Text preview for : 5991-4279EN B1506A Power Device Analyzer for Circuit Design - Brochure c20140923 [16].pdf part of Agilent 5991-4279EN B1506A Power Device Analyzer for Circuit Design - Brochure c20140923 [16] Agilent 5991-4279EN B1506A Power Device Analyzer for Circuit Design - Brochure c20140923 [16].pdf
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Keysight Technologies
B1506A Power Device Analyzer
for Circuit Design
The B1506A eliminates power device performance uncertainties for circuit
Do you have conidence that your Do you worry about having to recall
circuit will function correctly in thousands of products because you
mission critical applications? used faulty devices in your circuits?
The B1506A provides you with power device data under Even with no test experience, the B1506A allows you to
real operating conditions to ensure sufficient circuit measure IV and CV across temperature and identify
operating margins. counterfeit and out-of-spec devices.
Features Beneits