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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
Vol. 5 No. 1-2
Time Interval Measurements
with the -hp- Electronic Counter
>"T~1HE recently-introduced -hp- Model Viscosity
JL 522B Electronic Counter1 measures such Timing of many kinds of high-speed
quantities as frequency, period, total events, mechanical motion
and frequency ratio. Of special interest, how For measuring time intervals, the 522B is
ever, are the applications in which the in arranged with two special terminals. One of
strument is being used to measure time in these accepts a "start" signal, the other a
tervals. "stop" signal. The purpose of these termi
A device that makes accurate, high-speed nals is to open and close an electronic gate
time interval measurements is an important in the instrument. When the gate is open,
tool for investigating many phenomena, a standard frequency from an internal pre
both electrical and mechanical, such as: cision oscillator and time base circuits is
Stability applied (Fig. 2) to the instrument's counter
Pulse duration circuits. The counters thus measure the
Pulse interval number of cycles of the time base circuits
Phase delay that the gate has been open, i.e., the time
Velocity, linear and rotational between the start and stop signals.
Flow The precision oscillator is arranged with
Distance (in terms of time) associated circuitry so that it makes avail
Photographic device operating times able to the counters any one of six frequen
Relay operating times cies spaced in decade steps from 1 cps to
100 kcs. The counters will thus
measure the time interval be
tween the start and stop signals
directly in units as short as 10
microseconds or as long as 1 sec
ond. The 5-place display system
in the instrument permits up to
100,000 of any of these units to
be measured. The total time-
interval measuring capability of
\ the instrument therefore ranges
from a minimum of 10 micro-
IE. A. Hilton, "A New 100 KC Counter
Fig. Counter Time interval-measuring ability of -hp- 522B Electronic Counter for Use in Electronics and Industry,"
simplifies many measurements of electrical and mechanical phenomena. In Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3,
strument will also measure frequencies up to 100 kc, periods (1/f) as long November 1952. Copies available upon
as 100,000 seconds. Measurements presented on direct-reading digital system. request.
P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 5 3 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .