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Installation and Verification Manual
HP 70903A IF Section

This manual applies directly to HP 70903A IF Sections
with serial numbers prefixed 2835A and below.


HP Part No. 70903-90024
Printed in USA November 1988
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including,
but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Restricted Rights Legend.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth
in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.227-7013 for DOD agencies, and subparagraphs (c) (1) and (c) (2) of the
Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 for other agencies.

@ Copyright 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction,
adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed
under the copyright laws.
Santa Rosa Systems division, 1400 Fountaingrove Pkwy, Santa Rosa, CA
Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the
time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration
measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NET, formerly NBS), to the extent allowed by the institute3 calibmtion facility, and to the
calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members.
This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year from date of delivery. During the warranty period,
Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to
be defective.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated
by HP. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to HP and HP shall pay shipping charges to
return the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes
for products returned to HP from another country.
HP warrants that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with an instrument
will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. HP
does not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will be
uninterrupted or error free.
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper maintenance by
Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation
outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or
Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for
Hewlett-Packard Products.
For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Ofice. Addresses
are provided at the back of this manual.
The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual and in the instrument.
Familiarize yourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating the instrument.

Note Notes will be used to cell attention to an important point in the text.
This is not a hazard, but should not be ignored as it will provide a better
understanding of the text.

Caution The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure
which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or
destruction of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION sign until
the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.

Warning The WARNING sign denotes a hazard It calls attention to a procedure which, if
not correctfy performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss of lffe. Do
not proceed beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated conditions are fully
9 understood and met.

Warning BEFORE THIS INSTRUMENT IS SWITCHED ON, make sue it has been
properly grounded through the protective conductor of the ac power cable to
a socket outlet provided with the protective earth contact. Any intemption
9 of the protective (grounding) conductor, inside or outside the instrument, or
disconnection of the protective earth terminal can resutt in personal injury.

Warning There are voltages at many points in the instrument which can, if contacted,
cause personal injury. Be extremely careful. Any adjjstments or service
procedures that require operation of the instrument with the protective covers
removed should be performed only by trained service personnel

Caution BEFORE THIS INSTRUMENT IS TURNED ON, make sure its primary
power circuitry has been adapted to the voltage of the ac power source.
Mure to set the ac power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to
the instrument when the ac power cable is plugged in.

Safety Symbols-l
Instruments and modules of the HP 70000 Modular Measurement System are documented
to varying levels of detail. Modules that serve as masters (that is, control other elements)
of an instrument require operation information in addition to installation and verification
instructions. Modules that function as slaves in a system require only a subset of installation
and verification information.

Manuals Supplied with Module
Installation and Verification Manual
Topics covered by this manual include installation, specifications, verification
of module operation, and some troubleshooting techniques. Manuals for
modules that serve as instrument masters will supply information in all these
areas; manuals for slave modules will contain only information needed for slave
module installation and verification. Master module documentation may also
include some system-level information.
Operation Manual
Operation Manuals usually pertain to multiple-and single-module instrument
systems. Topics include preparation for module use, module functions, and
softkey definitions.
Programming Manual
Programming Manuals. also pertain to multiple- and single-module instrument
systems. Progr amming Manual topics include programming fundamentals and
definitions for remote programming commands.

Service Manual, Available Separately
When available, this manual provides service information for a module, including
module verilication tests, adjustments, troubleshooting, replaceable parts lists, and
replacement procedures. For ordering information, contact an HP Sales and Service
Office. (NOTE: Some versions of this manual are titled Technical Reference.)

Documentation Outline1

1. General Information
Introduction ........... ........ l- l
Module Description ......... ........ l- l
Modular Measurement System Terms . ........ l-2
Functional Terms ......... ........ l-2
Structural Terms ........ . ........ l-2
Safety Considerations ........ ........ l-3
Modules Covered by Manual .... . ........ l-3
Serial Numbers .......... ........ l-3
Manual Updating Supplement .... ........ l-4
Initial Inspection .......... ........ l-4
Accessories ........... ........ l-4
Front/Rear-Panel Features ..... ........ l-5
Front-Panel Status Indicators ... ........ l-5
ACT (Active) LED ........ ........ l-5
ERR (Error) LED ....... ........ l-5
Front-Panel Outputs ....... ........ l-5
VIDEO 0-1V ......... ........ l-5
IF 21.4-M& .......... ........ l-5
Module Latch .......... ........ l-5
Rear-Panel Inputs and Outputs . . ........ 1-6
21.4MHz IN .......... ........ l-6
21.4MHz OUT ........ ........ l-6
VIDEO OUT ........ . ........ l-6
VIDEO IN ........ l-6
LINEARAGC VIDEO ': : ........
::: l-6
Mainframe/Module Interconnect . ........ l-6
Electrostatic Discharge Information . ........ l-8
Reducing ESD Damage ...... ........ l-9
Handling of Electronic Components ........ l-9
Test Equipment ........ ........ l-9
Static-Safe Accessories ..... . ........ l-10
Sales and Service Offices ...... ........ l-10
Returning Instruments for Service . . ........ 1-12
Packaging ........... ........ 1-12
Instrument Shipping Preparation Procedure. .......

2. Installation
Introduction ........... 2-l
Preparation for Use .......... 2-l
Addressing the Module .......... 2-2
Determining the HP-MSIB Address ........

Setting the HP-MSIB Address Switches ........ 2-3
Installing the Module in the Mainframe ........ 2-4
Module Installation .......... 2-4
Connecting the Rear-Panel Cables ........ 2-5
Rear-Panel Cables for HP 71100A RF Spectrum Analyzer ...... 2-5
HP 71100A IF Section Cable Connections ....... 2-5
Rear-Panel Cabling for HP 71210A Microwave Spectrum Analyzer .. 2-6
HP 71210A Dual-IF Section Cable Connections ...... 2-6

3. Spec&ations

4. Ver&ation
Introduction ............... ....... 41
Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 41
Performance Verification Tests . . . ...........
... . 41
Power-on Self-Test . .. . ... ...........
. .. . 41
System Diagnostics ... ..
. .... ........... . 42
System Diagnostics Operation . . .. ........... . 42
Spectrum Analyzer Operation Verification ........... . 43
System Performance . . . . . ...........
.... . 43

5. Troubleshooting
Introduction ........... 5-l
Troubleshooting Tools ..........5-l
StatusIndicators .... i 5-l
STATUS ACT .......... 5-2
STATUS ERR .......... 5-2
Module Self-Test .......... 5-2
Error Messages. .......... 5-3
Usage/Operating Errors 5-3
Hardware Warning Errors .........
Hardware Broken Errors 5-3

Figure l-l Typical Serial Number Label l-3
Figure l-2 Module Front- and Hear-Panel Features l-7
Figure l-3 Example of a Static-Safe Work Station 1-8
Figure l-4 Mainframe Packagiug Material 1-14
Figure l-5 Module Packaging Material 1-15
Figure 2-l Module Address Switches 2-3
Figure 2-2 Module Installation 2-4
Figure 2-3 HP 71100 Spectrum Analyzer Rear-Panel Cables 2-5
Figure 2-4 HP 71210 Spectrum Analyzer Rear-Panel Cables 2-6

List of Tables
Table l-l Accessories Shipped with a Single Module l-4
Table l-2 Static-Safe Accessories l-10
Table l-3 HP Sales and Service Offices l-11
Table 21 Typical Address Map 2-2
Table 2-2 HP 70903A RF Cables 2-5
Table 5-l Error Message Grouping 5-3
Table 52 HP 70903A Error Messages 53

General Information
The HP 70993A Installation and Verification Manual contains information needed to install
and verify the HP 76903A IF Section. For information on instailing and verifying HP 70000
Modular Measurement Systems, refer to the installation and verification manual for the
system master (for example, HP 7096OA Local Oscillator).
This manual contains the following five chapters:
Chapter 1, General Information, describes the module and its accessories, gives
electrostatic discharge and packaging information, and lists Hewlett-Packard Sales and
Service Offices.
Chapter 2, Installation, provides information for configuring and installing the module
in an HP 79900 Modular Measurement System.
Chapter 3, Specifications, lists module specifications and characteristics.
Chapter 4, Verification, contains tests required to verify module specifications.
Chapter 5, Troubleshooting, e&ins the probable cause(s) indicated by front-panel
status/error LEDs, and lists the error codes that can be produced or caused by the
HP 70903A IF Section.

Module Description
The HP 70903A IF Section is a l/&width module, providing a resolution bandwidth of
100 kHz to 3 MBz, designed for use in HP 70000 Modular Measurement Systems. The module
processes a 21.4 MHz signal from a spectrum analyzer RF Section or external mixer interface
module. A detected video signal is produced and routed to the video processor in the local
oscillator. The module contains resolution bandwidth filters, log amplifiers, detection circuitry,
and video filters. The HP 70903A can be used with an HP 70902A in a single system to
provide resolution bandwidths of 10 Hz to 3 MHz.

The HP 70903A is a slave module and as such is controlled by the system master.

General Information 1-l
Modular Measurement System Terms
Understanding the following terms is essential to understanding HP-MSIB (Hewlett-Packard
Modular System Interface Bus) addressing and the structural relationships among modular
system devices.

Functional Terms
Modular system devices may be combined to allow them to communicate and operate as
an instrnment. The following terms identify the interrelationships among devices within a
modular instrument.
Element: Any device that communicates over the HP-MSIB (for example, HP 70903A
IF Section). In contrast, the HP 70001A Mainframe coordinates all HP-MSIB
communications, but does not communicate over the HP-MSIB and therefore is not an
Master: An element that controls other elements.
Sub-master: An element that simultaneously controls other elements and is controlled
by other elements. .
Slave: An element that is controlled by another element.
Independent element: An element that is neither a master or a slave (for example,
HP 70206A System Graphics Display).
Instrument: An element, or group of elements that performs an independent function
(for example, HP 71300A Millimetre Spectmm Analyzer).

Structural Terms
Modular systems consist of hardware stmctures dedicated to specific functions. The structural
terms used in reference to these functions are described below.
Main.l&ne: A mainframe is the device into which plug-in modules may be installed to
create an instrument such as a modular measurement system.
Module: Modules are devices that plug into a mainframe. They cannot function
without a mainframe.
Stand-Alone Instrument: An HP-MSIB element capable of performing its functions
without a mainframe (for example, HP 79206A System Graphics Display).

19 General Information
Safety Considerations
Before operating this module, familiarize yourself with any safety markings on the module
and the safety instmctions in this manual. This module has been manufactured and tested
according to international safety standards. The cautions and warnings in this manual must
be followed to ensure the safe operation of the module and protection of personnel. Refer to
the summary of safety considerations at the front of this manual.

Modules Covered by Manual
The contents of this manual apply to HP 70903A IF modules with the serial number prefix(es)
listed under "Serial Numbers " on the manual title page.

Serial Numbers
Attached to the front frame of the module is a mylar serial-number label. The serial number
is divided into two parts. The first four digits and letter are the serial number prefix; the last
five digits are the sue. See Figure l-l. The prefix is the same for all identical modules; a
prefix break or change only occurs when a sign&ant modification is made to the product.
The suffix, however, is assigned sequentially and is different for each module.

\ Y Y IX I
\ J

Figure l-l. Typical Serial Number Label

General Information 1-3
Manual Updating Supplement
A module manufactured after this manual was printed may have a serial number prefix other
than that listed under "Serial Numbers " on the manual title page. A higher serial number
prefix than stated on the title page indicates that changes have been made to the module
since the manual was printed.

Any changes that affect information in this manual are documented in the Manual
Updating Supplement for this manual. The Manual Updating Supplement may also contain
information for correcting errors in the manual. To keep the manual as current and accurate
as possible, periodically request the latest Manual Updating Supplement for this manual from
your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office.

Initial Inspection
Inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or cushioning material
is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of the shipment have been checked for
completeness and the module has been checked mechanically and electrically. Refer to
Table l-l below to determine what accessories should have been shipped with the module.
If the shipping contents are incomplete, or the module does not satisfy the verification
procedures in Chapter 4, notify the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office.

The HP 70903A may be ordered separately or as part of a preconi+red HP 70000 Modular
Measurement System. When ordered separately, accessories are supplied for the most
common system configurations. Table l-l lists cables included with a module that is ordered
separately. When ordered with a preconfigured HP 70009 Modular Measurement System,
cables are supplied to connect the module in that configuration. Refer to the installation
and verification manual for the system master for a list of cables available to configure other
module arrangements.

Table l-l. Accessories Shipped with Single Module

Accessory HP Part Nti
Coax RF Cables:
SMB (f) couuectors, SO!&9 cm (3.5 in) 5061-9015
SMB (f) connectors, SOQ, 19 cm (7.5 iu) 5061-9017
SMB (f) couuectors, SMZ, 39 cm (15.375 in) 5061-9021

l-4 General Information
Front/Rear-Panel Features
Figure l-2 shows the HP 70903A front- and rear-panel features.

Front-Panel Status Indicators
It is normal for both of the front-panel status LED indicators to flash on, then off, during the
module self-test. Self-test occurs each time the instrument is turned on. Listed below are
other reasons why each status LED might light.

ACT (Active)
The green ACT LED active indicator of a slave module turns on when the module is making
a measurement and its master has keyboard control of the display. Refer to Chapter 5 for
additional detail related to ACT LED.

Note The ACT LED of a slave module is only operative when there is a display in
the system or when the instmment is performing a self-test.

ERR (Error) LED
The red ERR LED lights when there is a problem (error) related to the module. Refer to
Chapter 5 for additional troubleshooting information.

Front-Panel Outputs

Note The output levels described for both front- and rear-panels are typical and
only apply if a 21.4MHz signal, at a nominal level of -5 d.Bm, is applied to
the 21.4MHz input on the rear panel.

VfDEO 0-1V
This BNC (m) connector provides an auxiliary 0-1V video output.

fF 21.4MHz
This BNC (m) connector provides an auxiliary 21.4MHz IF signal output of approximately
-15 dBm.

Module Latch
The module hex-nut latch secures the module in an HP 70000 Series mainframe. When the
module is being installed or removed from a mainframe, an 8 mm hex-ball driver is used to
turn the module latch. Refer to Chapter 2 for information on module installation.

General Information l-5
Rear-Panel Inputs and Outputs

21.4MHz IN
This SMB (m) input connector receives a 21.4-MHz signal, at a nominal level of -5 dBm,
from the RF section.

21.4.MHz OUT
This SMB (m) output connector is used when cascading signals iu a HP 70000 Modular
Measurement System that has two IF sections.

This SMB (m) output connector supplies a typical 0-2V video signal to the system master
(for example, HP 70900A Local Oscillator).

Note In an HP 70000 Modular Measurement System that has two IF sections, the
21.4 MHz-IN and Video OUT from the HP 70902A are cascaded through the
HP 70903A before connecting onto the RF section and system master. Refer
to Chapter 2, "Installation. "

This SMB (m) connector receives the video output from an HP 79902A when two IF sections
are used in an HP 70000 Modular Measurement System.

This SMB (m) connector provides an uncorrected, linear video output signal, the peak value
of which is leveled to 1V nominal and is linearly related to the RF input. This output is
indepedent of the spectmm analyzer ' internal IF gain setting. Therefore, changing the
reference level will not disturb the amplitude of the linear video output.
The Linear AGC Video output is also compatible with the HP 709024 IF Section. Since in a
dual IF system the HP 70902A ' video is connected through the HP 70903A, the video from
the HP 70902A will also be linearized.
After demodulation, the following applications may be performed:
n Audio monitoring.
= Video monitoring.
l Measuring rise and fall time in pulse evaluation.
l Digitizing for data processing and storage.

Mainframe/Module Interconnect
This multiple-pin connector plugs into the mainframe and provides power-supply voltages and
HP-MSIB connections for module communication and control.

l-6 General Information
c I I \
3MHz `21.4



- 0

00 ooooooooo

IF 21.4
MHz O O O O 'o"oooooo



Figure l-2. Module Front- and Rear-Panel Features

General Information 1-7
Electrostatic Discharge Information
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage or destroy electronic components. All work on
electronic assemblies should be performed at a static-safe work station.
Figure l-3 shows an example of a static-safe work station using two types of ESD protection:
(1) conductive table-mat and wrist-strap combination, (2) conductive table-mat and heel-strap
combination. The two types must be used together to ensure adequate ESD protection. Refer
to Table l-2 for a list of static-safe accessories and their part numbers.

Bui lding
. \\ \/ Ground

\\) " Floor Mat

Figure l-3. Example of a Static-Safe Work Station

l-8 General Information
Reducing ESD Damage
Handling of Electronic Components
n Perform work on these items at a static-safe work station.
n Store or transport these items in static-shielding containers.
n Use proper handling techniques.

Caution PC board traces are easily damaged.
Do not touch traces with the bare hands.
Always handle board assemblies by the edges.

Test Equipment

n Before connecting any coaxial cable to an instrument connector for the first time each
day, momentarily short the center and outer conductors of the cable together.
n Personnel should be grounded with a resistor-isolated wrist-strap before touching the
center pin of any connector and before removing any assembly from the instrument.
n Be sure that all instruments are properly earth-grounded to prevent build-up of static

General Information 1-9
Static-Safe Accessories

Table l-2. Static-Safe Accessories

set includes: 3M static control mat 0.6-m by 1.2-m (Zft by 4ft) and 4.6cm
(15ft)ground wire (The wristcstrap and wrist-strap cord are not included. They
must be ordered separately.)
9300-0980* Wrist strap cord 1.5m (5 R)
93ocbo985* Wrist strap (large)
Wrist strap (small)
ESD heel strap (reusable 6 to 12 months)
`Shoe ground strap (one time use only)
*Can be ordered through any HewlettrPackard G&e.

92175A ** 1Black, hard surface, static control mat, 1.2m by 1.5m (4 ft by 5 ft)

I 92175B ** 1Brown, soft-surface, static control mat, 2.4m by 1.2m (8 ft by 4 ft)

II 92175c ** 1Small, black, hard surface, static control mat, 1.2m by 0.9m (4 ft by 3 ft)

I 92175T ** 1Tabletop static control mat, 58 cm by 76 cm (23 in by 30 in)

I 92176A ** 1Natural color anti-static carpet, 1.8m by 1.2m (6 ft by 4 R)

I 92176C ** 1Russet color anti-static carpet, 1.8m by 1.2m (6 ft by 4 ft)
92176B * 1 Natural color anti-static carpet, 2.4m by 1.2m (8 ft by 4 ft)
92176D ** Russet color anti-static carpet, 2.4m by 1.2m (8 ft by 4 ft)
**Can be ordered only from:
HewlettPackard Compauy
Computer Supplies Operation
1320 Kifer Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone (408) 738-8858

Sales and Service Offices
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Of&es provide complete support for Hewlett-Packard
products. To obtain servicing information, or to order replacement parts, contact the nearest
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office listed in Table l-3. In any correspondence, be sure
to include the pertinent information about model numbers, serial numbers, and/or assembly
part numbers.

l-10 General Information
Table l-3. Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices

caIifornia Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
HewletePackard Co. 31-41 Joseph Street 29-21 TakaidoHigashi, 3 Chome
1421 South Manhattan Ave. Blackbum, Victoria 3130 Sugiuami-ku Tokyo 168
P-0. Box 4230 895.2895 (03) 331-6111
Fullerton, CA 92631
(714) 999-6700 IN CANADA
Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. IN PEOPLE ' REPUBLIC
Hewlett-Packard Co. 17500 South Service Road OF CHINA
301 E.Evelyu Trans-Canada Highway China Hewlett-Packard, Ltd.
Mountain View, CA 94039 Kirkland, Quebec H9J 2X8 P-0. Box 9610, Beijing
(415) 694-2000 (514) 697-4232 4th Floor, 2nd Watch Factory
Main Bldg.
Colorado IN FRANCE Shuaug Yu Shu, Bei San Huan
Hewlett-Packard Co. Hewlett-Packard France Beijing
24 Inverness Place, East F-91947 Les Ulis Cedex 280567
Englewood, CO 80112 Cr=Y
(303) 649-5000 (6) 907-78-25
Georgia IN GERMAN FEDEHAL Hewlett-Packard Singapore
Hewlett-Packard Co. REPUBLIC Pte. Ltd.
2000 South Park Place HewletP-0. Box 105005 Vertriebszeutrale Fraukfurt 450-2 Alexandra Road
Atlanta, GA 30339 Bemer Strasse 117 Alexandra P-0. Box 58
(404) 9551500 Postfach 560 140 Singapore, 9115
D-6000 Frankfurt 56 4731788
Illinois (0611) 50-04-l
IIewletePackard Co.
Rolliug Meadows, IL 60008 Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Hewlett-Packard Taiwan
;312) 2559800 King Street Lane 8th Floor, HewlettcPackard
Wiiersh, Wokiugham Building
New Jersey Berkshire RGll 5AR 337 Fu Hsiug North Road
Eewlett-Packard Co. 0734 784774 Taipei
120 W. Century Road (02) 712-6404
(201) 2655900 COUNTRIES
HewlettPackard (Schweiz) AG IN ALL OTHER LOCATIONS
Texas Alhneud 2 Hewlett-Packard Inter-Americas
Eewlett-Packard Co. CH-8967 Widen (Zurich) 3200 Hillview Avenue
930 E. Campbell Rd. (0041) 57 3121 11 Palo Alto, California 94304
Richardson, TX 75081
(214) 2316101

