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4F$.;&, r*s#f,,, , ,
(HP PARr NO. O0461-9O0021
MODEL 461A14624.
s5l- (462A)
Appendix C, Manual Backdaiing Cbangs,
A adapts manual to serials Prefixed:
418-, 346- (461A)
421-, 414-, and 347- (4624)
Copyrighl Hcwltt-Packard Compahy 1963
A P.O. Box 301, Loveland, colorado,8053? U.S.A
o1358-3 Prin rc d: AUG 1965
Moders 461A1462A Table of Contents
List of Tables
List ot Illustrations
rlrrE ot col{tEl{ts
Section Page Section V (Cont'd) Page
I GENERAL INFORMATION ........ 1-1 5-8. 500 Kc Gain Check (461A and 462A) . 5-1
1-1. c'enelalllrlormatlon . .. . . . . . l-1 5-9. Outprx Vollase Check (461A) . . 5-1
1-4. AccessoriesAwllable 1-1 5-t0. Distortion Check (461A) . . 5-1
5-ll. Noise check (4614 and 4624) . . 5-3
Page 5-12. Lolg Frquncy Response Check 5-3
Il INSTALI-{TION 2-1 5-13, Eigh Frequency Response Chck
2-1. Irtroduction (461A) . . . 5-3
2-3. lmtia-lInspection 2-1 5-14. Iilse riesponse crrecx (+oze) . . 5-4
2-5. Povre! Requirements 2-l 5-15. Oulput Check (462A) 5-4
2-?. crrounding Rquirements . . 2-l 5-16. Ovlload Recovery Check
2-10. Installatiotr 2-l (461A/462A) 5-4
2-12. Bench Moutlng 5-1?. Pulse Decay Check {462A) . . . 5-4
2-14. Rack Mountirs 5-18. Panel Remoral and Replacemeni 5-5
2-16- Combination Mounl tng 2-1 5-20. Calib.ation Procedlrle 5-5
2-18. Repaclegine Ior Shipment .,.... 5-22. Power Supply (461A and 4624) 5-5
5-23. cain calihation (461A and 462A) . 5-5
Section PaCe 5-24. FrequencyResponseCalibratlon
Itr OPERiTING INSTRUCTIONS .. .. 3-1 (461A) . 5-6
3-1. lrnroducllon 5-25. Pulse Response calibratlon (462A) 5-7
3-3. Frcnt ad Rea.r Parcl Degcriptlon 3-1 5-30. Troubleshooting Procedure 5-9
3-5. Oprafing ln6tructlons .
3-?. Inpedance t\,talchirg 3-1 Page
3-S. Cascading Amplilier6 3-1 Vl REPLTCEABLE PARTS 6-1
6-1. lnlroduclion 6-1
Page 6-4. Order,ry lnformation 6-1
.-\ IV THEORY OF OPERATION 4-l 6-6. Non-Lisled Parls 6-1
4-1. General Description 4-l
4-4. Aoplilier Ckcult 4-t Appendix
section Page
5-1. lntroduclion 5-1
5-3. Test Equipment Rquired 5-1 Appendix
5-5. Performance Checks t-1 C MANUAL BACKDATTNG CHANGES
USI Oi tatt Et
Number PaCe Page
1-1, SpecilicatloDB ........ 1-l 6-1. Index by Referenc Designator 6-2
5-1. Test Equipment Requlred ........ 5-0 6-2. Repraceable Parts 6-6
Lr3l oi tttusllatlol{5
Number Page Nunber PaCe
1-1. Hwltt- Packard Moder 461A/462A 5-5. Puls Rsponse Check setup .. ... 5-4
wideband Amplifier 1-O 5-6. Pulse Overload Recovery Check Setup 5-5
3-1. Front and Rar Panl Descrlptlon .... 3-0 5-?. Panl Removrl and Replacement 5-6
3-2. Opemting lnsbucllons . .. . 3-1 5-8. Erequncy Response Calibration Setup 5-?
3-3. CascadingAmpliJier 5-9. Frequency Response Calibation of -hp-
461A, Markers at 25, 50, 100, 150 and
3-4. Cascading Amplilier 200 MEz . ....... 5-1
4-1. Simplilied Block Diagram ........ 4-7 5-10. Input and Output Pulses of Model 462A
A 5-r. Garn Check Setup
5-2. Di6iortion Check Stup
a6 photosnphed on -hp- 1858 Samplin8
Ogcilloscop; Sveep Sped is 4 nslcm 5-7
5-3. Low Frequency Respons Check 5-11. Top Yiew 5-8
5-4. High rrequncy RespoDse Check setup 5-3 5-12. Bottom View 5-8
01358-2 iii
Section I Modls 4614/462A
Figure 1-1
Wide Band Amplifier
Moder 462A
Wide Band Amplifier
Figure 1-1. Eewlett-Packard Model 461A/4624
Wideband AmPlifier
1-0 01358-1
Modls 461A1462A Se.tidn I
hragraphs 1-1 to 1-5 and Tabl 1-1
sEcTtoN I
I-I. GTNERAL INfOR'IIAIION. 1-3. Sinc the Models 461A and 462A are nearly idn-
tical, this manual will discuss the instruments in terms
l-2. The -hp- Models 461Aand462A Wide Band Am- ofthe Model 461A. The Model 462A ll'iU be mentioned
plifierscanfaithfullyamplifybothsinusoiahl and coD- only whn its operation diflers flom that of th Model
plex sigmlsinthe 1 KHz to 150 MHz range. TheModel 461A.
461A is best suited for sinusoidal inputs, andthe Model
462A i6 desigaed for complex and pulse inputs. The I -4. ACCESSORTES AVAtLABtE.
Model 461A flequencv response i6 +1 db flom 1 KHz 1-5. The -hp- 11048A 50-ohn feedthrough termi-
to 150 MHz. The Model 462A ris and fall tihes are nation is an available accessory that is comected at
less than 4 mnoseconds. Either 40 db or 20 db gain the output oI the Model 461A. The fedthroughtermi-
can be selectd with the frontpanel GAIN (DBswitch. Dtion should be used to ensure tt'at the Model 46lA
The Models 461A and 4624 are shown in rigu 1-1. is opeEting into its rated impedance in the event
The spe.ilications ol borh insirmenls are given in the instrument is comected to a device with an im-
pedance greater than 50 ohms.
Table 1-1. Specifications
MODEL 461A Pulse Dumtion for 10% Droop: 30 psec.
I'requency Range: 1 KEz to 150 MHz Output: 1 volt peak-to-peak into 50-ohm
A I'requency Response: +1 db, I KHz to 150
MHz, when operating into a 50-ohm resis- Delay: Nomtnally 12-14 .anoseconds.
tive load (500 KEz rference).
GEMRAL (461A and 462A)
Crainat 500 KHz: 40 db +0. 5 db; or 20 db +1,0
db, selectd by llont panel switch. Output Ma-ximum Input: 1 volt rms or 2 v p-to-p.
is irvertd with respect to input.
Maximum DC Input: +2 volt6.
Outputr 0.5 $.5 volts rms into 50-ohm
Overtoad Recovry: Less than 1 psec for 10
resistive load.
times overload.
Distortior: Less than 5% at maximum output
and rated load. Equilent lnput Noise Leve| Less than 40
microvolts in 40 db position.
Input Impdance: 50 ohms, nomillal.
Power Supplyr 115 or 230 v +107d, 50 to
Pulse Response: 1000 heriz, 5 watts-
Rise and Fall Time: Less than 4 nano- Dimensions: 3-14132" (8. ? cm) wide x 11"
(2?.9 cm) lonq.
Over and Undershoot: Less tllan 5%.
Weisht: Net: a lbs (1.8 Ke). Shippins: 6
lbs (2. ? Kg).
Gain: 40 db or 20 db selected by front Accessory F rmished: Detachable Power Cord
panel switch. Output is invrted witlr Accessory Arailabl: -hp- 11048A 50-ohm
!spect to input. through termir,ation.
01358-3 1-1
Moders 46rA/462A Section n
Palagraphs 2-1to 2-21
2.I. INTRODUCIION. adapter lrame is a Iack frame that accepts anv con-
bination ol submodular units. lt can be lack mounted
2-2. This section contains i ormation and instruc- only. For addil iona-l irLlormalion, address mquirtes
tions necessary for the instaUation and shipprng of the to your -hp- Sales aDd Service Oifice. (SeeAppendix
Model4clAAmplilier. lncluded are initidinspection B lor office locations. )
procedules, power and grounding requirementsr in-
sta.llation hlormation, and inst$ctions Ior repack-
2 - 16. qqqEI4Tlgr]ggqrryq
aging ior shipment.
2-l?. The Model 461Amaybe mounted in combnution
2,3. INITIAL INSPECIION. with othei submodular units by using a Conbining
case (-hp- Model 1051A or 1052,4.). The coDrbinins
2-4. Thtu instrument was carelully inspcted both Case is a fuU-moctulp unir which rr.epls various
mechanicaly and electrically be{ore shipment. It combirations of submodular units. Beingafull_nodule
Bhould be free of mars and scmtches and in perfect unit, itcanbebench or rack mounted and isannlogous
electrical order upon receipt. To confilm thiE, the to any fuu-module instrument.
hstrument should be rnspected for physical damage in
transit. Also checkfo! suppliedaccssories, and test 2-I8. REPACKAGING FOR SHIP'IIENI.
