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Printed: May, 1967
@ Stock Number: 06110-90001
Copyright - Agilent Technologies, Inc. Reproduced with the permission of Agilent
Technologies Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard
to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
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Model 6lIOA DC Power Supply
Manual HP Pati No. 06110-90001
SERIAL MAKE No. 1901-0327, RS 6.
Prefix Number CHANGES Change CR29 and CR30 to: Rect. Si. 75OmA
8OOpw. quantity 2, IN5062, GE 03508, HP Part
6~ 0213 - 0512 1 No. 1901-0330, RS 2.
6E 0513 - 0667 1,s
ALL Errata CHANGE 3:
6E 0668 - Q7,17 1.2,3
6E 0718 - 0742 ls2j3.4 In the Replaceable Parts Table, change the HP
6E 0743 - 0842 1 thru 5 Part No. of switch Sl to 3lOI-1244, This
II45A 0843 - 0932 1 thru 6 witch requires new front panel lettering.
1145A 0933 --1447 I thru 7
1723A I448 - 1507 1 thru 8 CHANGE 4:
183lA 1508 . LID I. thl 9 In the replaceable parts table, change the HP l'art
No. of switch Sl to 3lOI-1248.
CHANGE 1: In the Replaceable Puts Table, deleta the listing
In tho Replaceable Parts Table, change R76 from for BNC-H!l Cable Plug and associated hardware
8.2Kn to 4.3L, G%, $W, HP Part No. 0686-4325. and add new listing:
A. B. 01121. BNC-Z-IV Connector, HP Part No. 1250-1267.
In Table 5-2, Step 5 (Page S-9). change the Meter
In Replaceable Parts List, make the following
changes: ~omtnon connection to "Vl72 anode."
Cl9: Change to HP Part No. 0180-2256.
X201 thru R209: Change to lL, +l%, +W, HP In the Replaceable Parts Table, add the following:
Part No. 0811-2770. Over, heating element, HP Part No* 8110-0159.
P.G. Board: Change to HP Part No. 06110-60005. (Installation and calibration instructions for
Rl9: Change to IKn, &l%, +W, HP Part No. oven are covered in Service Note P-5060-6125.)
T2: Change to HP Pz,rt No. 5080-7129. ERRATA:
Option OS: T2: Delete. (Transformer need not be
changed.) In Table l-l and page 5-5, paragraph 5-31, step
Option 18: T2: change to HP Part No. 5080-7130. c., change the ripple and noise specification to:
"Less than 2mVrms and 5mV p-p. "
QT. 8: Change to 2N2907As Sp:ague, 56289, EP
Part No. 1853-0099. SS PNP Si.
The Serial Prefix of this unit has been changed to
In Replaceable Puts TabIe, make the followinq lI45A. This i3 the only change.
QIl: Change tQ 2N4240, RCA, HP Part No.
1854-0311. CHANGE ?!
On Page 6-8, under Manual Backdating Changes, In the Replaceable Parts Table and on the schematic,
change the second wntence to read: change R9 to 120.&5%, 1,`2W, HP Part No. 0686-
To adapt the manual to se&l numbers prior to 1215.
6FOl61, make the following changes.
On the Schematic Diagram. change the value of
capacitor Cl4 to 2OpF.
In the Replaceable Parts Table, make the following
Change CRll, 24-28, and 32 to: Rect. Si. 750mA
2OOprv, quantity 7, IN5059, GE 03508, HP Part
The etandwd colors for this instrument We now color scheme of light gray end blue gray. Option
mint gray (for fron'c and rear panels) end olive grey A8S designates use of a light gray front panel with
(for ell top, bottom, side, end other external cur- olive gray used for 811 other external swfaoee.
frmd. Option X95 de3ignatee use of the former NEW pert numbers are shown below:
l?rord Panel 06lU-00002 06110-00001
Side Chaesis, Right 5OSO-7950 -
., 1
Side Chassis, Left 5060-7949 .- MatItle
Rear Chassis - ass'y 5000-3482 A List
cover, (2) 5000-9421 q-
Make the following changes to the parts list or,
page 6-8: The blue gray meter bezel has been replaced by
Option 05: Delete Tl (Transformer need not a black one, HP Part N? 4040 -4414.
be changed).
Optlor, 18: Add R55, 12OK 5% I/UN, 0686- CHANGE 8:
OptLone 05 and, 18:. Add R55, game 83, Option Make the follwtng changes to the schemattc
18 above; change HP Part No. of T2 to 5080" and the parts Ilet; change R71 !I? the overvoltage
protwttm ctroult to 2Ok, lO%, HP Part No.
Change part number of rubber bumper from 2100-0558; chenge R25 and R67 in the meter
0403-0088 Co 0403-0002. clrcuIt t? lOOk, IO%, RP Pert Ng, 2100-3214.
On pago 6-5 and on the schematic, change C2Y
and C28 to lpp 2000~ HP pati No. 0160-4121.
, CFlANGE 9:
Add to the puts llet the replacement lamp
fx Uluminated swl,tch 3lWL248, whtch 1s
Change power transformer Tl to HP Part Nq,
used tn th?se suppl!es that ~,nclude Change 4.
5080 -1910, The primary gf the netv transformer
The HP Part NT. ?f the type AIH lamp 1,s 2l40 -
oan be strapped for 115vac or 23DVac input as
shown below. Change reer chassts to HP Pert
No. 5000 -.3148. Replace oapacl,tor clamp HP
Add tq the parts IIst the mating plugs for the
Pert No, 5000 -6023 Wth capeclt?r bracket F?P
front panel output connectors. They we type
part ~3. 1210-0006~
BNC-HV mele coaxtal plugs, HP Part No. 1250 -
0927, Two are prwtded,
Change zener dtgde VRZ tq 9V, 0, 005% `.C C,, HP
Part No. 1302 - 0785, ,Nqte that the old zener
Effecttve January 1, 1977, Options 005 (5OW eo
diode (1902 ..0763) Should not be used for a
ibput) and 018 (230 vet Input) ere no longer aval1 -
replacement at a*y ttme,
able separately as standard opttons for thts model
These two opti,ons heve been replaced bye new
standard qptton, Optton 013, which cDmbf,nes the
mcxdlftcattgns of Optlone 005 and 018 f?r use with
a 230 Vac+lO%, 50&O. 3Hz !,rqut. After ,anuery I,
Model 6llOA Instruments for use wtth a 115Vac
5OHz ,,nput w a 23fJVec bOHz lr,put must be ?rdered
as s~edel fectxy m~diflcet!raw Make the net -
eseery correoti,qns wherever Optl?n 005 qr 018 !,s
mentioned f,n the manual,
section Page NQ. SeGtiOl7 Page No-
l-l Description l-l 4-29 Protection Circuit 4-5
l-4 Overload ProtectIon l-l 4-3 1 ovw Control Circuit 4-5
l-7 cooling l-l 4-33 Reference Clrouit 4-5
l-9 Output Terminals l-l 4-37 M,e'cer Circuit 4-6
l-11 Specifications l-l
l-13 Ootions l-l V MAINTENANCE.. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,.5-l
I-15 A&essories l-l 5-l Introduction 5-l
l-17 Instrument Identification 1-z 5-3 High Voltage Precautions 5-l
l-20 Ordering Additional Manuals l-2 5-6 Measurement Techniques 5-l
5-9 Test Equipment Required 5-l
I I INSTALIATION . . . .2-l 5-11 P&ormanc~ Test 5-3
Z.-l InitiaL 1nspemion Z-1 5-14 Rated Output, Meter, and Output
z-3 Mechanical Check 2-l Controls Acouracy 5-3
2-S Electrical Check 2-l S-17 Load Regulation 5-3
z-7 In~tellation Data 2-l s-13 Line Regulation 5-4
2-9 Location 2-l 5-z 1 Ripple and Noise 5-4
Z-11 Rack Mounting Z-l s-35 Ti-ansiwlt Recow?~ Tims 5-6
2-15 Input Power Requirwnents 2-2 5-39 Output Impedance 5-7
Z-17 Power Cable 2-2 5-42 Temperature Goefficient 5-a
2-20 Repackaging for Shipment 2-z 5-46 Output StabMty 5-8
5-49 cument um1t 5-9
I I r OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. .3-l 5-51 Troubleshooting 5-9
r +?