General lnfomation l-l 1
Returning Instruments for Service
If a module is being returned to Hewlett-Packard for servicing, fill in and attach a blue service
tag. Service tags are supplied at the end of this manual. Please be as specific as possible
about the nature of the problem. Include copies of error messages, data related to module
performance, type of system, etc., along with the module being returned.

The original shipping containers should be used. If the original materials were not retained,
identical packaging materials are available through any Hewlett-Packard office. Figures l-5
and l-6 illustrate the factory packaging material. When ordering packaging material to ship
modules, it is necessary to order the proper number of foam inserts.
l A 3/&width module (for example, HP 70205A Graphics Display) requires no foam

m A P/&width module (for example, HP 70900A Local Oscillator) requires one foam
m A l/&width module (for example, HP 70903A IF Section) requires two foam inserts.

Caution damage can result from using
Instrument packaging materials other than
those specified. Never use styIene pellets as packaging material. They do not
adequately cushion the instrument or prevent it from shifting in the carton.
They also cause instmment damage by generating static electricity.

Instrument Shipping Preparation Procedure.
1. Fill out a blue repair card (located at the end of this manual) and attach it to the
instrument. Include any error messages or speci& performance data related to the
problem. If a blue repair tag is not available, the following information should be
noted and sent with the instmment.
Type of service required
Description of the problem
Is problem constant or intermittent
Name and phone number of technical contact person
e. Return address
f. Model number of returned instrument
Full serial number of returned instrument
:: List of any accessories returned with instrument
2. Pack the instmment in the appropriate packaging materials. (See Figures l-4 and
l-5.) Original shipping materials or the equivalent should be used. If the original or
equivalent materials cannot be obtained, instruments can be packaged for shipment
using the following instmctions.

Caution Inappropriate packaging of instruments may result in damage to the
instrument during transit.

1-12 General Information
a. Wrap the instrument in anti-static plastic to reduce the possibility of damage
caused by ESD.
b. For instruments that weigh less than 54kg (120-lb), use a double-walled,
corrugated cardboard carton of 159-kg (350-lb) test strength.
c. The carton must be large enough to allow three to four inches on all sides of
the instrument for packing material and strong enough to accommodate the
weight of the instrument.
d. Surround the equipment with three to four inches of packing material, to
protect the instrument and prevent it from moving in the carton.
e. If packing foam is not available, the best alternative is S.D.-240 Air Cap from
Sealed Air Corporation (Commerce, California 90001). Air Cap looks like a
plastic sheet filled with l-1/4 inch air bubbles.
f. Use the pink (anti-static) Air Cap to reduce static electricity. Wrapping the
instrument several times in this material will protect the instrument and
prevent it from moving in the carton.
3. Seal the carton with strong nylon adhesive tape.
4. Mark the carton ` FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE '.
5. Retain copies of all shipping papers.

General Information 1-13
Figure l-4. Mainframe Packaging Material

l-14 General Information

Figue 1-5. Module Packaging Material

General Information l-1 5
This chapter contains information needed to install the HP 70903A into an HP 70000 Series
mainframe and to configure and cable the HP 70903A for use in an HP 71100A or 71210A
spectrum analyzer. These examples cover the HP 70903A cabling requirements for either a
single or dual IF section configuration. Cabling for single- and dual-IF systems is shown in
Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4, respectively. Depending on the number of IF sections required,
one of the two examples will apply when cabling the HP 70903A in other HP 70000 Series
spectmm analyzers
The information presented is general in nature. For more detailed information on spectrum
analyzer con&uration and HP-MSIB addressing, refer to the installation and verification
manual for the system master (for example, HP 70900A Local Oscillator).

Preparation for Use
Installation of the module into an HP 70000 Modular Measurement System requires the
following steps:
n Addressing the module
n Installing the module in a mainframe
n Connecting the rear-panel cables
When properly instaed, the HP 70903A D? Section obtains both power and interface-bus
control through the module rear-panel mainframe/moduIe interconnect. After the module is
installed, refer to Chapter 4 to ensure the module is operational.
Addressing and cabling examples in this chapter apply to both HP 71100A and HP 71210A
spectrum analyzers. For more detailed information about HP 70000 Modular Measurement
System configuration, cabling, and addressing, refer to the installation and verification manual
for the system master (for example, HP 709OOA Local Oscillator).

Installation 2-1
Addressing the Module
The HP 70903A needs an appropriate HP-MSIB (Hewlett-Packard Modular System Interface
Bus) address to allow communications with the system master. The HP 70903A module
HP- `MSIB address is set using the module ' ROW and COLUMN address switches.

Determining the HP-MSIB Address
The HP 70903A has a factory-preset HP-MSIB address of 2, 18 (row 2, column 18). Table 2-l
shows the address map for an HP 71210A Microwave Spectrum Analyzer. The addresses
in this table are factory-preset for modules in this system. Refer to the installation and
verification manual for the system master for instructions on how to display the instmment
address map.

Table 2-l. Typical Address Map

Note The factory-preset addressing of a HP 70903A need not be changed if it is
used with other factory-preset modules. If other modules in a system have
been changed from factory-preset addresses, the HP 70903A may require

2-2 lnstalfation
Setting the HP-MSIB Address Switches
A module-address change requires the following steps:
1. Locate the address switches on the right side-panel of the module. See Figure 2-l for
an example of the switches.
2. Set the address switches labeled "row " to the binary value of the module ' HP-MSIB
row number. For example, if the row value is 2, set the switches to binary 010 as
shown in Figure 2-l.
3. Set the five switches labeled "column " to the binary value of the module ' HP-MSIB
column number. For example, if the column value is 18, set the switches to binary
10010 as shown in Figure 2-l.

Note Changing HP-MSIB addresses requires an understanding of HP-MSIB
addressing rules. For information on determining and assigning HP-MSIB
addresses, refer to the installation and verification manual for the system
3 master (for example, HP 70900A Local Oscillator).

= -l=
= 0= OF

ROW 2, COLUMN 18 ,


Figure 2-l. Module Adbess Switches

Installation 2-3
Installing the Module in the Mainframe
The HP 70903A must be installed in an HP 70000 Series mainframe. This is accomplished by
following the procedure below. Figure 2-2 identifies the module and mainframe parts called
out in the procedure.

Caution To avoid blowing the mainframe line fuse or internal module fuses, the
mainframe power must be turned off before connecting or disconnecting

Module Installation

1. Turn the mainframe LINE switch off.
2 . Open the mainframe front-panel door.
3 . Slide the module into the mainf?ame.
4 . Tighten module latch using an 8 mm hex-ball driver while pressing against module
5 . Connect module cables.
6 . Close the mainframe front-panel door.
7 . Turn the mainframe LINE switch on.


Figure 2-2. Module Installation

24 Installation
Connecting the Rear-Panel Cables
This section contains instructions for connecting the rear-panel cables to an HP 70903A in
either an HP 71100A or an HP 71210A spectrum analyzer single-IF 'and dual-IF section
system, respectively. The cables supplied with an HP 70903A module that was ordered
separately allow it to be installed as shown in the examples. Longer cables must be ordered
for other configurations. If questions arise concerning other configurations or cabling
arrangements, refer to the installation verification manual for the system master.

Rear-Panel Cables for HP 71100A RF Spectrum Analyzer
Figure 2-3 illustrates typical rear-panel cable connections for an HP 71100A RF Spectmm
Analyzer. This single-IF spectrum analyzer illustration includes cables normally supplied as
accessories when an HP 70903A is ordered separately. Using Table 2-2 for identification and
Figure 2-3 as an example, connect the IF rear-panel cables as described below.

Table 2-2. HP 70903A RF Cables

L-l!@ Number
HP Part
1 Coax SMB (f), 5052 1l/8 span, 9 cm (3.5 in) 1 5061-9015 1
1 Coax SMB (f), SOS2 1 3/8 span, 19 cm (7.5 in) 1 5061-9017 I
1 Coax SMB (f), 5OSZ I7/8 span, 39 cm (15.375 in) 1 5061-9021 I
1 1 1

HP 71100A IF Section Cable Connections

m Connect the RF section 21.4-M& OUT and the HP 70903A IF Section 21.4MHz IN,
using the 7/8 span cable.
n Connect the HP 70903A IF Section VIDEO OUT and the HP 709OOA LO VIDEO IN,
using the 3/8 span cable.
n The two 3/8 span cables are used when connecting a second IF Section. Refer to
Figure 2-4.


Figure 2-3. Typical HP 71100A Spectrum Analyzer Rear-Panel Cables

Installation 2-5
Rear-Panel Cabling for HP 71210A Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
Figure 2-4 depicts the rear-panel connections of an HP 71210A Microwave Spectmm Analyzer,
which includes both an HP 70903A and an HP 70902A. Using Table 2-2 for identification and
Figure 2-4 as an example, connect the IF rear-panel cables as described below.

HP 71210A Dual-IF Section Cable Connections
HP 70903A cable installation
n Connect the RF section 21.4MHz OUTPUT and the HP 70903A IF Section 21.4MHz
INPUT using the 7/8 span cable.
w Connect the HP 70993A IF Section VIDEO OUT and the HP 70900A LO VIDEO IN
using the 3/8 span cable.
HP 70902A cable installation
n Connect the HP 70903A IF Section 21.4MIIz OUTPUT and the HP 70902A IF
Section 21.4MHz INPUT using a l/8 span cable.
= Connect the HP 70902A IF Section VIDEO OUT and the HP 70903A IF Section
VIDEO IN using a l/8 span cable.


70206A HP

2-4. HP 71210A Microwave
Figwe SpectrumAnafyzer Rear-Panel Cables

Note The AUX OUTPUT of the HP 70902A should not be used to cascade the 21.4
MHz signal to another IF section. The power level is too low for this purpose.

Caution All SMA and APC 3.5 connectors should be tightened to 5 to 8 inch-pounds.
The connector mounting threads will be damaged if more than 8 inch-pounds
of torque is applied.

2-6 Installation
There are no specifications for the HP 70903A IF Sections. For system-level specifications and
characteristics, refer to the installation and verification manual for the system master.

Specifications 3-1
This chapter normally contains module performance-verification tests, which evaluate the
electrical performance of the module against its specifications. Since there are no module
specifications for the BP 7090314 IF Section, no module performance-verification tests apply.

The HP 70903A IF Section will work with any HP 70900A Local Oscillator (LO) firmware
versions. However LO firmware dated 889314 and later provides a different menu display than
older firmware. In a spectrum analyzer with a display, the LO ROM version can be checked
by pressing pi, vb and 71 softkey.

Performance Verification Tests
Tests available for performance verification and operational readiness are listed below.

n Power-On Self-Test
n System Diagnostics
8 System Analyzer Operation Verification
n HP 11990A System Performance Programs

Power-on Self-Test
A module self-test is performed on all modules in an HP 70000 Modular Measurement
System each time the instmment is turned on. This test verifies the ability of the module to
communicate with the system controller on the system bus (HP-MSIB). During this self-test,
the ACT (tiive) and ERR (error) status-indicator LEDs will blink on, then off, as the
analyzer checks the operation of each module. If the LEDs stay on or continue to blink, refer
to Chapter 5, "Troubleshooting. The results of this test can be determined by examining the
front-panel indicator LEDs and performing the following steps.
m An instrument with LO fimware dated 880314 or later will display any errors
encountered after the self-test is complete.
m An instrument with LO firmware dated 876501 or earlier will not automatically display
errors after completion of self-test.
Press IEk
o Note any error statement referring to the IF Section. (709038 will be part of
the error code.)
o If any error statements referring to the HP 70903A are displayed, refer to
"Error Messages " in Chapter 5.

Verification 4-1
System Diagnostics
System Diagnostics is a downloadable (DLP) program that is downloaded into each standard
HP 70090 Series system shipped to a customer. A DLP is a sequence of HP-IB codes which
resides in the RAM of the LO and can be executed from within the analyzer at the press of a
key. DLPs do not go away when power is turned off, so they can be put in an instrument and
used repeatedly.
The purpose of System Diagnostics is to determine if any catastrophic failure has occurred in
the spectrum analyzer and, further, to determine where the failure occurred. A catastrophic
failure is a failure which renders the instrument unusable.
A secondary purpose of System Diagnostics is to determine if any "soft " failures have occurred
and to diagnose, to the module level, where the "soft " failure occurred. A "soft " failure is
defined as a failure which renders some circuitry of the instrument unusable or beyond its
proper operating limit.
The HP 70903A IF Section tests are included in System Diagnostics and will be performed
if an HP 70903A IF Section is included in the spectrum analyzer under test. The System
Diagnostics DLP tests are available on disks for down-loading into HP 70900 Modular
Spectrum Analyzers. Contact the nearest HP Sales and Service Office to obtain these disks.
The following part numbers are for use with systems with LO firmware 861015 or later.
n Order HP part number 70900-10025 for 5-l/4 inch disks
n Order HP part number 70909-10026 for 3-l/2 inch disks
System Operation. System Diagnostics
Diagnostics requires the presence of a 300 MHz
signal at -10 dBm input to the RF INPUT of the anal zer, nominally the CALIBRATOR
OUTPUT of the HP 70900A. Upon pressing theI softkey, a menu will appear
System d1a.g
with the message Select Desired System to Test. Once the calibrator has been connected
and selection of a system has been made, no further user interaction is required. System
Diagnostics will run and exit with one of the following messages:
8 Test Completed
m Addressing Error
8 Test Aborted Early
In addition, any error messages will be displayed on the screen. Depending on which failure
occurs, System Diagnostic6 may not run to completion. Refer to Chapter 5 of this manual for
a list of error messages. Refer to the troubleshooting chapter of the system master installation
and verification manual for more details on test results.

Caution As programs are down-loaded, any previously stored DLPs are erased from
memory. It is imperative that backup copies of all DLPs-including System
Diagnostics programs-be maintained.

4-2 Verification
Spectrum Analyzer Operation Verification
It is possible to verify the electrical performance of the entire spectmm analyzer, including log
fidelity and resolution bandwidth of the HP 70993A IF Section, by using System Verification
Programs. Refer to the installation and verification manual for the system master regarding
system verification programs.

