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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S


A Fast, Automatic Printer
For Digital Type Data Devices
L^ST year -hp- introduced a high-speed digi signed to operate from a staircase code, the sec
tal recorder which automatically printed ond is designed to operate from 10- wire codes.
the measurements made by -hp- frequency It is thus especially valuable for use with digi
counters. The recorder was arranged to print tal voltmeters but can also be used with analog-
numbers of up to 11 columns (digits) on add digital converters, remote readout units, fre
ing machine tape at rates up quency counters with 10- wire outputs, shaft
Tronsisfor/zed to 5 complete print-outs per encoders, 10-lamp or 10-element systems, step
power supply, p. 4
second and thus considerably ping switches, mechanical counters with com
increased the speed and ease with which fre mutators, relay and diode matrices, etc., to
quency measurements could be recorded. print digitized measurements of voltage, cur
Introduction of this recorder for frequency rent, pressure, acceleration, flow, deflection
counters uncovered a need for a print-out in and other quantities.
strument with the same high speed, simplicity Although the new printer is arranged to
and reliability of mechanism, and low required operate with devices that provide their outputs
signal power but one which would be capable in the form of 10- wire codes, this often includes
of operating with other types of digital data devices that internally employ other codes,
devices. A second version of the recorder has since such devices are generally usable with
therefore been designed to permit fast print suitable output translators for readout pur-
outs from other devices that gather data in *Alan S. Bagley and Ed A. Hilton, A Fast Digital Recorder with Analog
Output 8, Automatic Data Plotting, Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 8,
digital form. Where the first recorder was de No. 7. March. 1957

Fig. 2. Typical print-out obtainable trben using printer
Fig. 1. -dp- Model 561/4 printer provides fast print-outs with digital voltmeter. Left-hand column has been pro
for digital data devices such as digital voltmeters, analog- grammed to indicate source of reading, but if a mixture of
digital converters, etc., that provide an output in 10-wire + and