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DC Characterization of Semiconductor
Power Devices
Product Note 4142B-1
Practical Applications Using the
HP4142B Modular DC Source/Monitor
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
2. Application Examples ................................................................................... 2
2.1 Automatic Extraction of Parameters.. ...................................................... 2
2.1.1. Automatic Measurements with a Module Selector.. ........................ 2
2.1.2 Enhancing Automatic Measurements by External Relay Control .... 4
2.2 Extending the Measurement Range ......................................................... 6
2.2.1. 2000 V Measurement ..................................................................... 6
2.2.2. lOA/20V Measurement.. ................................................................ 8
2.2.3. 20A/ 1OV Measurement .................................................................. 10
2.2.4. High Power Measurement (250 mA x 100 V, 125 mA x 200 V) ...... .12
Subprograms used in 2.1.1 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 14
1. Introduction
The HP 4142B Modular DC Model number / Acronym / 1-V range
Source Monitor is a high speed,
HP 4 I420A
highly accurate, computer- Source Monitor Unit
HPSMU 4OpV-2OOV. 20fA- I A
controlled dc parametric meas- -
urement instrument for charac- MPSMU 4OpV- I OOV, 20fA- I OOmA ,
Source Monitor Unit
terizing semiconductor devices.
HP 4 l422A
This product note uses an HP HCU 4OpV-IOV, 20j1A-IOA
High Current Unit
4142B to show practical meas-
urement examples that character- HP41423A
2 mV- I OOOV, 2 pA- I OmA
ize semiconductor power devices.
HP 4 I424A
Table 1. The HP 4142B plug-in modules Analog Feedback Unit
You can mix and match different plug-in
modules for unique application requmments
Example configuration for measurements of
devices on a wafer.
2. Application Examples
2.1 Automatic Extraction of
Parameter BVdss. ldss
2.1.1. Automatic Measurements
with a Module Selector
When you extract the dc param-
eters of a power device, you
need to change the configuration
for almost every parameter since
each parameter requires a unique
configuration of the instruments
and measurement circuit.
However, if the configuration
can be changed automatically,
the dc parameters can also be Figure 1. Parameters for MOSFET and
extracted automatically. measurement circuits
The HP 16087A Module Selec-
tor lets you change the configu- MODULE SELECTOR
ration programmatically, thus
freeing you from cumbersome
configuration changes. This sec-
tion shows a versatile example
for automatically extracting the f,Du ,HC:+- ~
dc parameters of a MOSFET.
The setups needed to extract
each parameter are shown in
Figure 1. The circuits in Figure
2 are functionally the same as
in Figure 1, but electronically
different. The setup in Figure Figure 2. You can easily change the
2 uses the module selector connection of measurement modules
with the module se!ector
to automatically change the
An example of automatically l*** Parameter Measurement CMOS) **a*
extracting parameters by using
the module selector is shown in Jds(on) 5.02 (V) (Id=2A, Vg=lSV) [ HCU 1
?ds(on) 2.51 (ohm) (Id=2A, Vg=lSJ) [ HCU 1
Figure 3. The program listing i/th 4.98 (VI (Vd=lBV) r HCU I
of this example is shown in Jth (by AFU) = 3.512 (V) (Vd=lBV, Id=lmA) 1 MPSMU 1
JfS .913 (S) t HCU 1
Figure 4. lgss 4.17E-11 (A) (Vg=20V) [ MPSHU 1
Bvdss 493.5 (V) (Id=lBmA) [ HVU 1
ldss .023216 (A) (Vd=320V) [ HVU 1
FIgwe 3. Simple measurement results
for auto extraction of parameters.
Let's examine the benefits of
using an HP 4142B to measure 10 OPTION %ASE 1
each parameter. For the ON 20 COM /Meas/ @Hp4142,INTEGER Hcu,Hvu,Smu,Hpsmu
30 COM /Disp/ Vth,Vth - afu,Yfs,Igss,Bvdss,Idss,Vdson,Rds(
state resistance measurement of 40 !
a power MOSFET, a source of 50 ASSIGN @Hp4142 TO 723
60 Hpsmu=2 ! slot 2
high current and a monitor for 70 Smu=3 ! slot 3
high resolution voltage are neces- 80 Hcu=5 ! slot 5
90 Hvu=7 ! slot 7
sary. The HP 41422A High Cur- 100 !
rent Source/Monitor Unit (HCU) 110 Hcu connect
120 Vds-on
can force a maximum current of 130 Vth-
1OA and can make high resolu- 140 Smu connect
150 1gss
tion measurements with a 160 Vth afu
minimum voltage of 4OpV. 170 Hvu-connect
180 Idss
Therefore, the HCU can make 190 Bvdss
precision measurements of the 200 Disp res mos
210 END - -
ON state resistance, which is an
important parameter of power
There are several ways to ex-
tract the threshold voltage (Vth)
of a MOSFET. In this example,
two methods are used. The first 50-90 Initialization.
method measures the J%l-Vg 110-130 Connect HCU and measure Vds (on), Rds (on), Vth, yfs.
characteristics, then draws a 140-160 Connect SMU and measure Vth with AFU.
regression line and extracts as 170-190 Connect HVU and measure Idss and BVdss.
threshold voltage the X-axis
value at the cross point of the
regression line and the X-axis. Figure 4. Measurement program
The second method is much
faster. An HP 41425A Analog
Feedback Unit (AFU) and two measurements are necessary. 1 Quasi-pulse measurement mode
The measurement sequence of this mode
HP 41421B Source/Monitor The HVU not only forces a
Units (SMUs) are connected in a maximum voltage of lOOOV, but i) Force current specified by the user
feedback loop. The AFU moni- measures current with 2pA as current compliance.
tors the output voltage of one resolution. ii) Monitor the voltage and calculate the
SMU, which is connected to the For breakdown voltage measure- voltage slew rate.
iii) When the Device Under Test (DUT)
gate of the MOSFET, and moni- ments, the HVU has the quasi-
is in the breakdown condition, the
tors the current of the other pulse measurement mode' for current starts flowing rapidly and the
SMU, which is connected to the precision measurements by voltage slew rate becomes flat. The
drain. When the drain current minimizing the duration of the unit detects this point, waits a user-
reaches a user-specified value, breakdown condition. specified delay time, and measures
the output voltage.
the voltage value of the gate
iv) After the measurement, the output
(Vth) is extracted. Vth is usually voltage is rapidly returned to the
measured by a combination of a start voltage.
High Power SMU (HPSMU) and
a Medium Power SMU
To measure the leakage current
of a high power device, high
voltage output and low current
2.1.2. Enhancing Automatic This example shows how to in Figure 5 by fixing the relay
Measurements by Exter- programmatically measure the to the universal module (P/N
nal Relay Control Icbo parameter of a power 16088-60010). The default condi-
You can open or short the out- bipolar transistor by using an tion for the external relay is closed
put of the SMU by using the fol- external relay. The example uses By forcing a specified voltage to
lowing methods: the Voltage Source (VS) of a the relay from VS, the external
OPEN Make the output current Voltage SourceNoltage Meter relay is opened, and the connec-
0 A in current force mode. Unit (VSNMU) to control the tion between the GNDU and the
SHORT Make the output voltage external relay. emitter is opened. Figure 6 shows
0 V in voltage force mode. Before the measurement, make a the measurement circuit, Figure
For example, use these methods measurement module as shown 7 shows the measurement results,
to open the base when you
measure the BVceo of a bipolar
transistor or to short the gate
(grounded) when you measure
the BVdss of a MOSFET,
without ever having to remove the
SMU from the base or the gate.
When you measure certain para-
meters of a bipolar transistor or
a MOSFET, the emitter of the
bipolar transistor or the source HVU
of the MOSFET are usually con-
nected to the ground unit
(GNDU) and not to the SMU.
Conversely, the connection be-
tween the GNDU and the device
needs to be open when measur-
ing other parameters, such as
Icbo of a bipolar transistor.
Opening and shorting the SMU Figure 6. Measurement circuit
make the configurations
lcbo = 1.7128E-7 (A)
~ i
User 1 Caps Idle
Figure 5. Measurement module Figure 7. Measurement result
and Figure 8 shows the program.