th electricalperformance of the instrument using the
procedure outlined inPalagmph 5-5. II there isdam- 2-19. The followingparagraphs containa genclal guide
age ordeliciency, see the walranty on the inside front fo! repactaging oI ihe instNment for shipnent. Refer
cover ol this manual. to PaEgraph 2-20 iI the originxl container is to be
usedi 2-21 il it is not. If you bave nDy cLuestions,
2-5. POWER TEOUIRE'lIENT5. contactyour locr.l -hp- Sales and Srvice Otfice. (Sce
Appendix B for ofiice locations. )
2-6. The Model461A can be operared Irom sny soLrce
oI ll5 or 230 volrs (+I0 6). a' 50 ro 1000 cy.lc6 NOTE
With the instrument disconnected from the ac poeer
source, move the 115/230 V sride sitch on the rear ll the instnment is to be shippad to
panel until the deshed line voltage appea.s. Po\r,er Hewle(-Paclard tu! \, rvi.e or re-
dissipation is 5 watts maximuh- pair, attach a tag to the instrument
identilying the owner and indic.rtittrj
2.7. GROUNDING REOUIREITIENIS. the service or rcpair to be accom-
plished; inctude the mdel number
2-8. To prctect operating persoml, the National and full serial number ol the inslru-
ElectIical M anuJacturers' Association (NEMA) !ecoIn- ment. In any correspondence, iden-
menalE tbat the instrument panel and cabrnet be glourd t y the instNment by mcdet.umber,
ed. AU Hewlett-Pac}ard instruments are quipped serial number. and setiJ numbpr
rrr'it} a three-conducto. power cable which, l\'hen
ptugged into an appropdate receptacle, grounds the
instNment. The ollset pin on the power cable thre- 2-20. If original container is to be used, proceed as
prong comector is the ground vtire.
2-9. To preserve the protection featur when opent-
a. Place instNment in oriBinat containcr ir avait-
ing the instftmnt lrom a two-contact outlet, use a able. Il it is not available. a suitable .:ontrincr crn
three-prong to two-prong adapte r andcomectthe green be purchased frcm your nearest -hp - Sales and se rv ice
pigtail on the adapter to ground. Office.
2.I0. INSTALLATION. Ensure that containcr is v,/eu sealed withstrons
tape or metal bands.
2-11. The Moder 4614 is fuUy transistorizedi there-
fore, no specjal coolins is rquired. However, the 2-21. If original container is not io be uscd, procccd
insrrument should nol be oDelared where the ambient
remDerarure exceed6 55oi (13Iu F) or rhe relarive a. Wrap instnment in heavy paper orplastic lrclorc
humidity exceeds 95%. ptacing in an ime! container.
2-12- BENCII MOLNTING. b. Place packing material uound aU sides oI in-
strument and protectpanellacc with cardboard strips.
2-13. TheModel 4614 is shipped with plastic ieet and
tilt stand inplace, readyforuse as abenchinstrument. c- Place instrumentand inner tuntainet in a hcavy
ca on or wooden box and seal with stron,4 tarre.rr
2-15. The Model 461A may be rack mounted by using d. Mark shipping containcr with "DELICATE
an adapter flame (-hp- Part No. 5060-0797). The INSTRI 'IENT, " FRAGILE" etc.
01358-2 2-l
SectioD m lt:de:s 451A 46211
Flgure 3-1
fD C.$l (os) s*tt"h' epplies primary power and AC POWER connecto!: ConnecBpdmary power
50 OINPUT coNector: Conrccb lnput srgnal
to the instmment. DO NoT APPLY MORE
LINE VOLTAGE: Select6 etther 115 volt8 ac
or 230 volts ac prlmary power.
( 3 ) 50 a oUTPUT coMector: Comect8 amplilled
- olpul toload. Output musl be lcrmlnated in 50
Fuseholder: Contalns a 1/4 ampere fast-brow
EXCEED -6 VOLTS DC oR +0. 6 vol,Ts DC. fuse for both 115 and 230 volt opelation.
Fisue 3-1. Front ard Rear Panel Description
3-0 01358-1
Models 461A/462A Section III
Paragraphs 3-1to 3-10 and I igure 3-2
3-2. TheModel46lAcanbe used to taithfuUy ampiiJy 3-8. Both th input impedance and the output impe-
dance of the Model 4614. are 50 ohms. The Model
signals inthe I KHz to 150 MEz rrnge. Gain settings 461A output must be connected to a 50 O load it it is
of 20db or 40 db may be setected with the front psnel tooperatwithln specifications. llthe inputimpedance
GAIN (DB)switch. TheModel461.4. wiil operate within ol the load isnot 50 O, a terminating inpedarce ol 50
speci{ications only when iis output is termturaied in 50 A mtlsi be connected across the Model 461A output.
T he -hp- Modet 1 10484 50 f) F eedthrough Termination
is recommendedlorthis pu.pose. The Model 11048A
3-3. FRONT AND REAR PANEL may be eas ily connected in series with the Model 461A
3-4. Figure 3-ldeBcribesthefunction ol all the con-
trols and indicato$ on both the front and rear panel. 3-10. The Model 461A will amptify small signa-ls in
the 5 millivolt range to an amplitude of 0. 5 volts
to 50
3-5, OPERATING INSIRUCTIONS. with mjnimum distortion. Shouldlarger output signals
bedesird, theModel 461A can be cascaded with other
3-6. I'igare 3-2 contains the operating instructions ampliliers, such as ihe -hp- Models 460A and 4608.
for the Model 4614. Each insiNction is keyed to a TrTicalset-ups cascading the Modet 461A and Models
drawins Df the front panel. 460A and 4608 are shown in Fi$res 3-3 and 3-4.
o Connectine 1 KHz to 150 MHz frequency source
to ihe input ol ihe Model 461A.
A o Connect the output oI ihe Model 4614. to a 50-
ohm load. The instmment willbe withinspecifi-
The ma-ximum outpui volile obtainable
Ircm the Model 461A is 0.5 volts rms
(1 Volt P-P lor Modet 4624.). Thus the
cations only if connected to a 50-ohm load. maxinum inpui loltage that can be ap-
o SFt Power and Cain Suitch ro thF desircd gain
settins (20 or 40 db).
plied, withoutdistortion, is 50mvon ihe
20db ranse, andSmvonthe40 db ranee.
Iigue 3-2. Openting Instruciions
01358-2 3-1
Sc.tion III ModerB 461A/462A
Fieures 3-3 and 3-4
@uooer aeola
NPr oe]u @ t"
_{A1 suv e-e
ffi o.* *"
Figrre 3-3. Cascading Amplifier
@uooer csra
/\lt: rMvP P 4[r- roovv e c
Figure 3-4. Cascading AmPlifier
M.'dels 461A/462A Section lV
Parasraphs 4-l to 4-8
sECrtoN lv
4-I. GENERAI. DESCRIPTION. A3Q8 constitute a five 3tage, Rc coupled, cascaded
4-2. The Models 461A and 462A Ampliliers arc es-
amplilier. Each stage bas a gain of 8 dbr giving th
aJnplilier a to&l gain of 40 db.
sftiaUy identical. In the Model 462A some of the
component values ar cbanged slightly to improve its
pulse respons. In tht section both instrumentswiU 4-6. Each stage haa an LR feeatback circuit *ith an
adju8table inductor. The feedback circuit in each
be presented in terms of the Modet 461A.
stage controle the overau gain of the amplifier at a
4-3. Figue 4-1 shovs a simplilied diJferentirequency, so the arplifir nust be stagger-
block diagram of tuned. There is some intenction between the stages
theModel461A. The amplifier is a five stage, stagge!-
at cefiain frquencies. A3Qg is the output emitter
tuned, cascadedamplifiervith emitter follower input
and output stages. Th ga.in ia ewitchd frcm 40 db follower, and it matche the amplilier output to a 50f,
to20 db by attenuating the lnput by 20 db. The power
supply is a conventiona.l seris legulatd supply with 4.7. POWER 5UPPI.Y.
+15 volt and -15 volt outputs.
4-4. AItIPUFtER CTRCUll5. 4-8. The power supply genentes +15 vons and -15
volts bias supply to the ampriJiers. BreaMoMdiode
4-5. Fieure 5-l38hov,/sthe schematic diagram of the A2CR3 estamishes a l5volireference. C ontrol transis-
Modet 461A. A3Q3 is the input emitter follower, tor A2Q2 detects diflerences between the rcference
matching the 50 O input impedance to the input impe- voltage and the supply output, and iis output controls
dance of theamplilier. Transistors A3Q4 throush the series re$rlator Q1.
llNArr-l t6Giffil
Figure 4-1. Simplified Block Diagram
01358-2 4-l
Models 461A/462A
Table 5-1
Trblc 5-1. Test Equipment Requirod
Tvpe Model
Output: 3 v GaiD Check -hp- Modl 200SR Wide
Impodanco: 50 ohms Range Oscillator
F!eq. Ransc: 5 Hz - 5OO KEz
Distortion: lcss than 0. 5%
Freq. Ra4-e: 500 KEz to 10 MIIZ FrequeDcy Response -hp- Model ?39A Fre-
Frq. Rcsponsc: Flat within +0.5% - qucncy Response Test
Sei 1.5'b.500KHzto10MHz Set
Accuracy: +1qo at fuU scale Gain Check -hp- Model 400L Loga-
Freq. Range: l0 Hz to 500 KHz rithmic Vacuum Tube
DB Range: -60 to +10 db
Attenuation: 40 db Freq'rency Respnse Weinschel 50-40S
Accuract: +0. 1 db
Freq. Ransc: 1Kg, to 150 MHz
Attenuation: 120 db in 10 db steps Frequencv Response -hp- Model 355D YHF
Freq. Range: l Kgz to 150 MHz Coaxial Attenuator
overall Accuracy: +1.5 db
lmpedance: 50 ohms
Freq. Range: 20 IIz to 500 K'Hz -hp- Model 331A Di6tor-
Sensitivitv: Measure 5qodistortion
RF MiIlivoli- Freq. Range: 500 KHz to 150 MHz Frequency Response -hp- Model 411A RF
Accuracy: +6qo full scale
DB Range: -30 db to '10 db
Accuracy: +1% Iuu scale Troubleshootjng and -hp- Model 4124 DC
Input Resistance: 200 M O Pover SupplyCheck6 Voltmeter-Ohmmeter-
Freq. Range: 10 MHz - 150 MEz EieL I'requency Check -hp- Model 608C/D VHI'
Output: 0. 5 ! Signal cenerator
Impedance: 50 ohms
Power Range: -30 dbm to +10 dbm Hish hequencv Check -hp- Model 431A/B
Accuracy: +39i, furl scale Power Meler wiih -hp-
Bandwidth: Dc to 200 KEz Frequency Response -hp- Model 122A Dual
Sensitivitj': 10 hv/cm to 10 v/cm Trtck 200 K. Os.il-
loscope or - hp- Model
1?5 Osciltoscope
-hp- 1?50A and 1?804
Bandrvidth: l KHz to 50 MHz Prllse Response Cneck -hp- Model 1?5A Oscil-
sensrtrvLtr: u.I v ch to r v/cm
Bandwidth: 50 MrL io 1 GHz Pulse Response Check -hp- Model 1858 100
sensitivity: 200 mv/cn to 5 v/cm Mc Osciuoscope with
-hp- 18?B Dual Trace
Impedancer 50 ohms Pulse Response Check -hp- Model 215 Prlse
Leadins ard Trailina Edse: <1 nsec
overshoot anal Rinaina: <59o peak
Corner Roundi.g Amplitucle: <95T0 oI
Pulse Widih: 30 nsec
Pulse Width: l psec -hp- Model 212A Pulse
Pulse Amplitude: 0.5 !, p-p
Pulse width: 30 psec Pulse Decay Check -hp- Model 211,4 Square
Pulse Ampliiude: 0.01 v, p-p
5,0 01358-2
M.lcels 461A/4624 Section V
Paragraphs 5-1 to 5-10
tECttoN v
5-r. tNtRoDUCTtON. f. Disconnect theac vottmeterlrom posiiion A and
connect it to position B.
5-2- This section uses the following sequence: Pe!- g. The ac voltmeter readlng should be-10 db +0. 5
formance Checks, Cabinet Remolal, Calibration Pro-
ced$e, Troubleshootilg, andRepair.
h. Rotate 461A GAIN control to 20 db.
5.3. TEST EOUIP'vIENT REQUIRED. i. The ac voltmetr should drop to -30 db *1 db.
5-4. The critical speciJications and suggested test 5.9. OUTPUT VOLTAGE CIIECK (46IA).
equipment needed in the pedormance ard calibntion
procedures are given in Table 5-1.
a. Connect the 461A as shown in Figure 5-1,
b. Set the osciUator frequency to 500 KHz and set
5-6. The perlormance checks are in-cabinet Foce- its output to minimum. Set the attenuator to 50 db.
dures that ar used to check the instruent against c. Connect the ac voltmeter to position A.
its specifications. These procedures can be used as
periodic maintenance, alter repair or incoming and d. Adjust the osciUator amplitude for a voltmete!
outgoing quarity control checks. readiq oI -43.8 db.
5-?. Checks lor the Models 4614 and 462.4 are pro-
e. Set the 461A GAIN (DB) switch to 40 db, and
comect the voltmeter to position B.
vlded. Theheadingoleachparagraphindicate6whether
theprocedue isapplicableto one orboth instruments. l. The voltmeter shouldread-3.8 db +1 db, indi-
.A' 5-8. 500 KC GAIN cHEcK (461A and 462A).
5 *0- 05 volt output.
caiing 40 db +1 db of gain and 0.
5- 10. !t!r9B!9ryrE9g_11!I4).
a. Connect 461-A. as shown in Figue 5-l with the
ac voltmeter connected to position A. a. Connect the 461A as sholrn iD Figlre 5-2-
b. SeL lhe os.illat lo 500 KHz rith minimum
b. set the oscillator frequency to 500 KHz and am-
plitude to minimum.
c. Connect the distortion aralyzer to vottmetel
c. Set ihe coaxial attenuator to 40 db. fuction and comect it to A.
d. sei the Model 46rA GAIN (DB) contror b 40 db. d. set the attenuaior to 40 db and set the 461A
GAIN (DB) to 40 DB.
e. Adjust the oscillaior AMPllTttDE control lor e. Adjust ihe osc illator for an jrdication of 0. 5 volts
r -10- 0 db indicalion on the ac voltmeter. on the distortion analyzer.
