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BCP52; BCX52
60 V, 1 A PNP medium power transistors
Rev. 08 -- 25 February 2008 Product data sheet
1. Product profile
1.1 General description
PNP medium power transistor series.
Table 1. Product overview
Type number[1] Package NPN complement
BCP52 SOT223 SC-73 - BCP55
BCX52 SOT89 SC-62 TO-243 BCX55
[1] Valid for all available selection groups.
1.2 Features
I High current
I Two current gain selections
I High power dissipation capability
1.3 Applications
I Linear voltage regulators
I High-side switches
I MOSFET drivers
I Amplifiers
1.4 Quick reference data
Table 2. Quick reference data
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VCEO collector-emitter voltage open base - - -60 V
IC collector current - - -1 A
ICM peak collector current single pulse; tp 1 ms - - -1.5 A
hFE DC current gain VCE = -2 V; 63 - 250
IC = -150 mA
hFE selection -10 VCE = -2 V; 63 - 160
IC = -150 mA
hFE selection -16 VCE = -2 V; 100 - 250
IC = -150 mA
NXP Semiconductors BCP52; BCX52
60 V, 1 A PNP medium power transistors
2. Pinning information
Table 3. Pinning
Pin Description Simplified outline Symbol
1 base
4 2, 4
2 collector
3 emitter 1
4 collector
1 2 3 3
1 emitter
2 collector
3 base 3
3 2 1 1
3. Ordering information
Table 4. Ordering information
Type number[1] Package
Name Description Version
BCP52 SC-73 plastic surface-mounted package with increased SOT223
heatsink; 4 leads
BCX52 SC-62 plastic surface-mounted package; collector pad for good SOT89
heat transfer; 3 leads
[1] Valid for all available selection groups.
4. Marking
Table 5. Marking codes
Type number Marking code
BCP52-10 BCP52/10
BCP52-16 BCP52/16
BCX52-10 AG
BCX52-16 AM