3-, nlm-0" Cklcxk out Prooedure 3-l a-32 Overall Troubleshooting
3-3 opetat1otl 3-l FYoceduw s-9
3-5 Currant Limit Provisions 3-l 5-59 Repair and Replacement S-15
3-7 Operation of Supply Beyond 5-61 Adjustment and Calibration 5-17
Rated Output 3-l 5-63 Output Voltage Zero and Tracking 5-17
3-9 Load Connection 3-l S-65 Meter Mechanical Zero 5-17
3-13 output capacitance 3-2 5-67 Voltmeter Tmcking 5-17
3-15 Revwse Current Loading 3-2 5-63 Ammeter Zero S-17
3-17 Reverse voltage Loarang 3-2 5-71 Ammeter Ttacking 5-17
5-73 Overvoltage Protection 5-17
IV PRINCrPLES OF OPERATION ... . . . . . 4-l 5-Y 5 Oven Control Circuit 5-18
4-l Overall Block Diagrem 5-77 Current Limit Adjustment 5-18
Di~cusslon 4-2
4-8 Simplified Schematic Discussion 4-3 VI REPLACEAELE PARTS.. . . . . . . .. . , ,6-l
4-12 Detailed Glrcuit Analysis 4-4 6-l lntroduotion 6-l
4-13 Series Regulator 4-4 6-4 Ordering Information 6-l
4-15 Constant Voltage Input Circuit 4-4 Reference Designators
4-21 Driver and Error Amplifier 4-4 Abbreviations
4-23 Current Limit Circuit 4-4 Menufaoturers
4-25 High Voltage Control and 6-8 Code List of Manufacturers 6-2
Doubler Circuits 4-4 Parts List Table 6-5
Table Page No.
I-l Specifications.. l-3
5-l Test Equipment., *. 5-2
5-2 Bias, Reference, and Rectifier Voltages.. 5-9
5-3 Low Output Voltage TroubleshootirQ.. ~. 5-12
5-4 High Output Voltage Troubleshooting . , j-14
FIgme Page No. Figure Page NO.
1-l DC Power Supply iv s-3 LinEand LoadRegulatiw, Tm5t S&up 5-3
2-l Rack Mwnting, Two Units 2-l 5-4 Ripple and Noise, Test Setup 5-4
2-2 Rack Mounti!?g, 01'1e Unit 2-2 5-5 High Voltage Protection Network 5-5
3-l Fwnt Panel Controls and Indicators 3-l 5-6 Noise Spikes, Test Setup 5-6
4-l Ova-all Block Diagram 4-l 5-7 Transient Recovery Time, Test Setup 5-7
4-2 Simplified Schematic Diagram 4-3 5-E Transient Recovery Time Wavefarns 5-7
5-l High Voltage and Troubleshooting 5-9 Output Imwdamx, Test Setup 5-7
hC.diQ~ Diagram 5-l 5-10 Printed Circuit Board Location
s-2 Diffwatial Voltmeter Substitute, Diagram 5-10
Test setup 5-3 5-11 Servicing Printed Wiring Boards 5-16
Figure l-l. DC Power Supply, Model 6llOA
I 1" "`.-
l-2 This instrument (Figure 1-l) is an all semi- l-10 Output power is available vie ,mo WG-931/U
conductor high voltage supply suitable for either connectors mounted on the front panel of the sup-
bench or relay rack opwation. It is a compact, ply, Mating cornwctors (UC=-932/U) are supplied
well-regulated, Constant Voltage/Current Limited with the unit. The output terminals are isolated
supply that will furnish 3, 000 volts et 6 m~lliampS from the chassis and either the positive or the neg-
or carp be adjustEd throughout the output voltage ative terminal tnay be connected to the chassis by
range, It is designed for *ppIicattons rwuiring shorting the cer~ter ptn tQ the case of the epplica<
extreme EtabilIty, regulation, and insensitivity to ble VG-931/U connector, or by grounding e wire
ambient temperature variations. from the connector to the chassis, The p0Wer *UP-
ply is insulated to permit operation up to 1,000
l-3 This supply utilizes a series regulated volts dc off ground, i. e. the maximum potential
"piggy-back" circuit technique.that consists of between either output terminal end ground shall not
placing e well-regulated low voltage power supply exceed 4KVdc,
in series with e lees well-regulated supply having
a greeter vo!tage capa.bility. The well-regulated l-11 SPECIFICATIONS
"piggy-back" supply continuously com!x"setee for
any ripple, load regulation, or Iine regulation de- l,-12 Detailed specificatlone for the Pow" SUPPlY
ficiencies of the main power source end adjusts are. given tn Table 1-l.
