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1. Memory Module
The memory module is the high speed system memory for the System 3000. It has on-
board 32 bit error detection and correction (EDAC), refresh logic, and partial write logic.
There are two interleaved arrays which can read, write, partial write, and refresh
independently. This is accomplished by interleaving on address bit 2 so that even and odd
four byte addresses go to opposite arrays. Because read operations return 8 bytes of data,
they require both arrays to work together. Each array contains four 39 bit wide banks.
The 39 bits include 32 bits of data and 7 check bits. Depopulated options of the module
are possible by stuffing one, two, or all four of the banks in each array. This yields an 8,
16, or 32 megabyte memory module.
The memory chips used are 1 megabit dynamic rams (1 Mb DRAMs). When 4
megabit DRAMs become available, they may be used in the module with only jumper
changes. The stuffing options will then be 32, 64, or 128 megabytes per module. The
access time of the DRAMs used must be no more than 100 nanoseconds (nS). Nibble
mode access and CAS before RAS refresh are the other requirements of the DRAM
chips. The ZIP (zig-zag in-line package) style is used to save module space and make the
arrays more compact so that the control lines will be shorter.
The size of the data used by the memory module depends on the type of access. Write
cycles use a 32 bit data word. Partial write cycles must be generated by the memory
module's control logic if it detects a write of less than four bytes. Read cycles return 64
bits to the requester. Burst mode is available on a read cycle so that the memory module
r.etums 16 or 32 bytes of data for one read request. Write and 8 byte read cycles last five
50 nsec system clock periods. Partial write cycles are nine clocks long. Refresh cycles take
sire clock periods. The 16 and 32 byte reads take eight and 14 clock periods each,
Parity is checked on input to the module and parity is generated on output. Status
registers are readable by other modules in the system to determine the memory size of the
module, find the address of an error, see if the memory module is in diagnostic mode, or
various other module characteristics. Control registers are available so that other mooules
may enable or disable the memory array, put the module into diagnostic mode, inhibit
error correction, or other functions.
1.1 Memory Module Description
1.1.1 Memory Module System Bus Interface
Command, address and data if applicable get clocked into the bus input registers every 50
nsec by the 20 MHz system clock. The slot identifier field is compared with the memory
module's slot number to see if the command is meant for this memory module. If there is
a match, the top five bits of the address are checked for equality to all ones or all zeroes.
If the bits are all ones, the status or control registers are to be accessed. If the bits are all
zeroes, the access is to the memory array. If the bits are neither all zeroes or all ones, a
NACK will be issued. If the transaction is not meant for this memory module, no action
will be taken and new a new command, address, and data will be clocked into the bus
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input register on the next rising edge of the system clock. Array accesses when the input
pipeline register for the arrays is full and accesses to nonexistent status or control registers
will get a NACK response from the memory module. The input register may not be used
as a holding register for the memory module because it always gets new data clocked into
it on every system clock rising edge.
1.1.2 Status And Control Registers
There are several status and control registers on the memory module. Each bit that can be
written can also be read. The registers are all byte writable using pseudo read-modify-
writes. The registers are as follows: Status Control Base Address Error Address Error
Board I.D. Error Syndrome Read Error Check Bits Last Check Bits Written Diagnostic
Check Bits
1.1.3 Memory Array Accesses
When a valid memory access gets clocked into the input registers, the address, and data if
applicable will get clocked into the input pipeline register on the next system clock's rising
edge. The input pipeline register holds commands until the arrays are ready to process
1.1.4 Input Pipeline Register
The pipeline register is two units wide and two units deep. The units here are 32 bits of
address, 32 bits of data if applicable, and a few appropriate control bits. This register is
implemented with nine 520 pipeline registers. Each 520 has two halves, A and B, one for
the odd array and one for the even array. Depending on whether address bit 2 is even or
odd, the address, data, and control will be clocked into the A or B half. Clocking data
into the 520 is done on the rising edge of the 20 MHz system clock, using the Il and 10
control signals as shown below:
11 10 ACTION
0 0 LOAD A
1 0 HOLD
1 1 NOTtlSED
The A and B halves each have two registers, Al and A2. and Bl and B2. Each half is set
up like a FIFO with new data pushing the previous Al or Bl into A2 or B2 and the data
in A2 or B2 is over written. The outputs of these registers feed a four to one multiplexer
which is controlled by the signals SI and SO. One of the four registers is always being
selected from the multiplexer. The encodings are as follows:
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0 0 B2
0 1 B1
1 0 A2
1 1 A1
The default, when no outputs are being used is 00. To differentiate the default code from
the READ.B2 code, the control signal LATCH.B must be tested. The output enable of
the pipeline register is always active so that it always drives the bus.
t. t.S Input Pipeline Register Control
The input pipeline register is controlled by four PALs.
The LOAD PAL generates the 10 and It signals used to steer input data to one, the
other, or neither halves of the register. Four signals, one for each register, are also
generated to tell if the register has any data presently in it. These signals are A1.FULL,
A2.FULL, B1.FULL, and B2.FULL. The 10 and 11 signals can also be called LD.At *
and LD.B1*, respectively. The two signals are mutually exclusive and when neither is
active the register is in the HOLD state.
The PRIO PAL continuously keeps a record of which register has the oldest data in it
and therefore has the highest priority.
The QRD PAL keeps track of which registers contain read commands.
. The READ PAL generates the SO and 51 signals used to select the correct register for
the pipeline register to output. Also generated are LATCH.A and LATCH.B, which
latch the input registers to the A and B arrays. The A register is enabled when the
pipeline register is outputting the At or A2 register and the B register is enabled when the
pipeline register is selecting the B1 or B2 register. Both A and B registers are enabled on
a read, so that the two arrays are synchronized for the read cycle.
1. 1.6 Array Input Latches
The output of the pipeline registers feed the 74F373 array address and data latches. The
outputs of the data latches go directly to the DRAM chips data inputs. The outputs of the
array input address latches get multiplexed from twenty row and column address lines to
ten multiplexed address lines. Multiplexing is done with 74F241s. by connectinga row and
a corresponding column address to each input having complementary output enables with
their tri-state outputs tied together.
1.1.7 Array Organization
Each array contains four banks of dynamic RAM. The banks are 39 bits wide and 1
megabit deep. The 39 bits consist of 32 bits of data and 7 check bits. Depopulation of the
memory module is achieved by removing one, two, or three banks from each array. In
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this way. two way interleaving is preserved with any stuffing option.
1.1.8 Array Control
Each of the two interleaved arrays has five control PALs for generating DRAM control
signals. The two arrays can therefore operate independently on all cycles except a read.
The RASP AL generates RAS and CAS for each of the four banks in the array.
The MRGPAL generates the output enables for the array data input registers and the
632 data latches.
The EDACPAL generates the control signals for the 632 EDAC chip and the check
bit registers.
The WEPAL generates the write enable signals for each bank of the memory array as
well as the array ready signal.
The CTLPAL contains a state counter and outputs signals to tell whether the cycle is a
read, write, refresh, or partial write.
1.1.9 Array Outputs
The output of the DRAMs in the array feed a 74F244 whose outputs are shared with the
bidirectional data and check bit pins of a 74AS632 EDAC chip, the input of another
pipeline register used for output read data, the output of the array input data register, and
the input to the DRAM array .
1'.1.10 Output Pipeline Register
The pipeline register at the output of each array is organized as 32 bits wide and four
deep. It is always used simultaneously with the output pipeline register of the other array.
This is because the smallest read unit is 64 bits.
Control for this 64 bit wide register is handled by the OUTCTL PAL. Because of the
simple organization of this pipeline register only three signals are needed to control it. The
LOAD* signal outputs from the PAL and COlUlects to both the 10 and 11 inputs of the
520. When active, the registers are loaded like a FIFO, when inactive, the register is in
the hold state. The multiplexor signals, SO and S1, are used as in the input pipeline
register, except that they always start at 00 and increment to output the number of 8 byte
words in the register.
