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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
VOL 3 No. 2


Two New Test Sets for SHF Measurements
K1CENTLY, two new For example, the Model 624A is especially
test sets have been de useful in testing radar transmitters and re
veloped for testing SHF re ceivers, and includes a versatile pulser to
ceivers and transmitters. facilitate such testing. The Model 62 3B has
Basically, these sets are sig been designed for testing SHF relay stations
nal generators with added circuitry for meas such as are used in video and communica
uring external power levels and external tions work.
frequencies. One of the sets, the Model 624A, Since many applications for the sets in
covers a range from 8500 to 10,000 mega volve field use, the sets have been kept small
cycles. The other set, Model 62 3 B, can be ob and each housed in a convenient carrying
tained for any one of six frequency ranges*. case. For production and laboratory appli
5925 -6225 me 6850 -7150 me cations, the panels of the sets have been de
6125 -6425 me 7125 -7425 me signed to fit standard relay racks when the
6575 - 6875 me 7425 - 7725 me instrument case is removed.
Both sets are designed for general-purpose Other features that enhance the usability
testing such as measuring receiver sensitiv of the sets include: a high power output of
ity, receiver selectivity, receiver and trans one milliwatt, an accurate power output
mitter tuning, and transmitter power level. control system, and a precision frequency
However, the design of the sets has been in meter. A waveguide-coax adapter having a
fluenced by the particular use being made of VSWR less than 1.25 is provided with
the frequencies at which each set operates. each set.
^^^^ 8500-10,000 MC SET
The Model 624A Test Set is
continuously tunable over a range
from 8500 to 10,000 megacycles
and provides a maximum output
of at least one milliwatt over this
range. The output attenuator is
calibrated to be direct-reading.
The frequency control is approxi
mately calibrated; precise fre
quency settings are made with the
aid of the internal frequency
The general circuitry of the set
Fig. 1. -hp- Model 624A Test Set covers range from 8500 to 1 0 , 0 0 0 m e g a -
cycles at maximum power output of 1 milliu-att. Instrument case includes *In some cases other ranges or wider bands
a snap-on cover (not shown). can be supplied. Correspondence invited.

P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 5 1 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .