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Video Colour Processor
Owner's Manual
Your ARCHER@ Color Processor was developed by Radio Shack lo improve Please read this oryner's manual carefully. lt has been prepared to assist
the overall performance ol your home video system. lt may be used to improve you duling the initial set-up procedure and to guide you in everyday operation
lhe color reproduction ol programs lrom a VCR or video disc player. lt may also of the Video Color Procssor.
be used to improve recordings made lrom one VCR to another or direct
camera-to-VcR recordings.
Thls unlt wlll nol create a color plcture lrom a black and white recording.
Thls unll can be permanently damaged by exposure lo:
o MODE Switch you to compare lhe processed color signal (COLOB
- Allows
position) with the unprocessed signal (BYPASS position) by moving a single . Excessive heat (above 150"F/65'C)
swilch. o Moisture or humidity
. Excessive dust or dirt
ln the B^tv posilion, you will see a pure black and white picture. Artificial
color tint will be eliminated. Take care to avoid these condltions at all times.
- Varies the intensity of the brightness in the TV
picture. This is similar to the contrast control on your TV, bul the range is DO NOT EXPOSE THIS UNIT TO RAIN OB OTHEB MOISTURE.
For your own protection, we urge you to record the serial number ol this unit in
o CHROiIA Control piclure from the space provided below. The serial number is located underneath the unit.
- Varies the intensity of lhe colors in the TV
faded to "salurated." This control works wilh the BURST conlrol to
compensate lor tapes that were recorded with loo little or too much color. Serial Number
. BURST Control give the most useful operating
- Adjusts the burst signal to
range ol the CHROMA conlrol.
. HUE Control picture. This lunction is similar
- Adjusts the hue of the color
to that ot the tint control on your TV, bul the range is greater. Use this
control to compensate lor tapes recorded with too much red, green, or blue.
. SOURCE A,/B Switch processed by the Color
- Selects the signal to be
Processor from one ol two video inputs (VCR, video disc player, or other
video source). The selected signal is sent to both OUT jacks (A'lB).
lmportant Note
Your Color Processor must be connected to video equipment that has separate
audio and video jacks, such as a VCR, video disc player, or a true TV
To use this unit with a regular TV (with only VHF/UHF terminals) you must
connect an BF modulator between the Color Processor and lhe TV, to convert
the sjgnals to regular VHF TV signals. Radio Shack's Video Slabilizer/RF
Modulator (Cat. No. 15-1271) and Video Enhancer/Stabilizer (Cat. No. 15-1270)
@ntain such modulators. as do all VCRS.
Video Oulput ........ with 1VP-P input, output can be sel from Page No.
0.5 to 1.sVP-P into one 75 ohm load Features 2
Video lnput. 0.75VP-P to 3VP-P into 75 ohms Functions.
Controls and ......... 4
- odB to + 3.5d8 Use...
Preparation for ........... 6
Operation.... .......6-10
100 degrees Adjusting lhe Color Processor Controls
Monitoring a Recorded Program
Burst Output Range ... 0.14 to 0.43VP-P
Flecording lrom a Source VCR (or Video
Chroma Output Range . . . . . . . . . . . 0.10 to 0.30VP-P Oisc Player) to One Other VCR
Recording lrom a Source VCR (or Video
Power Consumption 120 VAC, 60 Hz Oisc Player) to Two Other VCRS
lnput and Output Jacks Connecting the Color Processor and
Other lnput Sources to Your TV
Using Video Cameras with the Color Processor
Problem Solving. ............... 11
Schematic Diagram . . ..-.........12
Warranty .. ......... .. ..13
irs( of ELcmrc sHocK
clunox To iaoucE TffE fts
oo xor aErovE covri roi E^cl(r
NO USai.SeivGaraLa PliTs r|sror
Th lightning symbol is lo romind you lhal th6ro is dangerous
voltage insicl lhe unil. Do not opn the enclosure.
Th exclamalion symbol indicates lher6 is imponad oprating
inlomalion in this manoal.
(Operation Summary)
O Power LED lf lhere is no burst signal the picture will be black and white, even it the color
Use to tell when the power is on. information is on the video tape.
@ nrENsttY controt @ xuE controt
Turn this knob clockwise to "click" the power on. Turn this control to change the hue of lhe colors in the TV picture. You
will have complete control for correction ol pictures with too much red,
Continue turning it clockwise to increase the intensity of the TV picture green, or blue.
brightness. This control is similar to your TV contrast conlrol but it
operates over a grealer range and has less effect on other components of This conlrol is similar to the tint control on your TV bul operates over a
the TV picture (color, hue, etc.). greater range. Use it in combination with the TV tint control for even
grealer conlrol range.
Turn it counterclockwise to decrease the intensity of the brightness or to
"click" the power otl. @ MoDE swirch
position lo bypass all Color Processor controls
The INTENSITY setting is not atfected by lhe position ol the MODE
- Select this
switch; this conlrol is always active when the power is on.
COLOR Select this position for complete color processing.
@ cnnoul conrrot -
position for pure black and white viewing (without lalse
Turn this conlrol clockwise to increase the intensity of the colors in the TV BM,/
- Select this
color tinl).
picture. This is necessary for tapes recorded with insutficient color or
excessive burst signal. (Colors will look faded.)
O sounce A;B switch
Turn this control counterclockwise to decrease the intensity of the colors Set this switch to A to process the source connected to the A VIDEO lN
in the TV picture. This is necessary for tapes that were recorded with jack; set it to B to process the source connecled to the B VIDEO lN jack.
excessive color or insutficient burst signal. (Colors will look too intense.) The selected source will be sent to bolh A and B VIDEO OUT jacks.
@ BURsr conrrot @ Power Cord
Turn this control clockwise to reduce the burst signali lhis increases color Plug into a standard AC outlet (120V,60 Hz).
intensity. Turn it counterclockwise to increase the burst signal; this
decreases color intensity.
@ vtoeo tN Jacks (A,/B)
Connect one of these jacks to the video out jack on your VCR or video
The combination of the BURST and CHROMA controls gives you the disc player; use shielded cable with RCAlype plugs. You may connect up
greatesl possible range of color control. to two units.
Use the A,,/B Switch to select the source to be processed by the Color
What is a Burst Signal? Processor.
A burst signal lells your TV that lhe TV signal contains color information. lt acts @ vtoeO OuT Jacks (t/B)
also as a relerence point from which your TV evaluates the intensity of that Connect one ol these jacks to the video in jack on your VCR, video
color informalion. The proper setling ol the BURST control assures maximum stabilizer/RF modulator. video enhancer/stabilizer, or a true TV monitor;
control range lor the CHROMA control. use shielded cable with RCA-type plugs. You may connect up to two
lf there is too little burst signal, as in some worn or third generation tapes, the
color will be too intense. The source selecled by the A,/B switch will be sent to both VIDEO OUT
lf there is too much burst signal, as in some tapes made from TV broadcasls,
the color will appear faded. Note: The VIDEO OUT jacks are active only when the power is on.
Make sure all conneclions have been made as outlined on page 4 and as Adiusting the Color Processor Conlrols
shown in the drawings in lhe "Operation" seclion ol this manual. lf you are
unsure aboul your connections, draw a diagram of your system and take it to Even though the controls on the Color Processor ar more sensilive and
your local Radio Shack lor advice, selective than the conlrols on your TV, they do interact with each olher and with
lhe controls on your TV, VCR, and other video equipment. Follow the
To realize the maximum benefit from your Color Processor, your ry must be in instructions below and the inslructions in lhe owner's manuals for your other
good working condition with the controls set for a normal color picture. The video components.
other componenls of your video system must also be working properly. This
unlt wlll not compensate tor delects ln other vldeo equlpment. Refer to "Controls and Functions" on page 4 lor details on the etlect ol each
control and switch.
1. Set all the Color Processor control knobs and switches as described in
"Preparation for Use."
2. Turn on your TV and sel il to lhe same channel as the channel switch on
the RF modulator iou are using (or set your TV to "monitor").
3. Set lhe SOURCE A,/B switch tor the desired input source and begin
playback lrom the selected input source (VCR or video disc player).
