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M9392A PXI Vector
Signal Analyzer Application Note
Streaming Solution
Challenge the Boundaries of Test
Agilent Modular Products
Us ing RF re c o r d i ng
tec h n ique s t o c ap t u re a n d
a n a lyz e i n t e rf e re n c e i n t h e
sig n al en viro n m e nt
The airwaves are becoming increasingly crowded
as demand for RF spectrum continues to grow.
As a result, every type of wireless communica-
tion system faces a complex and unpredictable
signal environment.
By capturing and analyzing intermittent problems
at high frequencies and wide bandwidths--with
Agilent's two-channel PXI gapless recording
system--engineers can troubleshoot a wide
range of problems in the development of new RF
and microwave devices.
This application note will walk you through the
issues and take a close look at the solution and
I n tr odu c ti o n Y o ur Benefi ts
The purpose of this application note is to take a closer Achieve successful wireless designs
look at the challenges of capturing data from an RF Capture and analyze intermittent problems at
environment and how this is simplified with Agilent's high frequencies
multichannel PXI recording and analysis solution to
wide bandwidths
achieve successful RF and microwave product design.
Troubleshoot a wide range of problems in the
development of RF and microwave devices
Des c r ip tio n
The recommended solution consists of:
A p p l i c ati o ns
A two-channel, 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz, Agilent M9392A Aerospace and defense
vector signal analysis system
Wireless communications
Software applications: Radar and wideband signal capture
Agilent's free data viewer Electronic test
Agilent 89600 VSA software
X-COM Spectro-X signal analysis toolkit
Tab le of C o n ten t s
Page number
Overview Using RF recording techniques to capture and analyze interference
in the signal environment
Problem Interference issues 5
Taking a closer look
Solution Identifying the source of interference 6-10
Setting up triggered measurements
Making the initial assessment
Results Tagging additional occurrences 11-13
Observing the effects of interference
Conclusion 14
Configuration information 15
Ordering information 15
Related information 15
U s i n g R F r e co r d i ng t e chni q ue s t o c apture and analyze interferenc e in the sig na l
e n v i r o n m e nt
The airwaves are becoming increasingly crowded as Captured data is analyzed using tools such as data viewer
demand for RF spectrum continues to grow. As a result, software and a signal analysis toolkit with search capabili-
every type of wireless communication system faces a ties. Once the interfering signal has been identified, its
complex and unpredictable signal environment. characteristics can be used as trigger parameters for one
digitizer as it monitors in-channel or adjacent-channel
Going forward, the development of successful wireless signals. A trigger event initiates in-band acquisition with
designs depends on the ability to thoroughly analyze and the other digitizer. To capture a more complete view of
model real-world sources of interference. These tasks are the interference, pre-trigger delay can be used to acquire
made difficult by a diverse range of possible interference signal data for a specified time prior to the trigger event
signals with attributes such as complex timing, burst (within the capacity of the buffer memory).
characteristics, dynamically changing modulation schemes,
and variable power levels. Troubleshooting becomes To illustrate the gapless recording method, this application
especially challenging when the interference problems are note uses an example based on an intermittent signal
intermittent. interfering with a new 802.11ac device. The remaining
pages of this note present the problem, a two-channel
When dealing with intermittent interference, traditional solution and a set of measurement results.
measurement techniques that rely on swept spectrum ana-
lyzers are at risk of missing important information during
and between every sweep. An emerging alternative uses
two high-speed digitizers, two local oscillators (LOs) and
gapless recording of the RF spectrum to a RAID system