System Performance
It is possible to check the calibration of various functions and overitu performance of the
HP 709038 IF Section by using HP 11990 System Per&ormance Tests. For information related
to these tests, refer to the installation and verification manual for the system master. These
programs are available from the nearest HP Sales and Service Oflice.

Verification 4-3
This chapter provides information on the front-panel status indicator lights and the error
messages produced by the HP 70903A IF Section. If problems are encountered, review
Chapter 2 of this manual to ensure the module addressing switches are properly set, cabling
is correct, and the module is securely seated in the mainframe. If problems persist, refer to
the installation and verification manual for the system master for troubleshooting tools or
EP 70903A IF Section Service Manual for component-level information.

Troubleshooting Tools
The modular spectmm analyzer has the following troubleshooting tools.
Indicator lights
Error message reporting
Display tests
Analyzer tests
The following troubleshooting programs are available for use with HP 70000 Modular
Measurement Systems.
8 System Diagnostics
8 System Operation Verification
Refer to the "Troubleshooting " chapter in the installation and verification manual for the
system master for a description of these tools and programs.

Status Indicators
There are two status-indicator LEDs located on the front panel. It is normal for both of the
front-panel status LED indicators to flash on, then off, during the module self-test. Self-test
occurs each time the instrument is turned on. The following pages list reasons why each
status LED might light.

Troubleshooting 5-1

Note The ACT LED of a slave module is only operative when there is a display in
the system or when the instrument is performing a self-test.

The ACT LED of a slave module turns on when:
n The module is performing a function directed by manual control of the display
n The module is making a measurement and its master has keyboard control of the
n The instrument is in self-test mode.
Refer to the installation and verification manual for the system master for additional detail
related to ACT LED.

The module error indicator, the ERR LED, indicates that the module has an error condition.
If the module is a slave, then the error light of both the slave and its master will indicate the
error condition.
l The ERR LED flashes at a 1 Hz rate when communication over HP-MSIB is not
satisfactorily completed.
n If the error indicator LED of more than one of the spectrum analyzer ' modules flash
at a 1 Hz rate simultaneously, refer to the installation and verification manual of the
System master.
n Some errors may only be present when the spectrum analyzer sweeps; this causes the
error indicator to flash at the sweep rate.

Note It is possible that a module may dismpt all HP-MSIB communication without
its own error indicator flashing.

Caution Do not remove the module side covers. A complete electrical alignment
of the module is required when the side covers are removed. Refer to the
HP 70903A IF Section Service Manual for alignment procedures.

Module Self-Test
During module self-test, which occurs each time the analyzer is tnmed on, the ACT (Active)
and ERR (error) LEIk will blink on momentarily as the analyzer activates and checks the
module If the LEDs continue to blink, or remain lit, this is an indication of a problem.

5-2 Troubleshooting
Error Messages
Spectrum-analyzer error-messages generated by an HP 70903A are listed in this section. The
messages are grouped by functional category; each category has its own series
of numbers.
Refer to the installation and verification manual for the system master for a complete list of
all system error-messages.

Table 5-l. Error Message Grouping

Usage/Operatiug 2000 to 2999
Hardware Warning 6000 to 6999
Hardware Broken 7000 to 7999

Usage/Operating Errors
Usage and operating errors are generated when an instrument is used incorrectly. This usually
occurs during remote operations.

Hardware Warning Errors
These error codes report the status of the HP 70903A hardware. An error indicates that some
of the hardware is not functioning properly. Measurement accuracy may be impaired.

Hardware Broken Errors
These error codes are generated by hardware or firmware failures within the module and are
nsuaBy catastrophic to operation of the module.

Tabfe 5-2. HP 70903A Error Messages

Error Number Message Meaning
2001 ILLEGAL This error occurs when the module encounters
CMD a command it does not recognize. This can be
caused by the master element sending such a
commaud, a problem internal to the module, or
an open cable between the master and module.
The problem can be isolated by substituting
master, maim&me and/or IF sections.
2002 ILLEGAL Refer to 2001 ILLEGAL CMD.
2006 PARAMETER Refer to 2001 ILLEGAL CMD.
2009 PRQTCOL Refer to 2001 ILLEGAL CMD.
EAROM Check the wrihprotect switch on the left side of
UNPROTECTED the module. Verify that it is iu the PROTECT
ROM CHECK The programmed checksum of the ROM does not
ERROR agree with the computed checksum.

Troubleshooting 5-3
Accessories l-4
ACT LED 1-5, 5-l
the module 2-2
Cabling 2-5
dual IF Sections 2-6
single IF Section 2-5

downloadable programs, 42
ERROR LED 1-5, 5-2
Error messages 53
heel-strap l-8
protection l-8
static mat$oor l-8
static mat;table l-8
wrist-strap l-8
Fiiare 4 1
Installation 2- 1, 2-4
Manual updating l-4
Module self-test 5-2
containers 1-12
damage l-4
material; modules l-15
materiak; mainframe 1-14
PC board handling l-9
PC board storage l-9
Preparation for use 21

Serial number
label l-3
prefix l-4
Setting address switches 2-3
containers 1-12
Status Indicator
ACT, 41
ERR, 41
system diagnostics, 42

calibration, 43
operation verification, 43
system diaguoetics, 42
system performauce, 43
Self-Test, 41