4. ll you are using an enhancer/stabilizer/modulator or similar product, adjust it
as described in its owner's manual.
5. Adjust lhe INTENSITY control lor the desired picture brightness.
6. lf there is no color
in the picture (and you are playing a color tape) center
the BURST conlrol and adjust the CHROMA control for lhe desired amount
of color.
7. Adjust the BURST control for lurther fine tuning of the color inlensity.
Control Settings 8. Adjust the HUE control to achieve the desired color tint (especially llesh
The initial settings for all the front-panel control knobs should be 12 o'clock (the Continue fine tuning each Color Processor control, along with the controls on
pointers straight up). Bemember: signals will not pass through the Color your other video equipment, to obtain the desired results.
Processor unless the power (INTENSITY control) is on.
Use the BYPASS setting of the MODE switch, at any time, to compare the
ODE Switch processed and unprocessed pictures.
The usual setting lor the MOOE switch will be COLOR. Switch temporarily to
BYPASS to compare the unprocessed color piclure with the processed one.
Use the BM/ position to eliminate talse color (red, green, or blue tint) in black
and white pictures.
Remember: The INTENSITY conlrol is active with all settings of the MODE
switch, as long as the power is on.
The uses tor, and possible connections wilh, this unit are practically endless. Connectlons wlth RF Modulator Unh
And as you add more equipment, such as video enhancer/stabilizers or audio
procsssors, the numbers increase. The intormalion on the next few pages
should gel you started: then it's up lo you. Source VCR (or Vldso Disc Player) To Stsrso Fecelver
lronltorlng a Recorded Program
This is the simplest and mosl common use lor the Color Procssor. lt rgquires
only one input source (VCR or video disc player), a unit that contains an RF
modulator (such as Radio Shack's Cat. No, 15-1271 Video Stabilizer/RF
Modulator or 15-1270 Video Enhancer/Stabilizer), and a TV.
Nole: The modulator unit is not necessary il you have a TV (such as Radio
Shack's Cat. No. 16-106) with a true monitor lunction. True TV monitors have
ssparate audio and video inputs. @'
Use the drawings below and at right as a guide to conneclions lor this basic @
Color Procsssor lunction.
1. Make the connections as shown at right.
2. Turn on all equipment in your video system.
Unlt (3uch as
3. Make all adjustmenis and sstlings as described on page 6 ot this manual. 15-127Ot12711
Remember, you will have to make adjustments when you use a ditferent tape, il
il was recorded at a difterent speed or was recorded from a ditferent qualily
source. -lJ From Anlenna
or Cable Tv
Connctlons lor Tv ilonitor without RF Modulator
Source VCR (or Vldso Dlsc Playsr) To Slereo Fecelvel
Regular Tv
Note: ll you use a regular TV for viewing, the A/B switch will give you easy
access to cable or antenna TV broadcasts,
Recordlng lrom a Source VCR (or vldeo Disc
Player) to One Other VCR
This procedure requires two VCRS (or one VcR and one video disc player) and Connections
Note: You may use a TV with a true monilor function, such as Radio Shack's
Cat. No. 16-106, instead ol a regular TV. True TV monilors have separate
audio and video inputs.
Source VCR (or Vldeo Dlsc Plsyer)
Use the drawing at right as a guide to connections for this basic Color
Processor function.
Procedure To Slereo Receiver
1. Make the connections as shown at right.
2. Turn on all equipment in your video system.
3. Make all adjustments and settings as described on page 6 ol this manual.
Sound Processot
4. Begin playback on the source VCR, and record a short "test" segment ol
the program on the recording VCB.
5. Play back the test recording.
6. lf the picture is not exactlyas you want it, make the necessary line-luning
adjustments of the color processor (and other components) controls.
