-MOS Trench-FET MOSFET
Si-npn-Darl Silicon npn Darlington transistor Tun Tuner
Si-npn-Digi Silicon npn "digital" transistor U-Speed Ultra-speed
SiGe-npn Silicon/Geramanium npn transistor UHF RF applications (>250 MHz)
Si-pnp Silicon pnp transistor Var Variable
Si-pnp-Darl Silicon pnp Darlington transistor VCO Voltage controlled oscillator
Si-pnp-Digi Silicon pnp "digital" transistor VDet Volatge Detector
Si-Stab Silicon stabistor VHF RF applications (100...250MHz)
Therm-S Thermal sensor Integrated Circuit Vid Video output stages
Thy-SPD Thyristor-surge protector device V-MOS
TTL-Logic Transistor-Transistor Logic integrated VR Voltage Regulator
circuit WB Wide Band
TVS Transient voltage supressor
VR-IC Voltage regulator integrated circuit Column 5 ("Case")
Vref-IC Voltage reference integrated circuit Manufacturers cases designation.
Z-Diode Zenner diode
Z-Diode/TVS Zenner diode - transient voltage Column 6 ("Pin.")
supressor Related drawing number (figure) and pin assignment
(section 2). All drawings are situated also in the section
Column 4 ("Short description") 2.
Short data or description of function of each type.
Used abbreviations: Column 7 ("Sch.")
Adj. Adjust, adjustable Sample schematic connection for some ICs. All drawings
AF Audio Frequency are situated in the section 4.
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ALC Automatic Level Control Column 8 ("St.")
AM Amplitude Modulation (AM range) "Style" (upercase placement presentation) of the SMD-
Amp Amplifier code drawing. All drawings are situated in the section 3.
Ant Antenna
Att Attenuator Column 9 ("Mnf.")
Aval Avalanshe The names of the manufacturers are abbreviated to save
BTL Bridge Tied Loads space. The complete name, logos, contact and web-
Buff Buffer adresses of each manufacurer is listed alphabetically on
CATV Broad band cable amplifier section 5.
Cell Cellular
Contr Controlled
Conv Converter
Cordl Cordless
Det Detector
Diff Differential
Dr, Drv Driver
code Type Function Short description Case Pin. St. Mnf.
2 - pins
2-pins SMD semiconductor components
SMD-codes for 2-pins cases semiconductor components
code Type Function Short description Case Pin. St. Mnf.