1.1.11 Read Output
The output of the pipeline register goes into a 74F374 register for synchronization with the
system clock before being output through a 74F244 and onto the system bus. On a read
cycle, the memory module makes a request one clock before it loads the last 8 bytes of
read data into the pipeline register. The GRANT from the arbiter goes to the J input of a
74FI09 J-K flip-flop whose output is the output enable for the 74F244 output drivers.
The K input of this 74F109, RD. DONE * , comes from the OUTCTL PAL, and becomes
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active after the last read data bytes are clocked into the output register. Inthi~ way, the
memory module drives the bus for 1, 2, or 4 bus clocks, depending on whether it is an 8,
16, or 32 byte read. The clear of the 74F109 is connected to the BOARD. DISABLE line.
With the 74FI09 always cleared, the memory module never drives the system bus. If the
GRANT from the arbiter comes immediately, the data can be clocked into the data output
register during the same clock period that it is being driven onto the bus.
1.2 Cycle Descriptions
The memory module supports six types of memory operations, including three different
types of read cycles. All the cycles consist of a certain number of states, numbered SO, S1,
S2, and so on. Each state is one system clock period, or 50 nsee. The cycles can be in any
sequence and may start immediately after the preceding cycle's last state. The types of
cycles with brief descriptions are as follows.
1.2.1 Write Cycle
The write cycle is the late write type. This means that while writing, the data output of
the DRAM could be driving. This is acceptable because the tri-state drivers on the
outputs of the DRAM array are turned off. The write cycle lasts five clock periods and
will occur only if the LENGTH field does not equal one, two, or three bytes.
The write cycle begins the assertion of RAS in state S1. CAS is asserted in S2 and WE
in S3. All three signals are de-asserted in S4. Write data and check bits are driven from
S1-1I2 until S4-1I2. The signals EDAC.Sl and EDAC.SO are both inactive for the
duration of the cycle, putting the 74AS632 EOAC chip in the generate mode. The check
bits generated are valid about halfway through S2 .
1.2.2 Read Cycle
The normal read cycle returns 8 bytes of data to the requester. The LENGTH field is
checked and must equal five (8 bytes) for this this type of read. Read cycles are different
from the other cycles in that S5, the last state in the cycle, can be the SO of a back to back
operation. This is because only the 74AS632 EDAC chip and the output pipeline register
are busy during S5, and the array has already been precharged. Thus, even though the 8
byte read cycle uses five clock periods, it uses states SO through S5 with S5 as a possible
overlap to the next cycle's SO. To simplify burst mode reads, the read data is corrected
whether or not an error has been detected. Therefore, most of the time correct data is
being automatically corrected again. This procedure adds and extra clock period to the
read cycle but it is made up for in control logic simplification.
The read cycle begins with RAS asserted in state S1. CAS is asserted in S2 and both
signals are de-asserted in S4. Read data is valid just before S4. The EDAC chip control
signals start with EOAC.S1 and EOAC.SO equal to zero. In S2. EOAC.S1 is activated to
put the EOAC chip into the detection mode. and EDAC.SO is activated in S4 for the
correction mode. The rising edge of EDAC.SO latches the read data from the DRAMs.
Both signals are deactivated after S5. The corrected data is driven by the 74AS632 EOAC
chip starting in S5 and is valid about halfway through S5. The output pipeline register
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latches the corrected data on the next rising edge after 55.
1.2.3 16 Byte Read Cycle
The 16 byte read begins the same as a normal read cycle, but it does a nibble mode access
when the 8 byte read would have completed. This type of read lasts 8 clock periods. Like
the 8 byte read, the 16 byte read shares its last state with the following cycle, if it is back
to back. Again, even though the 16 byte read cycle uses eight clock periods, it uses states
SO through S8, with SS as a possible overlap to the next cycle's SO. When the cycle is a
read and the LENGTH field is six (16 bytes), a 16 byte read will be done.
The read cycle begins with RAS asserted in state St. CAS is asserted in S2 and only
CAS is de-asserted in S4. Read data is valid just before S4. The EDAC chip control
signals start with EDAC.Sl and EDAC.SO equal to zero. In S2, EDAC.Sl is activated to
put the EDAC chip into the detection mode, and EDAC.SO is activated in S4 for the
correction mode. The rising edge of EDAC.SO latches the read data from the DRAMs.
EDAC.SO is deactivated after the rising edge of S6. The corrected data is driven by the
74AS632 EDAC chip starting in 55 and is valid about halfway through SS. The output
pipeline register latches the corrected data on the rising edge of S6. The nibble mode
access begins with CAS being asserted again in 55. Read data is valid just before S7. The
EDAC chip control signal EDAC.SO is activated in S7 and its rising edge latches the read
data from the DRAMs. RAS and CAS are deactivated in S7. EDAC.SO and EDAC.Sl
are deactivated on the next rising edge after SS. The corrected data is driven by the
74AS632 EDAC chip starting in SS and is valid about halfway through SS. The output
pipeline register latches the corrected data on the next rising edge after SS.
1:2.4 32 Byte Read Cycle
The 32 byte read begins the same as a normal read cycle, but it does three nibble mode
accesses when the 8 byte read would have completed. This read cycle takes 14 clock cycles
to complete. Like the 8 byte read, the 32 byte read shares its last state with the following
cycle, if it is back to back. Again, even though the 32 byte read cycle uses 14 clock
periods, it uses states SO through S14 with S14 as a possible overlap to the next cycle's SO.
When the cycle is a read and the LENGTH field is seven (32 bytes), the 32 byte read will
The read cycle begins with RAS asserted in state S1. CAS is asserted in S2 and only
CAS is de-asserted in S4. Read data is valid just before S4. The EDAC chip control
signals start with EDAC.Sl and EDAC.SO equal to zero. In S2. EDAC.Sl is activated to
put the EDAC chip into the detection mode. and EDAC.SO is activated in S4 for the
correction mode. The rising edge of EDAC.SO latches the read data from the DR~Ms.
EDAC.SO is deactivated after the rising edge of S6. The corrected data is driven by the
74AS632 EDAC chip starting in 55 and is valid about halfway through S5. The output
pipeline register latches the corrected data on the rising edge of S6. The first nibble mode
access begins with CAS being asserted again in S5. Read data is valid just before S7. The
EDAC chip control signal EDAC.SO is activated in S7 and its rising edge latches the read
data from the DRAMs. CAS is deactivated in S7 and EDAC. SO is deactivated on the
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rising edge of S9. The corrected data is driven by the 74AS632 EDAC chip starting in S8
and is valid about halfway through SB. The output pipeline register latches the corrected
data on the rising edge of S9. The second nibble mode access begins with CAS being
asserted again in SB. Read data is valid just before SlO. The EDAC chip control signal
EDAC.SO is activated in SlO and its rising edge latches the read data from the DRAMs.
CAS is deactivated in SlO and EDAC.SO is deactivated on the rising edge of St2. The
corrected data is driven by the 74AS632 EDAC chip starting in Stl and is valid about
halfway through SB. The output pipeline register latches the corrected data on the rising
edge of S9. The third nibble mode access begins with CAS being asserted again in SIt.
Read data is valid just before S13. The EDAC chip control signal EDAC.SO is activated
in S13 and its rising edge latches the read data from the DRAMs. RAS and CAS are
deactivated in S13. EDAC.SO and EDAC.Sl are deactivated on the next rising edge after
S14. The corrected data is driven by the 74AS632 EDAC chip starting in S14 and is valid
about halfway through SB. The output pipeline register latches the corrected data on the
next rising edge after S14.
1.2.5 Partial Write Cycle
The partial write cycle is like a four byte read followed by a write. When a write
command is clocked onto the memory module, the LENGTH field is checked to
determine if a partial write will be needed. If the LENGTH is 1,2, or 3, the lower two
address bits and the LENGTH field are used to generate byte selects for the bytes that will
be changed in the partial write cycle. The new data bytes are merged with corrected data
read from the location to form the new 4 byte data word which is then written. The data
that is read is corrected whether or not there is an error, just like a read cycle. If there is
an uncorrectable error, the cycle continues, and the possibly incorrect data bytes are
written back into the location. The next read to this location will produce an
uncorrectable error if one of the bad bytes was rewritten. The partial write cycle lasts nine
clock periods.