Tabl 5-1. Test Equipment Required (Cont'd)
ll'ype Specrlications
50 O I'eedthru Resistancer 50 ohms Per{ormance Check -hp- 110484 50 O Feed-
TYpe: BNC thlu Termination
Freq. Range: l KHz - 200 MHz Frequency Response Telonic sM-2000 Sveep/
RF Variation across load: +0.10 db Calibration Signal Gnerator
Ireq. Range: l KItz to 150 MEz Flequency Response Telonic SPl-?1
BNc "T" Adapter IJG.274A/IJ cain Check -hp- Part No. 1250-00?2
Type "N" uc-34gA/U Itequency Response -hp- Part No. 1250-00??
Type "NtLto- uG-207A/A I'requency Response -hp- Part No. 1250-006?
BNC Adapter
Mate BNC-to- uG-49lA/U I'requency Response -hp- Part No. 1250-0216
BNC Adapter
01358-2 5-1
Models 401A/462,A
FiFres 5-1 to 5-3
@uoorr zoosn
@rvooer aoor
Figue 5-1. Gain Check Setup
@ 2oosR
@ 3550 P:: a
Figure 5-2. Distodion Check Setup
@uoorr zoosn
@xooer rrrr
@uooer lsn
Fisure 5-3. Low Frquency Response Check
5-2 01358-2
Models 461Al462A
Paragraphs 5-11 to 5- 13
t. MFasurF rhF di5rorrion al po g.Measure the distortion at position B. The dil-
ferencebetween the two distortion readings should be
Either Palagraph 5-13, steps a thru m
(Fisae 5-4), or Pa.aslaph 5-22, stps
5- 1r' I9l9!!I4!5 11q143!q 49?4). a thru i (Fisure 5-8), can be used fo.
Connect RF Millivoltmeter and a 50 ohm load to
oUTPUT of Model 461A.
b. Rotate Model 461A GAIN control to 40 db. a. Connect Model 461A as sh@n in Figrlre 5-4.
c. RF Millivoltmcter should indicate less than 4 b. Set System Attenuator to 40 db.
c. RoiateModel 461A GAIN (DB) contror to 40 db.
a. Connect lheModel46lAas shown in Figue 5-3. d. Adjust Siglral Generator lor a lrequency oi 10
Set the attenuator to 40 db and set the 461A
e. Connect Power Meter to OUTPUT oI Modet
GAIN (DB) to 40 db. 4614 iposition A in Fisure 5-4).
c. Adjust the frequenc y r espons e test set frequency
i. Adjust the Si$al Generator output amplitude
to 500 KHz and adjust its output for an indication of for 2n indication of -5 rlb on Pdver M.t.r.
-5 db on the Rl miliivoltmter.
d. Adjrist the frequency response test set's set g. Disconnect Signal Generator from Attenuator.
levol contlot for a convnient indication. Reco.d the NOTE
sct level indication-
Do notdisturb Signal Generator controls.
e. Change the test set frequency to 10 MHz and
readjust theamplitudefor ihe same set levelrecorded
h. Connect Power Meter to OUTPUT ol Signal
Gene.ator; record Power Meter indication for use as
l. The RF millivoltmeter indicaiion shorild not
change by more than +1 db. j. Adjust sisnal generator to 20 MHz-
-\ g. Repeat steps e and f at frequencies of 5 MHz
and 1 MHz.
k. Adjust Siglal cenerator ouiput leveltothe level
recorded in step h.
h. Use an enernal oscillator to drive the lrequency m. Couect PowerMeterto Model 461A OUTPUT.
response tst st at 1 I(Ilz, and adjust ihe amplitude
for the set level indication in step d. Comect OUTPUT of Signal Generator to input of
Slstem Attenuator.
j. Connect a 1ow frequency voltmeter in place of n. Power Meier should indicate 5 db +1 db.
the Rl millivoltmeier. The voltmeter should read
-5 db +1 db. o. Repeat steps e thru o at 50, 100 and 150 MHz.
6pvooer eosczo
o |ooll 62nooer rera TH ERi/I ISTOR
@uooer rrro
@)uooee +zoa
@uooer rsso
/-\ L-.j PosrTloN '8' l
Figure 5-4. High Frequency Response Check Setup
Pan$aphs 5-14 to b-16 Moders 461A/462A
a- ConDect the Model462.{ as shown in Fieure 5_5.
b. Set attenuator to S0 db. -_:- -illl."",
a purse
eereruror r_hp_ Modpr 212A)
anos. toscopea\shown in oosi,ionA jn Fidure J_6. Y
c. set 462A GAIN (DB) cont.ot ro 40 db.
Setuptheputse genentorfo! a30 nsec negative NOTE
pulse at a repetition Iatebetweeno. t MHz and I
MEz. Keep all leads short as possible.
n.- Connect rhe osri os,.ope and 50 A loadroposi_
,ion B 3nd ser rhF obcr os.opF ro ctispl?\ one 30 nsc b. Set pulse leneth to 1 microsecond. Adjust
pulsc. Obser\e rhe snape ot rte input p;tsF. ampli'udp oj Pulse ccnpra,or for a 1.0 v pcak_to_peak
t. ConnFcr rhe oscilloscope to posir:on A. tle c. Renovc50ohmtoadandcoMect oulput oI putse
drsplared pJI6e .hould na\e iha samp suoe as rhe
pulsF ubscrvcd in step .. The rise a1d taLl rimee cenerator to Model 461A INPUT.
should oe less lhan 4 nsp,. FisJrp 5_t0 shuss rhe d. Connect a 50 ohm load termination anrr an os-
rehtive urveshaoes. cillo_s(oDcro[4^oel 461A ouTpuT tposirion B jn Fie_
rre 5-6i
5-15. OUTPUT CHECK (462A).
e. The baselin should be restored within l0% in
less than 1 microsecond atter the trailing edge of
a. Pedorm procedue described inparagaph b_4, PUI,SF]
5-r7. ?uLsE pECAY CHECK (462A).
--.b. Comec( O6cittoscope (wrrh 50 ohm load) to
OUTPUT of Sysrem Anenuator. tposnron B in FiC_
ue 5-5) a. connecra 50 ohm load across outpur ot a pulse
or souare wrve cpnFrar or such as I hF _hp_ Modet 2t
c. Adjust Amplitude of pulse Generator tor an 1A.
0.01 volt peak-to-peak output. b. Aqjusr Pulsc cenFr.lor for a 30 microseconcl
purse withamptrrudetess rhan 0.01 voJr peak_to_pFal.
d. coDe{r oulplr ot Syslem Atrenuaror ro tNpUT
ot Model 462A c. Re.nove rhe 50 ohm load trom oupu, of putse
. e. ConncctOs.iltoscoparoOUTpUTot Modcl462A.
Amp,rrude ot putsF obsertd on oscilloscope shouid d. Connectoutput of put6e Cnerator to INpUT of
bc I loll pFak-ro-ppat{ +lodo, and rhe pul6e shoutd be --
e. Rotat Model 462A GAIN conirol to 40 db.
@uooer rese
@uooer rsso
--! L lr r LERMnaroN
Fi$re 5-5. Pulse Response Check Setup
Models 461A/462A Se.tion V
Paragraphs 5-18 to 5-23
@vooer rzsa
@uooer zrza
o {( )r o @vooer aer n
POStrroN "B"
f1r olea
Figure 5-6. Pulse Overload Recovery Check setup
f. Connect 50 ohm load and Oscinoscope (dc VOLTS probe toterminar +6 of Transformer T1 (red
coupled) to OUTPUT of Model462A. wire). Reter to Fisue 5-11.
s. ?ulse droop should not exceed 1070. d Tn Dc voltmeter shotrld indicate +15 +2 votts.
5-I8. PANEL REA.lOVAI AND REPLACEMENT, e. Vary input line voltage with var iable transformer
5-19. The Model 461,4 includes top, bottom and two
from 103 to 127 volts. DC Voltmeter reading shodd
not change by more ihan 0.5 volts from the reading
side panels. For maintenance and calibmtion, only observed in step d.
top or bottom covers need be removed. Srde
panel remoral will be necessary only when replacilg L Conneci VOLTSprobe ofDC Voltmeter to emitter
front or rearpanel etc. Panel remol is illusirated of Ql (yeuow wire).
in Figlre 5-?. g. DCVoltmeter shoxld indicate -15 volts +2 volts
a. Remove ac power from the Model 461,4.
h. Vary input lrnevoltagewlthlariable transformer
b. Remove ihe 6/32 screws thai hold the panel in from 103 to 12? volts. DC Voltmeter reading should
not ctange by more than 0. 5 volts from the reading
obsened in step g.
c. Remove the panel.
d. when replacilg the panel, simply reverse the
i. Measure ihe ac vonase Ghp- Moder 400L) be-
tween emitter of Ql and ground; ripple voltag must
be less than 1 mv for rated line voltage.
5-2O. CALISRATION PROCEDURE. j. Measure ihe ac voltage between terminal {6
5-21. Thefollowirg is a complete test and adjustment of Tlanslormer T1 and eround; lippte voltage must
procedure and should be made only if it has been de- be less ttlan I mv for ary Iated line voltage.
termined that the -hp- Model 4614 is out ol adjust-
ment as determined by Panaraph 5-5, Performance 5-23. GAIN CALIBRATION (46rA ad 462A).
Check. lndiscrlminate adjustment of the lnternal
controls to "refine" seitirgs may actually cause diJ- a. Connect the 461,{ as shown in Figue 5-1.
ficulty. Calibration procedures for the Models 461A b. Set tlle oscillatorfrequency to 500 KHz with its
and4o2Aareprovided. Theheading of each paragraph amplitude at minimum.
indicates whether the procedure ls applicable to one
or both instnments, c. Set the attenuatorto 50 dband connect the volt-
meter to position A.
5-22. IqIlEiqlllf .{191434 1q?4)
d. Adjust the oscillatd amplitudefor a voltmeter
Removetopand bottom coverstrom Model4614
indication of -50 db.
cabinet (reter b lisure 5-?).
Connect Model 461A to a Var lable Transformr.
e. st the 4614 GAIN (DB) control to 40 db and
line voltage to 115 volts. comect ihe voltmeter to position B. The volimeier
should read -10 db +0.5 db. Il not, change ihe value
c. connect common lead of Dc Vonmeter Ghp- of A3RlSuntil the voltmeter does itrdicate - 10 db i0- 5
Moder 412A) to -hp- Model 4614 chassis groud and db. The \alue ol A3R18 is typically 4. ? A b 10 A.
01358-2 5-5
Models 461A/462A
Paraeraph 5- 24
Flglrre 5-7. Panet Removal and Rpptacemenl
5-24. FREQUENCY RESPONSE CALTBRATION (461A). d. Set the oscilloscope to operate oD an external
sweep, 3nd adju6r verlical seniiliviry ro 0.01 v .m
a- This caliblattonplocedure can alsobeusd for (dc coupled). Adjusl rhc horizonratsensilir:ry so rhar
a pedormance check procedure. The Telonic Model the display covers the screen.
SM-2000 provides a Unea! swep from 1 KHz to 200
MHz. The firsi External Monitor feds a dc back to e. Rotate Model 461A GAIN control to 40 db. I
the sa'eep genentor to stabilize the swep output. tt f. Set Oscilloscope VERTICAL PRESENTATION
alsoleeds a reference level to the oscitloscope. The to channel B; adjust SENSITI'ITY VERMER for 10 d
second Exterial Monitor genentes a dc ouipui pro-
portional to the RE output of the 461A. The sweep
drive from the sweep generator is usedas a horizontat g. Set Oscilloscope VERTICAL PRESENTATION
input to the scope. toB-A;adjust VERTICAL POSITION Btocentertrace.
h. Frequency response shoutd r,?ry less than +1
b. Connct tle Model 461A as shov,/n in Figure 5- 8. db Irom babe lrne over frequen.y ranse ot l0 ro 150
Keep the lead length as short as possibte. MItz. 1db ! 10%.
c. Set the sveep generatorfor a 0-200 MHz sweep
j. Adjust coils L2 thlu L6 for optimum flatness
with 50 MHz markers: fron 150MEz. (Refer to r,isure b_9.)
1 KHz to
STWEEP .......100Mc NOTFT \a,
MARKER.. 5OMC It may also b necessary to adjust the
RF ATTENUATORS 0db overall gain by changing the ralue oI
RF EUNC TION S' EEP R18 and R29 to achive opiimum flat-
MONITOR EXT ness with 40 db of gain.
5-6 01358-2
ModeIs 461A/462A Section V
Pamgraphs 5-25 to 5-28
nI^ . .-] o !"@:
(o) (o) 0""'^
Figure 5-8. Frequency Response Calibration Setup
f. Adjust coils L2 thlu LO for optimm pulse re-
sponse: rise and iall time <4 nsect overshoot less
than 5% (refe} to r.igues 5-10 and 5-11).
i I t I Modei462A
_IDB t I
(anptilied 40 db)
Fi$re 5-9. Frequency Response Calibration of -hp-
! 461A, Markers at 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 MEz
I k. Recheckgain calibration at 500 KHzas outuned
in Paragraph 5-20, steps a thru h. Figue 5-10. Input and Output Pulses of Model 462A
a6 photographed on -hp- 1858 Samplirg OsciUoscope;
5-25. PULSE RESPONSE CALTBRATTON (4624). Sweep Speed is 4 ns/cm
a. Connect theModl462,Aas shoivninFiore 5-5. 5.26. TICHED CIRCUIT AOARDS.
b. Set attenuator tD 50 db. 5-27. The Model 461.{ uses both ptated through and
.. Set 462.4 GArN (DB) conrrot ro 40 db. single sided etc hed circuit board types. Power supply
assernbly A2 uses the single srded etchd-circuit
d. Set up the pulse generator for a 30 nsec nega- board. The ampluier assembly A3 uses the plated-
tive pulse at a repetition late between 0.1 MHz and through type.
1MHz. 5- 28. When replacing a component on the plated- through
type of eiched-ctcuit board, the component can be
e. Connect the oscilloscope and 50 Q load toposi- solderedfrom either side ofthe board. Whenreplacing
tion B and set the oscilloscope to displav one 30 nsec a compoDent on the single sided board, the component
pulse. Observe the shape of the inpui putse. sl'ould be soldered trom rhe conducror sidc.
0135s-2 t-7
Moders 461A/462A
Figures 5-11 and 5-12
A2 v
L6 L5 L3 L2
462 A tzz JL 46aA j 39 t! ASSE MALY
Iigure 5- 11. Top View