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ARIX Corporation

Diagnostic Shell User Document

Rev 0.1

Ping Lee
07 August 1989


This page will contain a short description of each revision made to this document ill the
order they were made. Each entry on this page will start with the revision number and
brief comments on the revision made.

0.1 Initial working document for review

This document describes the usage of the diagnostic shell for the ARIX Systcmt)(). The
diagnostic shell is the common part of spm_exec (or called spm shell before) . p"l_e~lZe.
iopm_exec, and the executive of new processors.
spm_exec - resides in SPM local memory, and runs the board level tests for the
components of the CSS (Computational SubSystem).
pm_exec - resides in first memory board run by all the Processing Modules. mIci
runs the system level tests for the S90 system exercise. The text & cla~
section of pm_exec and its tests are shared by all the PM's.
iopm_exec - resides in IOPM local memory, and runs the board level tests for the
device boards inferfaced with an IOPM.
The diagnostic shell is said to be diag shell for short.

The diagnostic shell is both a command language and a programming language thprovides an interface to the diagnostic system. The diagnostic system software is menu
driven, it provides help screens for major commands and tests, it allows to run individua1
test and all tests, it can loop on some tests or all tests, it may stop on error or 100,J" on

The diagnostic shell may be used to read and execute commands from console or a Iflae-TO
buffer. For example,
(1) mac.e l03cOOO
calls the diag shell to read commands from a buffer addressed at Oxl03cOOO.
(2) mac.e
calls the diag shell to read commands from the default buffer "macbuf". The default
buffer is limited to 2K bytes of memory space.
The macro buffer may be filled from console during macro entry mode. or it may be filled
by downloading through serial port from host. Also it may be filled from other c\"te'rM'(Il
devices such as floppy disk, hard disk or tape.

2.1 Default Base Number
Unless otherwise noted all numbers in this document. input to or output frorn tilL' ding
shell, are in hexadecimal base number format. '

The programs can be loaded via SIO or from a floppy device (or disk/tape later). For the
CSS component tests, we need to load spm_exec and the component tests. Since the SPM

- 2-

local memory has 256K only (addressed from 1000000 to 103ffff), the spm_exec occ:uri~5
(1000000-1023fff), and 103eOOO-103ffff is reserved for stack space,the test code sl'lac:e is
only restricted to 1024ooo-103dffff. Each CSS component test is overlaid in that arcl'l. n
some test is too big, then it needs to be splitted into several subtests. For example. HIe
lOA test is splitted into ioastspm and ioadtspm. After finish a test, before load another
test, make sure to use "clrtest" command to clear the old test entry and to allow the overlay
of new test entry. For the iopm device board tests, we need to load spm_exec: theM
iopm_exec then the iopm device board tests. For the system level tests, we need to loc..ld
spm_exec then pm_exec then the system level tests.

3.1 Loading program via SIO
The loading process for loading program from SIO requires two steps. First the type of
load command is entered (followed by two CRs) to initiate the loading and follow hy the
SIO download via the umod function (followed by control-z).
3.1.1 The procedure for loading program via SIO
1. Reset hardware (S90 system).
2. Enter "sd < CR> < CR > " to download SPM exec (or called SPM shell).
3. Login to Jade and points to directory Is90/image.
4. Enter "umod < spm_exec> " and control-z to start the down load.

A. For the CSS component tests:
AS. Enter '10ad -ssio -dspmm " to download the 10M diagnostics.
A6. Enter "umod spm_iom" and control-z to start the down load.
A7. Here is ready to run the iom diagnostics.
A8. When finish the 10M test, Enter "clrtest" to clear the 10M test.
A9. Repeat AS-A8 for other tests (such as spm_ioas. spm_ioad. spm_pm .. ).

B. For the PM system level tests:
B5. Enter '10ad -ssio < CR > < CR > " to download the PM exec.
B6. Enter "umod pm_exec" and control-z to start the down load.
B7. Enter '10ad -ssio " to download the edt system test.
B8. Enter "umod pm_edt < CR> " and control-z to start the down load.
139. Enter '10ad -ssio " to download the mmu system test.
Ba. Enter "umod pm_mmu < CR >" and control-z to start the down load.

C. For the IOPM device board tests:
C5. Enter '10ad -ssio -diopm -n to download IOrrvl exec.

C6. Enter "umod iopm_exec" and control-z to start the down load.
C7. Enter '10ad -ssio -diopm " to download the WAN diagnostics.
C8. Enter "umod iopm_awan" and control-z to start the down load.

3.2 Loading program via Floppy Device
The loading process for loading program from the floppy uevice requires only (me step.


Enter the load command and follows by one CR to initiate the loading process.

3.2.1 Examine the content of a floppy diskette
Issue "dirf" command for SPM PROM version 1.2 or under.
(NOTE: Issue "dir flp/" command for SPM PROM version 1.4 or above.)
Then the screen may display part of the following information:
spm_exec Blk:xxxx: (executable)
spm_macro Blk.:xxxx:
spm_pm Blk:xxxx: (executable)
spm_int Blk:xxxx: (executable)
sprILiom Blk:xxxx: (executable)
spm_ioas Blk:xxxx: (executable)
spm_ioad Blk:xxxx: (executable)
pm_exec Blk:xxxx: (executable)
pm_macro Blk:xxxx:
pm_edt Blk:xxxx: (executable)
pm_mmu Blk:xxxx: (executable)
iopm_exec Blk:xxxx: (executable)
iopm_macro Blk:xxxx:
iopm_acdb Blk:xxxx: (executable)
iopm_scsi Blk:xxxx: (executable)
iopm_alan Blk:xxxx: (executable)
iopm_awan Blk:xxxx: (executable)
Make sure the floppy has the files desired to be downloaded. The filename is in the form
of pppp_bbbb, where pppp indicates what processor (spm. pm ur iopm) will nlll it. ,md
bbbb indicates either the exec or the test itself or a macro file.

3.2.2 The procedure for loading program via Floppy Device
1. Reset hardware (S90 system).
2. Insert the 1.2m floppy diskette which contains spm_exec into drive.
3. Enter "dirf < CR > " or "dir flp/ < CR > " command to read the floppy.
4. Type "bf spm_exec" or "b flp/spm_exec< CR>" to download SPM exec.

A. For the CSS component tests:
AS. Enter 'load -dspmm spm_iom" to download the 10M diagnostics.


A6. Here is ready to run the iom diagnostics.
A7. When finish the 10M test, Enter "clrtest" to clear the 10M test .
. A8:-RepeafAS~ATfor other tests (such as spmjoas, spm_ioad, spm_pm .. ).

B. For the PM system level tests:
B5. Enter '10ad pm_exec" to download the PM exec.
B6. Enter "load pm_edt" to download the edt system test.
B7. Enter "load pm_mmu" to download the mmu system test.

C. For the IOPM device board tests:
CS. Enter '10ad -diopm -n iopm_exec" to download IOPM exec.
C6. Enter '10ad -diopm iopm_awan < CR >" to download the WAN diagnostics.

The diagnostic shell uses console in four modes.
(a) - The terminal is used to communicate with sI"fl'I
(b) - The terminal is used to communicate with I'1'1'l
(c) - The terminal is used to talk with iopm exec.
(d) - The terminal is used to talk with ul'lix
development system.
After the spm exec is booted, the terminal is controlled by it, then if the iopm exec or pm
exec is loaded, the iopm exec or pm exec takes over the terminal immediately after the
completion of loading. You may switch around the console mode by the following way:
spm - Type "eon".
spm - Type "iopm [iopm_slot#] < CR > ".
( It refers to last iopm used if iopm_slot# is not ~ivcl1. )
spm - Type "load -ssio -dspmm < CR > < CR > ".
pm - Type "At". rt means control-t.)
pm - Type 'load -ssio < CR > < CR > ".
iopm - Type ""t". rt means control-t.)
iopm - Type "load -ssio -diopm < CR > < CR > ",
unix - Type "Ae", re means control-c.)
The direct switch for pm- > iopm or iopm- > pm is not supported, but you may usc
combinational switch commands to achieve it. For example. pm- > iopm may hl' done by
pm- > spm then spm- > iopm.


There are three commands related to help menu, they are "'1 [dia~command_nmnel", "h
" and '1(ist)". If just type "'1< CR> ", the following information
will be displayed:
The diag shell has a multiple level menu structure. To print this message type "T
followed by a carriage return