An external relay used with a 10 OPTION BASE 1
module selector (as shown in 20 ASSIGN @Hp4142 TO 723
30 Hpsmu=2
Figure 9) is an easy way to 40 Hvu=7
make even more versatile and 50 vsl=18
automatic measurements. For 70 vc=400 ! vc = 4oov
instance, the connection to the 80 Iccomp=.Ol ! IC camp = 1omA
90 V-off=12 ! relay disconnect voltage
GNDU and the transistor emitter 100 !
can be opened to extract the 110 OUTPUT @Hp4142; "CN";H~~,H~~~U,VS~
120 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"FMT";5
Icbo parameter of a transistor. 130 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"DV";Vsl,O,V off
140 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"DV0~;Hpsmu,0~0,1ccomp
150 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"DV~~;Hvu,O,Vc,ICCOrnp
160 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"MN";1,H~~
170 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"XE"
180 ENTER @Hp4142 USING "#,3A,12D,X";A$,Icbo
190 OUTPUT @Hp4142;"CL"
200 PRINT "Icbo = ";Icbo;"(A)"
210 END
20-90 Initialization.
110 Set the output switches of measurement modules to ON.
120 Specify format of the measurement data.
130 Open the relay OPEN by forcing 12 V to the relay from VS.
140 Ground the base.
160-200 Perform the measurement and display the results.
Frgure 8. Measurement program
Figure 9. Auto extraction of parameters with
external relay and module selector
2.2. Extending the
Measurement Range
Since the HP 4142B can
programmatically connect an
HPSMU, HCU, or HVU to a
^^ I m
Standard Conflguratlon
MP 41420A. 414ZlB,4i422A.
device pin by using the module (Depend on the configuration of plug-in units)
selector, you can make very
wide-ranged measurements, as
shown in the white area of
3 *l : &her, "s,"g cnly 2 HVUs
Figure 10. In addition, you can za,
use two HPSMUs, HCUs, or 5
HVUs to extend the measure- 0
IOOm i
ment range into the range indi-
cated by the diagonal lines in
Figure 10.
In this section, the measurement 10m
examples for devices that work 20f Lb
in the extended voltage/current 4ou 10 100 200 1K ZK
area of Figure 10 are shown. Voltage N)
Figure 10. Current and voltage range covered
by the HP 4142B.
2.2.1. 2000V Measurement
One HVU can make breakdown
tests of up to 1OOOV. You can t
1 Standard conflguratlon
increase the maximum voltage to (HP 41420A. 414218. 41422A. 414238)
* (iOV.2ON
2000 V by using two HVUs in ya: Expandable ~
* (ZOV. 1OA
differential mode. The extended (Depend on the confIguratIon of plug-In units)
range is shown by diagonal lines
in Figure 11. This is very useful
for breakdown voltage measure-
ments or current leakage meas-
urements of 8OOl9OOV power
transistors and SSRs (Solid State
i 1I
/(14V. i6A)
t .(20V.l4A)
* (4OV. 700mA)
. (BOV, 350mA)
* (iOOV, 250mA)
ii1 : &tier, using crly 2 HVUs
relays), both of which are used
for switching power lines.
This example shows how to
measure breakdown voltage of
an 800 V power transistor. The
measurement result, measure-
ment circuit, and measurement Voltage N)
program are shown in Figures
One HVU is connected to the Figure 11. Expanding the current and voltage
collector and the other is con- range with two HVUs in series.
nected to the emitter. First,
- 1OOOV (BVl) is applied to the in advance. Second, by using the the voltage at the collector (BV2)
emitter. Since the HVU is unipo- break down command, a quasi- is measured. By subtracting BVl
lar, you need to change the pulse is applied by the HVU from BV2, you can get the actu-
polarity of the HVU to negative connected to the collector. Then al breakdown voltage.