The partial write cycle begins with RAS asserted in state St. CAS is asserted in S2 and
both signals are de-asserted in SB. Read data is valid just before S4. The EDAC chip
control signals start with EDAC.Sl and EDAC.SO equal to zero. In S2, EDAC.Sl is
activated to put the EDAC chip into the detection mode, and EDAC.SO is activated in S4
for the correction mode. The rising edge of EDAC.SO latches the read data from the
DRAMs. EDAC.SO and EDAC.Sl are deactivated on the rising edge of S6. The
corrected data is latched in the output latches of the EDAC chip by the rising edge of
LEDBO, which occurs after the rising edge of S6. The data bytes that are not being
changed are then driven. by the 74AS632 in S6, and the new bytes to be written are driven
by the array input latches. Check bits are generated on the merged data and WE strobes
for one clock period during S7. The various data output enables and LEDBO are turned
off in S8, preparing the array for another cycle.
1.2.6 Refresh Cycle
The memory module uses CAS before RAS refresh to save address counter logic and extra
address bus drivers. In the CAS before RAS refresh mode, an internal counter in the
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DRAM increments with each refresh operation, insuring that all .512 rows will be
refreshed automatically without having to externally drive the address lines. The 512 rows
need to be refreshed each 8 milliseconds (mS), so refresh cycles must occur every 15.625
microseconds (uS). A counter clocked by the 20 MHz system clock counts to 312,
producing a refresh request every 15.6 uS.
The refresh cycle is initiated by the refresh request, which is the latched carry output of
a counter. If the array is idle, the refresh cycle will start on the next rising edge of the
system clock. If there is another cycle in progress, the refresh cycle will not start until the
present cycle has completed. If there is a refresh request active while another cycle is
going, the array will not activate the READY signal until after the refresh cycle to avoid
read synchronization problems. The refresh request gets cleared by S3 of the refresh cycle.
The refresh cycle is six clock periods long. It begins with the activation of CAS in SI,
and then RAS is asserted in S2. CAS is then de-asserted at S3, and RAS is deactivated
during S5. The array is ready to begin a new cycle after S6.
1.3 Error Handling
Single bit or uncorrectable errors may be detected on a read or a partial write. Single bit
errors are corrected and an interrupt is generated so that a CPU may keep track of
corrected errors. The CPU that handles the interrupt may read the syndrome, which
points out the bit in error, the address that the error occurred at, and the slot Ld. of the
module that was performing the read. Double bit errors will always be detected but can
not be corrected. Multiple bit errors may be detected but will not be corrected. Reading
tke error information kept for an error clears the registers that hold this information.
Information on additional errors which occur before these registers are cleared is lost, that
is" no new error information will be latched until the old information is read.
Single bit errors do not affect the operation of a read or partial write cycle, because
data correction takes place automatically. On a read cycle, an uncorrectable error forces a
special message to be returned with the bad data. Although there is no interrupt
generated, the same error information is available as with a single bit error, except that the
syndrome now only states that a multiple bit error has occurred. On a partial write, the
data bytes are written even if there is an uncorrectable error. It is possible to write bad
data back into the location. This will not be detected until the next read to this location,
when an uncorrectable error message will be generated if the bits in error were written
back. Single bit or uncorrectable errors will not cause a 16 byte or 32 byte read to abort
before completion and only the error information for the first error encountered will be
1.4 Diagnostics
Diagnostics will do write and read tests with various patterns to find stuck data bits.
shorted data bits, stuck address bits. shorted address bits. and data bits shorted to address
bits. The address and the bit in error will be provided to the diagnostic user. Partial
writes will also be used in place of writes to test the byte merging logic. The EDAC
operation will be tested to see if the 74AS632 EDAC chip can generate correct check bits
on a write and partial write, detect single bit and multiple bit errors, correct single bit
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errors. generate an interrupt on a single bit error, and return an llncorrectable error
message on a multiple bit error. Read, write, and partial write loops will also be available
to the diagnostic user. All the control and status registers will be accessible and testable by
the user.
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