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SANTA CLARA OIV/5,0N.5301 Stevens Creek Blvd.,Sanla Clara, California 95050. Telephone 408 246-4300
December 26, 1979
Ed Cleary
Mail Station 92-815
P.O. Box 500
Beavertron, oregon 97077
Mr Cleary:
I am enclosing some information pertaining to the differentia linearity
of the 5370A which I hope you will find useful.
The differential linearity measurement was made by observing the
variation of output ~ t.i. for the same input ~ t.i. as a function of the
t.i. This parameter, unfortunately, is not specified at the moment for
the 5370A. The measurement set up is also enclosed.
I am grateful for your bringing this measurement to our attention.
Please contact me if you think I can be of help in any way.
si7cerely:_- ~
((;C-C !/~./ cL,,---
David Chu
R&D Project Leader, 5370A
, I ;'
'Ihere ate three known ways differential non-linearity
is generated in the 5370A:
I. Crosstalk bet\'ieen strip lines goi~g from Schmitt Trigger
outputs ()(.r\4:Ul,U2) to the Arming Board (XA22) amplifier inputs
(UI9,U20) .
~ 2. Crosstalk between str ip lines going from the l!ul tiplexer s
(XA2:?:UI5,U16), to the START~~d STOP flip-flcps (U17,U21)
3. Ilcdulation of the 200 ilHz reference at and by the
mixer inputs (x.~19 ,20 :U7) .
Differential ncnlinearity due to 1 and 2 is cbservable only
in in stances where s ig r,als ar e siffiul taneously a cti ve nea r
tr igger points. 'l'he errors' can be well over 100f's. i~cn-
lir,earity due to 3 is generally less than 100 ps, but is
present constantly, being scmewhat perjcdic in 5.02 ns cycles.
The modificaticns which is found to be 'useful in reducing
error in tYf'e 1 are :
XA4 SChIriitt Trigger Boa'rd (05370-60004):
~) Add 4.7 pF cap fro!i1 F'in 13 to pin 15 of Ul.
tA'(b) fi.dd 4.7 pF cap froIr pin 13 to pin lS of U2.
~) Change R42 froIii 160 tc 200 ctms.
~ Change R44 frol::1 160 to 200 ohms.
'Iyr.;e 2 error is rec1uceci by the follcwing modification:
XA22 Arming Eoard (05370-60022) :
fY{e) Add 4.7 pF cap frc;rr pir. 1 tc pin 3 cf U15.
t5ff) Add 4.7 FF ca!? froI:". rin 1 tc Fin 3 cf U16.
~) Change R81 from 464 tc 383 ohros.
tft1 Char.ge F.86 frorr 464 tc 383 ohJr,s .
tK> Add 300 oh~ resistcr froI:", J7 to Gt~D.
M1 Add 300 oh1T' resistor frc~ J8 to GNr::.
vYfK ) Add 51 ohm ser ies F. tc Fi r. 15 of U15.
~) Add 51 ohm series R tc pin 15 cf U16.
..'lype 3 error can be rrini~ized by Ti,odificaticns belcw:
XA19,20 Inter~olatcr As~eJ:"bly (05370-60119) :
~) Adc1 series R 51.1 ohn~ tc mixer D input (pin3 U7)
~c1c1 ser ies R 51. 1 ol1n' to nl i: ~ Change R17 fro~ 51 tc..100 ohms.
(p) ChanCJe R28 fro~, 38.3 tc 51.1 ohms.
-~ Imriti
," t',\ t IY1ofe. r r l77'-t' .-;,4\ ( ..'-I\.