2.2.2. lOAl20V Measurement minus ten volts is applied to the to 20V to the device. By sweep-
One HCU can output or measure gate. The HCU connected to the ing Vd from OV to 2OV, these
up to 10AllOV. You can extend drain forces sweep outputs vary- two measurements give the Id-
this range to lOAl2OV by using ing from OV to 1OV. This is Vd measurement as shown in
two HCUs. The extended range equivalent to sweeping from 1OV Figure 17.
is shown by diagonal lines in
Figure 15. The extended meas-
urement range makes it possible
to evaluate devices that drive dc
motors for cars. i Standard configuration
This example shows how to (HP 414ZOA. 414218. 41422A. 41423A)
* uov, 2ON
measure Id-Vg characteristics by y/A Expandable
sweeping Vd from OV to 20V. (Depend on the conflguratlon of plug-l? units)
The measurement circuit, meas-
urement result, and measure-
ment program are shown in
? (4OV. 7OOmAi
Figures 16-18.
One HVU is connected to the
drain and the other is connected
to the source, and an SMU is
connected to gate. The measure- (6OOV. 20mA)
. r
ment mode is set to dual pulse L (IOOOV. 12mAi
: r(iZOOV, lOmA)
sweep measurement mode. The 10m
:\ (2OOOV. 6mA)
HCU is designed to output only ZOf / i
pulse, so to perform a OV to 20V 10 100 200 1K ZK
sweep measurement, the sweep Voltage N)
measurement is made two times:
OV to 1OV and IOV to 20V.
In the first measurement, the Figure 15. Expanding the current and
HCU connected to the source measurement range with two HCUs in series.
forces OV while the HCU con-
nected to the drain forces sweep
outputs varying from OV to 1OV.
The Id parameter is measured in
every step.
In the second measurement, each
voltage value that was applied to
the gate in the first measurement 41
Figure 16. Measurement circuit
2.2.3. 20AllOV Measurement
The previous example shows a
lOAl2OV measurement by two
HCUs in series. By using two 1 Standard conflguratlon
(HP 41420A. 414218. 414228, 41423A)
HCUs in parallel, you can extend s$$ Expandable
the measurement range up to (Depend on the configuration of plug-In units)
20A/lOV. The measurement
range extended by this configu-
ration is shown by diagonal lines 4
in Figure 19. (4OV. 700mA)
. (BOV, 350mA)
This example shows how to ' (IOOV. 250mA)
measure Ic-Vc characteristics of 9 (ZOOV. 125mN
the power bipolar transistor. The
* (4OOV. 50mN
Ic parameter can easily exceed 1;
(6OOV. 20mA)
10A. The measurement circuit,
measurement result, and meas- 10m
urement program are show in T
ZOf 1,
Figures 20-22. 4ou
100 200 1K 2K
The HCUs are connected in Voltale (jli
parallel between the collector
and emitter as shown in Figure
20. The measurement mode is Figure 19. Expanding the current and
set to 2 channel pulsed sweep measurement range with two HCUs in
mode to synchronize the HCUs. parallel.
The two HCUs are current
sources that sweep current
values from OA to 10A. Current
from the two HCUs flow into
the bipolar transistor, which is
equivalent to a sweep from OA
to 20A. By measuring the vol-
tage at the top of either HCU,
you can get Ic-Vc characteristics
with 20A.
2 -4 6 I@
Figure 20. Measurement circuit Fieure 21. Measurement result
2.2.4. High Power Measurement
(250mA x lOOV, 125mA x 200V)
By connecting two HPSMUs in
series or in parallel, you can 0 HPSMU x 1
make very high power measure- ;///: riPSMli x 2
ments. This is effective for
measuring the channel-on break-
down voltage of EL (Electra Lu-
minescence) and PDP (Plasma IMOb'. `OOmkl
Display Panel). The measure-
ment range extended by this (1OOV. 250mA)
configuration is shown by di- 1
,,,,,,,,,y;{V 125mA) ~
agonal lines in Figure 23. 0 100
This example shows how to
measure Id-Vd characteristics in
the high power measurement
Figure 23. Expanding the current and
range by connecting two HCUs measurement range with two HPSMIJs in
in parallel. The measurement cir- pXalld.
cuit, measurement results, and
measurement program are shown
in Figure 24-26.
The white area inside the broken
lines in Figure 25 shows the r
measurement range that can be
covered with one HCU. Using 1 1
two HPSMUs lets you extend
the measurement range into the
area indicated by diagonal lines.
Figure 24. Measurement circuit
01 """"""`A" 1 "
B I0 20 36 40
Vd (VI
Figure 25. Measurement result