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Troubleshooting and Repair Manual
Volume 1
HP 85660B Spectrum Analyzer RF Section
HP Part No. 85660-90210 Microfiche Part No. 85660-90211
Printed in USA December 1990
@Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1990
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written
permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
1212 Valley House Drive, Rohnert Park, CA 94928-4999, USA
Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the
time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration
measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and
Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institute's calibration facility, and to the calibration
facilities of other International Standards Organization members.
This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. During the warranty period,
Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to
be defective.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated
by HP. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to HP and HP shall pay shipping charges to
return the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes
for products returned to HP from another country.
HP warrants that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with an instrument
will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. HP
does not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will be
uninterrupted or error-free.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate
maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or
misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper
site preparation or maintenance.
Exclusive Remedies
Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for
Hewlett-Packard products.
For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office.
Safety Symbols
The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize yourself with each
of the symbols and its meaning before operating this instrument.
Caution The caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which,
if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or
destruction of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the
u indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Warning The warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which,
if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss of life.
Do not proceed beyond a warning sign until the indicated conditions are fully
Q understood and met.
General Safety Considerations
Warning Before this instrument is switched on, make sure it has been properly grounded
through the protective conductor of the ac power cable to a socket outlet
provided with protective earth contact.
Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor, inside or outside
the instrument, or disconnection of the protective earth terminal can result in
personal injury.
Warning There are many points in the instrument which can, if contacted, cause personal
injury. Be extremely careful.
Any adjustments or service procedures that require operation of the instrument
with protective covers removed should be performed only by trained service
Caution Before this instrument is switched on, make sure its primary power circuitry
has been adapted to the voltage of the ac power source.
Failure to set the ac power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to
the instrument when the ac power cable is plugged in.
Volume 1
General Information General information on the contents of the manual, including storage,
shipment, and packaging.
Overall Troubleshooting index, special messages, diagnostic functions, error
Troubleshooting correction routine, sweep system block diagram and troubleshooting,
mnemonics listing, and spectrum analyzer overall block diagram.
Analog Phase lock loop operation, start frequency tuning equations, and phase
Troubleshooting lock troubleshooting.
Digital Instrument preset checks, digital storage verification, and RF digital
Troubleshooting troubleshooting block diagram.
A5 Front Panel Service sheets containing circuit descriptions, troubleshooting
through A8 information (if applicable), replacement procedures (if applicable),
Rectifier/AS Power replaceable parts lists, parts identification (if applicable), block
Line Module diagrams, component locations, and schematic diagrams.
Volume 2
A10 20/30 Service sheets containing circuit descriptions, troubleshooting
Synthesizer through information (if applicable), replacement procedures (if applicable),
A23 Motherboard replaceable parts lists, parts identification (if applicable), block
diagrams, component locations, and schematic diagrams.
General Parts Listing Replaceable parts information, reference designations and
abbreviations, manufacturer's code list, RF miscellaneous parts list,
RF assemblies parts list, and instrument parts identification.
Major Assembly and RF section major assembly and component locations.
Comuonent Locations
Contents 1
General Information
This volume of the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual contains information for the
troubleshooting and repair of the RF Section of the instrument. This information is combined
in service sheets and indexed with tabs for quick reference. Also contained in this volume
are overall troubleshooting information and illustrations of the instrument useful in isolating
failures to the RF or IF-Display Section
Instruments Covered by This Manual
This Troubleshooting and Repair manual contains information for the servicing of all
HP 85660B RF Sections with serial number prefixes of 2410A and above. The assemblies of
the HP 8566AB Retrofit Kit (HP 8566A to HP 8566B Retrofit Kit) are also covered in this
manual. The following HP 85660B RF Sections Options are covered in this manual.
n Option 001 (75fl Input)
n Option 400 (400 Hz Operation)
n Option 462 (Impulse Bandwidths)
Changes that are made to the HP 85660B after the printing of this manual will be included in
an update supplement.
The HP 85660B RF Section is used with the HP 85662A IF-Display Section as the HP 8566B
Spectrum Analyzer. The HP 85660B RF Section is used with the HP 85662A Option 462
IF-Display Section as the HP 8566B Option 462 Spectrum Analyzer.
Service Sheets
The service sheets in this manual are organized in alphanumeric order and are indexed with
tabs to make it easy to locate a specific service sheet. Each of the service sheets contain the
following information:
w Circuit Description (where practical)
n Replacement Procedure (where practical)
w Troubleshooting Hints (where practical)
w Replaceable Parts List
n Component Location Illustration
w Parts Identification (where practical)
n Block Diagram (where practical)
General Information 1
n Schematic Diagram
Replacement Procedures
Replacement procedures are included for use in removing and replacing assemblies for repair.
They are located in the following sections:
w A5 Front Panel
Front Panel Removal and Repair
w A6 RF Module
A6 RF Module Replacement
A6Al Coaxial Switch and A6A17 300 MHz BPF Replacement
A6A2 RF Attenuator Replacement
A6A4 Second Converter Replacement
A6A6 First Converter Replacement
A6A15 3.6 GHz BPF, A6A16 1.5 GHz
LPF, and A6A18 LPF Replacement
n A6A3 Last Converter
A6A3 Last Converter Replacement
H A6A7 YTX Current Driver/A6A5 ACLU/A6A8 YTX
A6A5 Amplifier/Coupler/Load Unit
(ACLU) Replacement
A6A7 YTX Current Driver Replacement
A6A8 YTX Replacement
w A7M/N-Reference
A7 M/N-Reference Replacement
H A8 Rectifier/A9 Power Line Module
RF Section Internal Fuse Replacement
Transformer Replacement
Power Transistor Replacement
n All YTO Loop
All YTO Loop and AllA3 YTO
(2.0 to 6.2 GHz Oscillator) Replacement
n Al7 Positive Regulator
RF Section Internal Fuse Replacement
n Al8 Negative Regulator
RF Section Internal Fuse Replacement
2 General Information
Major Assembly and Component Locations
Major assembly and component location illustrations for the RF Section are located at the
rear of this manual.
Troubleshooting information for the RF Section is divided into three levels as follows:
W Instrument Level
Spectrum Analyzer Overall Troubleshooting
w Section Level
RF Section Analog Troubleshooting
RF Section Digital Troubleshooting
A6 RF Module
A7 M/N-Reference/A22 10 MHz Frequency Standard
A10 20/30 Synthesizer
All YTO Loop
n Assembly Level
Most assemblies have troubleshooting hints immediately following circuit descriptions.
Troubleshooting information is also located on assembly level block diagrams, notes, and
All assemblies are indexed by tab except for the ones listed below. The index tab they can be
found under is also listed.
Table 1. Assembly Locations
Assembly Location
A24 I General Parts Listing I
Tl A8 Rectifier/AS Power Line Module
Printed Circuit Board Edge Connector Contact Cleaning
w Lint-free cloth or equivalent (HP Part Number 9310-0039, Check Digit 3).
w Solution of 80% electronics-grade isopropyl alcohol and 20% water.
w Static-free work station.
1. Dampen the cloth with the alcohol and water solution and scrub the edge connector
contacts vigorously, using a circular motion. Polish one side of the board at a time until
the contacts shine, keeping the cloth damp to dissolve contaminants and reduce static
General Information 3
2. Using a clean cloth, dry the contacts by wiping from their inside to outside edge. This
prevents particles from building up on the contact edges.
Caution Do not use erasers to clean the edge connectors. They cause microscopic
damage to the contact surface, removing the thin gold plating and exposing
the nickel underplating, which eventually corrodes. Erasers also leave a film on
9 the contact and generate static electricity.
Do not use paper of any kind to clean the edge connector contacts. Paper or
lint particles left on the edge contact surface can cause intermittent electrical
Do not touch contact or trace surfaces with bare hands. Always handle the
board by its edges.
HP-IB Address Selection
The HP-IB address for the HP 8566B is preset at the factory by means of a five-segment
binary switch located on the Al5 Controller Assembly. This switch is set to the binary
number 11111 which corresponds to a decimal equivalent of 31. The number 31 is a special
instruction code that commands the instrument to use the last input address stored in
memory. This stored HP-IB address is ASCII 2R (decimal 18) and determines the address to
be used on "power up."
The HP-IB address may be changed to any of the addresses listed in Table 2 by resetting the
HP-IB address switch to correspond to the binary equivalent of the desired ASCII character
or decimal value as indicated in the table. The five-segment switch is illustrated in Figure 1
and is shown in its preset position (decimal 31).
4 General Information
Table 2. Cross-Reference Between ASCII, Decimal, and Binary Address
ASCII Character Decimal Value 5-Bit Binary Equivalent
@ SP 00 00000
A ! 01 00001
B " 02 00010
C # 03 00011
D $ 04 00100
E % 05 00101
F & 06 00110
G ' 07 00111
H ( 08 01000
I > 09 01001
J * 10 01010
K + 11 01011
L ' 12 01100
M - 13 01101
N . 14 01110
0 / 15 01111
P 0 16 10000
Q 1 17 10001
R 2 18 10010
S 3 19 10011
T 4 20 10100
U 5 21 10101
V 6 22 10110
W 7 23 10111
X 8 24 11000
Y 9 25 11001
Z 26 11010
[ ; 27 11011
\ < 28 11100
] = 29 11101
? > 30 11110
General Information 5
A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 Al
Switch in
Down Position
= Logic 1
Indicates Switch
in Down Position
Figure 1. HP-IB Address Switch (Shown in Factory Preset Position)
The HP-IB address may also be changed from the front panel or programmed via a controller
using a special shift key function (KSP). This address remains in effect as long as the
instrument memory has power from either the ac line or the internal battery. However, if
this stored address is lost, the default address is the factory preset decimal 18 (ASCII 2R).
For additional information on the HP-IB address, refer to the Operating and Programming
Storage and Shipment
The instrument may be stored or shipped in environments within the following limits:
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40