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HP 8673G Safety Considerations
GENERAL are removed. Energy available at many
This product and related documentation must be points may, if contacted, result in
reviewed for familiarization with safety markings personal injury.
and instructions before operation.
Capacitors inside the instrument may
This product is a Safety Class I instrument (pro- still be charged even if the instrument
vided with a protective earth terminal). has been disconnected from its source of
For continued protection against fire
Verify that the product is set to match the avail-
able line voltage and the correct fuse is installed. hezard, replace the line fuse(s) only with
25OV fuse(s) of the same current rating
SAFETY EARTH GROUND and type (for example, normal blow, time
delay, etc.) Do not use repaired fuses or
An uninterruptible safety earth ground must be
provided from the main power source to the prod- short-circuited fuseholders.
uct input wiring terminals, power cord, or sup-
plied power cord set. SAFETY SYMBOLS
Instruction manual symbol: the product
will be marked with this symbol when it is
Any interruption of the protective necessary forthe user to refer to the instruc-
(grounding) conductor (inside or outside tion manual (seeTable of Contents for page
the instrument) or disconnecting thepro- references).
tectiwe earth terminal will causeapoten-
tial shock hazard that could result in Indicates hazardous voltages.
personal injury. (Grounding one conduc-
tor of a two conductor outlet is not suffi-
Indicates earth (ground) terminal.
cientprotection.) In addition, verify that
a common ground exists between the
unit under test and this instrumentprior
to energizing either unit. 1 WARNING1 The WARNING sign denotes a
hazard. It calls attention to a
Whenever it is likely that theprotection procedure, practice, or the like,
has been impaired, the instrument must which, if not correctly performed
be made inoperative and be secured or adhered to, could result in per-
against any unintended operation. sonal injury. Do not proceed be-
yond a WARNING sign until the
If this instrument is to be energized via indicated conditions are fully
an auto-transformer (for voltage reduc- understood and met.
tion) make sure the common terminal is
connected to neutral (that is, the The CAUTION sign denotes a
grounded side of the mains supply). hazard. It calls attention to an
operating procedure, practice, or
Servicing instruction are for use by the like, which, if not correctly per-
service-trained personnel only. To auoid formedoradheredtqcouldresult
dangerous electricshock, do not perform in damage to or destruction of
any servicing unless qualified to do so. part or all of the product. Do not
Adjustments described in the manual proceedbeyond a CAUTION sign
are performed with power supplied to until the indicated conditions are
the instrument while protective covers fully understood and met.
Copyright - Agilent Technologies, Inc. Reproduced with the permission of Agilent
Technologies Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard
to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies, Inc. is not liable for errors
contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this material or data.
General Information HP 8673G
,,,, ,,,,,, ., _,,
APC-3.5 (F) to TYPE-N (F
Figure 1-l. HP 66736 Accessories Supplied, and Options 907,908. and 909
HP 86736 General Information
The HP 8673G Operating Manual contains all the Manual Updates provide information necessary
information required to install, operate, and test to update the manual. The supplement is identified
the Hewlett-Packard Model 8673G Synthesized by the manual print date and part number, both
Signal Generator. Figure 1-l shows an HP 86736 which appear on the manual title page.
Signal Generator with all ofits externally supplied
accessories. 1-5. DESCRIPTION
The HP 8673G Operating Manual has four The HP 8673G SynthesizZl Signal Genwator has
sections: a frequency range of 2.0 to 26.0 GHz (1.95
Section 1, General Information 26.5 GHz overrange). The output is leveled and
Section 2, Installation calibrated from 1-8dBm to -100 dBm, depending
Section 3, Operation on the frequency and options. For additional
Section 4, Performance Tests information, see Table 1-l. Frequency, output
level, and all other functions except line switch
The HP 86736 Service Manual, which is shipped ca,n be remotely programmed via HP-IB.
with the instrument as Option 915 or ordered
separately, has four sections: Long-term frequency stability is dependent on the
Section 5, Adjustments time base, either an internal or external reference
Section 6, Replaceable Parts oscillator. The internal crystal referenceoscillator
Section 7, Manual Changes operates at 10 MHz while an external oscillator
Section 8, Service may operate at 5 or 10 MHz. The output of the
Signal Generator is exceptionally flat due to the
Additional copies of the Operating Manual or the action of the internal automatic leveling control
Service Manual can be ordered separately through (AL0 loop.
your nearest Hewlett-Packard office.
The Signal Generator is comoatible with HP.IB
1-2. SPECIFICATIONS the extent indicated by the following code: SHl,
Instrument specifications are listed in Table 1-l. AHl,T5,TEO,L3,LEO, SRl, RLl,PPl, DCl, DTl,
These specifications are the performance, stand- and CO.The Signal Generator interfaces with the
ards or limits against which the instrument may bus via three-stats TTL circuitry. An explanation
be tested. Supplemental characteristics are listed of the compatibility code can be found in IEEE
in Table l-2. Supplemental characteristics are not Standard 488 (1978), "IEEE Standard Digital
warranted specifications, but are typical charac- Interface for Programmable Instrumentation"
teristics included a8 additional information for or the identical ANSI Standard MC1.1. For more
the user. detailed information relating to programmable
control of the Signal Generator, refer to Remote
l-3. SAFETY CONSIDERAIIONS Operation, Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus in Sec-
tion 3 of thismanual.
This product is a Safety Class I instrument, that
is, one provided with a protective earth terminal.
The Signal Generator and all related documenta-
tion should be reviewed for familiarization with 1-7. Electrical Options
safety markings and instructions before opera- Option 004. The Signal Generator's RF OUTPUT
tion. Refer to the Safety Considerations page connector is located on the rear panel. Maximum
found at the beginning of this manual for a sum- output power is listed in Table I-1.
mary of the safety information. Safety informa-
tion for installation, operation, performance test- Option 008. Option 008 provides +8 dBm leveled
ing, adjustment, or service is foundin appropriate output power from 2.0 to 26.0 GHz.