Note: VCBS do not record the signal exactly as you see it on the screen. The
"test" recording is absolutely necessary lor getting the desired results. ln some
cases, you might want to make more than one test recording (repeat steps 4 -
7. Rewind both VCR tapes to the beginning.
8. Aclivate the record mode on the recording VCB; then starl playback on the
source vcR. Recordlng/Playback VCR or Cable Tv
9. At the end ol the recording, press the stop buttons on both VCRS. Vldco
A,/B Swlich
10. Check the newly recorded tape.
Recordlng from a Source VCR (or Video Oisc
Player) to Two Other VCBS
This procedure requires three VCRS (or two VCBS and one video disc playeo Connectlons
and a TV.
Source VCR {or Vldeo Dlsc Player)
Note: You may use a TV with a true monitor function, such as Radio Shack's
Cat. No. 16-106, inslead ol a regular TV. True TV monitors have separate
audio and video inputs.
To Slereo Recelver
Use the drawing at right as a guide to connections lor this basic Color
Processor tunction.
Procedure Optional
'L Make lhe connections as shown at right.
2. Turn on all equipment in your video system. Vldeo Sound Proqeaaor
3. Make all adjuslments and settings as described on page 6 of this manual.
4. Begin playback on the sourc VCR, and record a short "test" segment on @
recording VCR #1.
ll you are using lwo similar machines (bolh machines are VHS or BETA)
and both are recording at the same speed, test recording on only one VCR
is usually sullicient.
5. Play back the lest recording.
vcR #2
6. lf the picture is not exactly as you want it, make the
necessary line-tuning
adjustmenls of the color processor (and other component) controls. vcR #1
Note: VCRS do not record the signal exactly as you see it on the screen. The
"test" recording is absolutely necessary lor getling the desired resulls. ln some
cases, you might want to make more than one test recording (repeat steps 4 -
6). From Anienna
or Cable TV
7. Rewind all three VCR lapes lo the beginning.
8. Activate the record mode on both recording VCRS; then start playback on Vldeo
Ar'B Swltch
the source VCR.
9. At the end of the recording, press the stop buttons on all VCRS.
10. Check the newly recorded lap6.
Regular w
Note: You may connect a regular TV or TV monilor to either or both recording
Connectlng the Color Processor and
Other lnput Sourcea to Your Tv
It you want to uso a regular TV as a monitor lor lhe Color Processor signal,
lhere must be an RF modulator (as in a VCR or enhancer/stabilizer unit) in
betwsn, as shown below. When using your TV as a monitor, you may also
have easy accass to other inpul sources, such as cable w or a TV antenna, by
using a video A,/B switch or video selector (availablolrom Radio Shack).
From RF l{odulaioi From Anianna
or VCR VHF Out or Crbl. Tv
Uslng vldeo Camera3 wlth the Color Procsssor
You may use a video camera in place ot the source VCR in any ol the
suggesled connections. This will allow you to improve the picture's colors as
the original rscording is being made. You musl use RCA-type phono connectors
for the inputs to ths Color Processor. A camera AC power supply lhat provides
power lor the camera and has the necessary RCA-type audio and vidgo outputs
will be needed.
Powar SUPPIY Color Procralol
Your Archero Color Processor is construcled ot the linesl materials and
components. ll should givs you ysars ol trouble-frge service. However, it you do
have problems and cannot tind the solution below, bring the unit to your local
Radio Shack.
No Pictur Check the setting ol lhe SOURCE A,/B switch on the Color
- Processor.
Sel your TV to the same channel as the channel switch on your VCR
- or modulator unit.
Turn the INTENSITY control on.
- Make sure the Tv works when connectod to other input sources.
- Make sure lhs separale AilB switch between the VCR, or modulator
- unit, and your television is set to the correct position.
Check all vidso and power connections.
- Check the brightness conlrol on your TV.
Pic'ture but No Sound The Color Processor has no audio connections. Check the audio
- @nnsclions on your other compononts.
Check the setting ol the volume conirol on your Tv.
No Color Check the setting ol ths MODE switch.
- Adjust lhe CHROMA and BURST controls.
- Make sure you ars walchinq a color program.
No Recording Check the setting ol the SOURCE A/B switch on the Color
- Processor.
Check the connsctions between the Color Procsssor and tho
- recording VCR(s).
Chsck the ssttings on lhs recording VCR(S).
I . rr *srME vluEr r d5