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1 LOW PaSSFilter Module
2 T/R Relay Part of LOW Pass
2nd Mixer n7
High Pass Filter Module
Transmit Exciter
Digital Control
2nd lF/Audio
Passband Tuning/Reference
IFSwitching or NoiseBlanker
RIT 8 PTO SwitchinclCircuitry
Power Amplifier Module
AUX-7 Connector

F I ~ 1-3 TR7 Module Locations
Fig. 2-1 Parent Board Pictorial (Top View)
(See Page 2-6 for Circuit Side)
Fig. 2-3 Parent Board Pictorial (Bottom View)
Fig. 2-5 Digital Control Board Pictorial
Fig. 2-9 Up-Converter Board Pictorial
Fig. 2-11 VC0 Board Pictorial


Fig. 2-13 Translator Board Pictorial
Fig. 2-15 2nd Mixer Board Pictorial

Fig. 2-17 IF Switching Board Pictorial
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Fig. 2-19 IF Selectivity Board Pictorial

Fig. 2-21 PB TIReference Board Pictorial
Fig. 2-25 2nd IFIAudio Board Pictorial, Version 2
Fig. 2-23 2nd IF/Audio Board Pictorial Version 1
Fig. 2-27 Jumper Board Pictorial
Fig. 2-29 ALC Board Pictorial
Fig. 2-30 High Pass Filter Parent Board Pictorial

Fig. 2-31 High Pass Filter Switch Pictorial (Front & Rear)
Fig. 2-33 Low Pass Filter Board Pictorial (Bands 1-4)
Fig. 2-34 Low Pass Filter Board Pictorial (Bands 5-8)
Fig. 2-35 Low Pass Filter Switch Pictorial (Front & Rear)

Fig. 2-37 Power Supply Board Pictorial
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Fig. 2-39 Power Amplifier Module Pictorial (wlPredriver Bd. # l )
Fig. 2-40 Predriver Board #2 Pictorial & Schematic

2-18. PTO 3. Remove the top two screws on each side
holding the front panel to the side rails, and
The Permeability-Tuned Oscillator (PTO)provides a loosen the bottom screws.
5.05-5.55 MHz injection signal to the synthesizer 4. Remove the bandswitch knob.
circuitry of the TR-7. The VC0 (Section 2-5) tracks 5. Remove the two screws holding the band-
the frequency of the PTO, thus allowing the switch shaft detent to the rear panel and slide
operator to tune through any 500 kHz range via the .the bandswitch to the rear just enough to clear
front panel tuning control. The PTO has been very the front panel.
carefully calibrated and temperature compensated 6. The front panel will now hinge down, exposing
a t the factory, and anv attemvt a t remir or revlace- &L^ D n
rur r L V .
ment of components kill ver; like?; destroy the 7. Refer to figure 2-43 and identify the wrench
calibration andlor compensation. I t is highly recom- access hole in the rear of the PTO cover. Insert
mended. therefore. that any PTO which requires at- a long (at least 3") 3/32" ALLEN wrench
tention be returned to the factory for proper repair. straight through this hole, seating the wrench
in the ALLEN set screw which serves as the
I t is possible to adjust the knob torque required to
shaft bearing. The proper wrench is available .
from the factory. Be sure to insert the wrench
tune the PTO, should this become necessary. This is straight through the access hole. to avoid
accomplished as follows: damaging any components inside the PTO.
8. Carefully adjust the set screw for the desired
knob torque. Overtightening the adjustment
1. Remove the two plastic end caps from the sides screw must be avoided to prevent bearing
of the front panel. Note that these caps are not damage.
identical: there is a right and a left end cap. 9. Reverse the above procedure to reassemble the
2. Remove the DR7,if installed. (See Section 4-1). TR-7.

Wrench Access

Fig. 2-43 PTO Torque Adjustment
Fig. 4-1 DR7 Removal
Fig. 4-2 DR7 Board Pictorial
Fig. 4-4 AUX7 Board Pictorial

Fig. 4-6 NB-7 Board Pictorial, Version 1

Fig. 4-8 NB-7 Board Pictorial, Version 2