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SOT-23 Transistor(NPN)
1. BASE SOT-23
As complementary type the PNP
transistor MMBT3906 is recommended
Epitaxial planar die construction
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Value Units
VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 60 V
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 40 V
VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 6 V
IC Collector Current -Continuous 200 mA
PC Total Device Dissipation 200 mW
RJA Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient 625 /W
TJ Junction Temperature 150
Tstg Storage Temperature -55 to +150
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb=25 unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test conditions MIN MAX UNIT
Collector-base breakdown voltage VCBO IC= 10A, IE=0 60 V
Collector-emitter breakdown voltage VCEO IC= 1mA, IB=0 40 V
Emitter-base breakdown voltage VEBO IE=10A, IC=0 6 V
Collector cut-off current ICBO VCB=60V, IE=0 0.1 A
Collector cut-off current ICEX VCE=30V,VBE(off)=3V 50 nA
Emitter cut-off current IEBO VEB=5V, IC=0 0.1 A
hFE(1) VCE=1V, IC=10mA 100 400
DC current gain hFE(2) VCE=1V, IC= 50mA 60
hFE(3) VCE=1V, IC= 100mA 30
Collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) IC=50mA, IB= 5mA 0.3 V
Base-emitter saturation voltage VBE(sat) IC= 50mA, IB= 5mA 0.95 V
Transition frequency fT VCE= 20V, IC= 10mA,f=100MHz 300 MHz
Delay Time td VCC=3V,VBE=-0.5V 35 nS
Rise Time tr IC=10mA, IB1=-IB2=1.0mA 35 nS
Storage Time ts VCC=3.0V,IC=10mAdc 200 nS
Fall Time tf IB1=-IB2=1mA 50 nS
Rank O Y G
Range 100-200 200-300 300-400
SOT-23 Transistor(NPN)
Typical Characteristics