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Keysight Technologies
W2641A DisplayPort
Test Point Access Adapter
Data Sheet
Connect to your DisplayPort device to make
physical layer parametric measurements
02 | Keysight | W2641A DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet
designed to support the high Display-
Emerging standards for consumer
Port bit rates now and in the future. It
electronic devices and entertain-
is likely that DisplayPort will become
ment equipment provide for higher
the primary video interface for desktop
screen resolutions than ever
and laptop personal computers, and
before, which meets the market
it may ultimately be used in consumer
need for the highest computer
electronics equipment such as DVD
monitor viewing quality possible.
High screen resolutions neces-
sitate higher link rates which place
The DisplayPort standard covers a
new demands on the source,
wide range of screen resolutions and
sink and media such as cable or
physical configurations. It outlines
PC boards. This electrical signal
tests for the high-speed digital signals
environment makes measurement
for source and sink testing, low-fre-
of physical layer parameters even
quency control path (the AUX channel),
more important and at the same
link -layer and protocol verification
time, more difficult. The Keysight
such as HDCP (high bandwidth content
Techologies W2641A DisplayPort
protection) and media evaluation.
test point access adapter pro-
vides unrivaled convenience and
DisplayPort standard
The evolution of the DisplayPort
standard, sponsored by VESA1, was
driven by demand for higher-resolution
and less-expensive computer dis-
plays. Computer industry insiders
have long believed that the industry
would ultimately shift to all digital
flat-panel displays, and DisplayPort is
the digital transport interface stan-
dard that finally promises to supplant
the popular VGA CRT monitor. The
low-profile DisplayPort connector is
ideal for crowded back panels, moth-
erboard designs able to drive multiple
monitors, and portable equipment Impedance vs location can be analyzed on your DisplayPort designs
that offers uncompromised viewing.
The DisplayPort connector has been
1. Video Electronics Standards Association (www.vesa.org)
03 | Keysight | W2641A DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet
Test point access adapters
Test point access adapters (TPA)
should be as transparent as possible
to each measurement, connect to a
wide range of test product form fac-
tors, and have the flexibility to mea-
sure several parameters. The W2641A
TPAs have low loss, very good imped-
ance characteristics and low intra-pair Pair a W2641A TPA with a Keysight N4903A J-BERT or 81250 ParBERT for DisplayPort sink validation.
and inter-pair skew to provide the high
signal fidelity connection required.
These TPAs have been designed to
conveniently connect to DisplayPort
receptacles without obstructing ca-
bles or presenting a footprint near the
device under test greater than the Dis-
playPort receptacle connector itself.
W2641A DisplayPort test point access
adapters provide the widest band-
width and best performance on the
market, thus enabling you to see the
nuances of your source eye diagrams,
printed circuit board and connector
impedance profiles and evaluate your Use the Keysight 86100C and 86100D digital communication analyzer
with a W2641A TPA for transmission line impedance analysis.
DisplayPort sink performance.
Use a Keysight Infiniium DSO90000 or DSOX90000 Series oscil-
loscope with a W2641A TPA for DisplayPort source validation.
04 | Keysight | W2641A DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet
DisplayPort source testing DisplayPort AUX channel DisplayPort sink testing
The DisplayPort Physical Layer Com- testing The DisplayPort Physical Layer Com-
pliance Test Specification (CTS) covers The DisplayPort specification includes pliance Test Specification stipulates
source tests such as level verification, a special channel, the AUX chan- a receiver tolerance test regimen
pre-emphasis level, skew, jitter, data nel, which is used to dynamically where the digital data is transmitted
eye, transition time and many other coordinate the link source and sink. with phase jitter having sinusoidal
parameters. When you pair W2641A The W2641A exposes this differential and random characteristics, as well
TPAs with Keysight Technologies' lane that operates at 1 Mbs with two as a calibrated channel degradation
Infiniium 90000 or 90000 X-Series connections available: one using the (called intersymbol interference, or
oscilloscopes and the U7232A Display- standard SMP connectors used in the ISI). The signal parameters, such as
Port compliance test software, you will high-speed lanes and another on a jitter quantity and level, vary accord-
have uncompromised accuracy and digital interface header. Also available ing to the bit rate being tested. These
unrivaled simplicity in characterizing on the digital interface header are signals can be injected to a Display-
your source design. The TPA's excellent power supply lines and the hot plug Port sink from Keysight sources such
performance enables you to clearly see detect (HPD) line, which can also be as the N4903A JBERT and the 81250
nuances in the transmitted pattern and probed for noise measurements, trig- ParBERT through the W2641A.
determine how to improve the perfor- gering, etc.
mance of the source and channel. The For the calibration of the sink test set-
U7232A DisplayPort compliance test up, a complementary receptacle test
software automates measurements of fixture is needed. This is available as a
the multitude of parameter configura- third party product BIT-DP-RTF-0001
tions possible in DisplayPort devices from BitifEye Digital Test Solutions,
and provides you with an extensive (see www.bitifeye.com). The same
report on how the devices have per- product is needed for testing so-
formed. The U7232A is designed for called tethered devices, i.e. devices
use in validation and compliance labs such as monitors with DisplayPort ca-
so you can use the full measurement bles inseparably connected to them.
suite before you submit your devices to To facilitate automated measurements
a DisplayPort Authorized Test Center and process control, the N5990A test
for certification to make sure you've automation software platform offers
taken care of problems in advance. automated DisplayPort compliance
and characterization tests.
05 | Keysight | W2641A DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet
DisplayPort device
The W2641A connects directly into
a DisplayPort receptacle connec-
tor such as found on graphic cards,
motherboards and on PCs. The fixture
was designed to reduce possibility of
interference to other connectors and
cable types. Even so, there are always
connection configurations where inter-
ference is seen or where perpendicular
entry to the W2641A is inconvenient or
impossible. To address some of these
conditions, the W2641A DisplayPort
Adapter fixture comes with highly
flexible cables with constant imped-
ance characteristics even when acutely
bent. A diagram of such a test setup
is shown below and the impedance
difference is shown adjacent. It is clear
that no degradation in measurement
accuracy is seen.
Extra convenience in connection is
afforded by the addition of the N5460A
cables, which have a right angle SMP
connection. These are phase matched
to less than 2ps and have superior
impedance and loss characteristics.
DisplayPort media testing Less than 1% impedance change for bent cable
The W2641A Test Point Adapter can
also be used to evaluate motherboard
trace layout and connector design by
connecting to a DisplayPort receptacle
connector. With this connection a vec-
tor network analyzer or a TDR may be
used to evaluate your design. To aid in
this analysis, TRL calibration structures
are provided for de-embedding the