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Digital Oscilloscopes
and ScopeCorders
Yokogawa's DL series of instruments consists of digital oscilloscopes and hybrid ScopeCorders.
The DL9000 series digital oscilloscopes have high-speed sampling and a wide range of bandwidths
that can be utilized for design and development of electronic devices and embedded systems. The
DL9700/9500 series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes have 4 Analog channels and up to 32 logic channels.
The DL1600 series oscilloscopes support 3-mode power supplies, and the weight is just 3.9kg. The
ScopeCorders have the capablities of both a powerful digital sampling oscillscope and a multi-channel
data recorder, and are a perfect fit for industrial, manufacturing, and maintenance environmnents. The
DL series offers a wide range of capabilities designed to meet your current and future needs.

DL/SL Series Lineup

DL9000 Series DL9700/9500 Series
4CH 4CH+32/16CH logic
10GS/s, 1.5GHz, 6.25MW 5GS/s, 1GHz, 500MHz, 6.25MW

DL7400 Series
4CH/8CH analog+16CH logic
2GS/s, 500MHz, 16MW
DL1700E Series Subscribe to "Newswave" our free e-mail newsletter
DL1600 Series 1GS/s, 500MHz, 8MW
200MS/s, 200MHz, 32MW

16CH (Isolated)+16CH logic
10MS/s, 16-bit
1GW (DL750/750P)

Bulletin 7001-60E
Select the "perfect" DL for your application
For full 1 GHz/1.5 GHz bandwidth measurements
M High performance and compact Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

DL9700/DL9500 Series