the voltage across its series regulator so that the
total output voltage remains constant despite dis- l-13 OPTIONS
turbances in the main voltage source.
l-14 Options are factory modifications of a stand-
l-4 OVERLOAD PROTECTION ard instrument that are requested by the customer,
The following options are available for the instrum
1-S The voltage thumbwheel witches select the mmt covered by this manual. Where necessary.
constant voltage level: an internal potentiometer detaIled option information (operation, alignment,
selecte the current limit level. The supply will etc.) is included throughout the manual,
automatically crossover frbm conetant voltage to
currant limit operatim and vice versa if the output Option No* Wescription
current or voltage exceeds these preset levels.
Detailed characteristics of the output current iim- 05 5OHz Inwt Modification, Factory
ittng are given in Paragraph 3-5. modification includes the substitution
of 60&z with SOHz magnetic compo-
l-6 The powor supply is protected from .+everse nent as indicated at the end of the
voltage (positive voltage applied to negative ter- perte 1Ist in Section VI. In addition,
minal) by en internal protection diode thet shunts the overvoltage ProtectIon adjustment
current across the output terminal6 when this con- is rechecked, refer to Section V.
dition exists, clamping tha reveree voltage. Pro-
tection from rewrse current (current forced into 18 23OVac +lO%, Sinqle-Phase Xnput.
the power $upply in the direction oppoiite to the Factwy modiftcation includes the in-
output current) must be provided by prebading the stallation of a 230 volt input trans-
power supply (Paragraph 3-151, The power euppIy former to replace the standard 115 volt
cannot accept reverse current without damage. transformers es indicated at the reer
of the parts list in Section VI.
l-16 The accessories listed in the following chart
may be ordered wtth the power supply or SePeretel~
respectively. The third part is the power supply
serial number: a different sequential number is as-
@ Part NO, nescriptim signed TV each power supply.
14515A Rack Kit for Mounting one 54" H
supply in a standard 19" EIA rack. l-19 If the serial number prefix on your power
(Refer to Section II for details. ) supply does not agree with the prefix on the title
page of this manual, use the change page that is
145 25A Rack Kit for mounting two 5+" H included to update the manual to the proper serial
supplies in a standard 19" EIA rack. number. Where applicable, backdating tnformation
(Refer to Section II for details. ) is given in an appendix at,the rear of the manual.
l-18 Hewtett-Packard power supplies are icienti- l-21 One manual is shipped with each power sup-
fied by a three-part serial number tai. The first ply. Additional manuals may be purchased from
part is the power suwly model number. The set- your local @ sales office (see list at i-ear of this
and part i3 the swial'number prefix, which consists manual for addresses). Specify the model number,
of a number-letter combination that denotes the serial number prefix, and @ St&k number provided
date of a significant de&vi change. The number on the title page,