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Keysight Technologies
Solutions for Transmit/Receive
Module Test
Reach for unrivaled excellence in TR module testing
Technology Trends and Their Impact on Test
Radar, satellite and electronic warfare (EW) systems utilize Across these applications, a common set of issues tends to
a wide variety of microwave modules. For example, Active occur during testing in the engineering and production envi-
Electronically Steered Arrays (AESA) include thousands, or ronments. The overall cost of test is directly related to three
even tens of thousands, of Transmit/Receive (TR) modules. major factors: the labor burden, the equipment cost, and the
TR modules typically need extensive testing to ensure that total test time accumulated across all steps in the process.
they are matched across the phased array in which they are
used. To complicate matters, many modules are smart de- The Keysight Technologies, Inc. PNA-X Series microwave
vices that operate in a variety of modes and require multiple network analyzers offers a high performance integrated solu-
commands from the test platform for each test. In addition, tion for addressing the most challenging test needs of today's
each module is tested at multiple steps in the assembly TR module. This brochure provides an overview of the PNA-X's
process and traceability is required from step to step. unique benefits in meeting the test needs of the next genera-
tion of TR modules.
Market Trends
Increasing frequencies, bandwidths, and resolutions Number of array elements increasing