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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
Vol. 13, No. 7


A New Scope Plug-In for Convenient Measuring)
of Fast Switching Times
THE increased speed of transistors and di (c) a set of adjustable dc supplies to power the
odes has brought about a need for a con device under test, and

venient and rapid means of determining the (d) a set of convenient and versatile test circuits
performance of these devices. Consequently, a into which the device under test can be con

new plug-in for the -hp- 185A/B Sampling Os nected for measurement.

cilloscope has been de- In addition to being usable for measuring
Kilomegatycle Scope, p. 4 signed which will the properties and basic parameters of semi
Automatic Switching- measure the time per conductor devices, the plug-in can be used to
Time /Measurements, p. 6
formance of a variety determine the pulse response of networks and
of fast semiconductor devices and will do so in circuits. Any circuit that can be characterized
a very convenient manner. To be capable of by its step or pulse response can be evaluated
making such measurements, the new plug-in
with this unit. In many cases the use of time-
constitutes a complete test system and provides
domain techniques can replace conventional
all of the signals and viewing equipment
frequency-domain techniques and can provide
needed for a measurement. Specifically, the
plug- in includes: a more convenient method of observing circuit
(a) a pulse generator with a fast rise time of less performance. Linear amplifiers, blocking os
than 1 nanosecond (millimicrosecond), cillators, counter circuits, and transmission line
(b) a vertical display system with an overall rise systems can all be easily evaluated in the time
time of a fraction of a nanosecond, domain using the new plug- in.

Fig. 2. Oscillogram of transistor response (upper trace)
showing typical information obtainable with new Tester.
Fig. 1. New -hp- Model 186 A Switching Time Tester plug-in Delay, rise, storage, and fall time data can be determined.
operates with -hp- Model 185 A or 185B Sampling Oscilloscope Lower trace shows time of leading and trailing edge of
to measure rise, fall, switching, and recovery times of fast tran
sistors, diodes, tunnel diodes. Device to be tested simply plugs test pulse. Oscillogram was made by dual exposure since
into test circuit provided on holder. Tester provides fast test Tester display consists of one trace; see text. Sweep time
pulse and adjustable voltages for operating device. here is 50 nanoseconds /cm.

P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 6 2 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .