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Keysight U4154A
AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module

Data Sheet
02 | Keysight | U4154A AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module - Data Sheet

Product description
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. U4154A AXIe-based logic analyzer system combines reliable data
capture with powerful analysis and validation tools to enable you to quickly and confidently validate
and debug high speed digital designs operating at speeds up to 4 Gb/s.

Figure 1A shows the small eyes associated with a DDR3 system operating at 1.4 V at 2133 Mb/s.
The U4154A logic analyzer uses its unique eye scan capability to automatically place the sampling
point in both time and voltage within the eye on each individual channel for optimal sampling

Figure 1B shows the trigger setup to capture a burst of 8 Writes. The trigger sequencer operates up
to 2.5 Gb/s, enabling accurate and precise triggering.

Figure 1C and Figure 1D show the state listing and waveform for this capture.

12.5 GHz Timing Zoom with 256 K sample memory gives you simultaneous state and high-resolution
timing measurements covering a time span of 20 us, which
corresponds to 43680 clock cycles at a 2133 MHz clock rate.

Figure 1B Figure 1C

Figure 1A Figure 1D
03 | Keysight | U4154A AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module - Data Sheet

Product description (continued)

Figure 2. Timing Zoom precisely measures the time between the rising edge of the clock and the rising edge of DQS in a DDR system.

Available memory depth up to 200 M samples allows you to debug very complex
problems where the cause and symptoms may be separated by several seconds. The
amount of memory can upgraded after purchase; see "Upgrades" in "Ordering

No need to sacrifice sampling resolution to view more system activity. In timing mode,
if your system has bursts of activity followed by times with little activity, you can use
transitional timing along with the logic analyzer's deep memory to capture seconds to
minutes of activity at 400 ps (2.5 GHz) sampling resolution. You also have the flexibility
to increase the amount of time captured by excluding certain buses or signals from the
transition detector, for example clock or strobe signals that add little useful information
to the measurement. In State mode, use store qualification to save only states of interest
into memory.

The dual-sample mode has two benefits: For DDR memory signals up to 2.5 Gb/s, it will
separate reads from writes, with automatic setup of the correct sampling positions for
each. This mode also allows acquisition of state (synchronous) data at rates up to 4 Gb/s.
When used in this mode, the data will appear in two labels. One label for rising edge
and another for falling edge captures. The logic analyzer will be clocked with one edge
of the system clock. Labels can be merged using the Keysight B4602A Signal Extractor
tool. When operated in dual-sample mode on all pods, the channel count is 68 channels
for one U4154A, or 136 channels for two U4154As combined. Dual-sample mode can
be selected on a per-pod-pair basis, so if you have only a subset of signals that require
dual-sample mode, the channel count can be higher.

Support for bursty clock allows you to take measurements that include periods of
inactivity on the clock, such as power management transitions when the clock is inactive.
04 | Keysight | U4154A AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module - Data Sheet

DDR measurements made fast, easy, and powerful
The DDR setup assistant simplifies measurement setup and minimizes the time to make
your first measurement. The DDR setup tool guides you through even the most complex
DDR setup in minutes. DDR eye scan makes it easy to determine the optimum acquisi-
tion sample point without requiring an oscilloscope. Keysight qualified scans place the
sample position at the center of the eye on every individual channel for maximum data
capture reliability, including separate sampling positions for read and write data.

The DDR setup assistant includes a variety of powerful, time-saving trigger features
optimized for DDR measurements. Burst trigger captures an entire data burst of 8 on
DDR2/3 systems from one sequence level in the trigger menu. Intuitive trigger macros
with diagrams provide visualization of triggering options and simplify the process of
creating triggers.

Figure 3. Burst recognizer trigger makes it easy to trigger on events in a burst read or write.

Figure 4. Mode register set trigger allows you to capture key events during initialization without wasting valuable memory.
05 | Keysight | U4154A AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module - Data Sheet

Signal integrity insight made fast and easy

Figure 5. Burst qualified eye scan allows you to view the activity on the signals only when a burst taking place.

As timing and voltage margins continue to shrink, confidence in signal
integrity becomes an increasingly vital requirement in the design
validation process. Eye scan lets you acquire signal integrity information
on all the buses in your design, under a wide variety of operating
conditions, in a matter of minutes. Identify problem signals quickly for
further investigation with an oscilloscope. Results can be viewed for
each individual signal or as a composite of multiple signals or buses.
Support for up to 4 clock qualifiers, the ability to qualify scans of any
signal from any combination of other signals, full triggering capabilities
for scan qualification, and customizable viewing windows allows you to
sample only when the qualifying signal is active and see specific system
activity of interest. The eye scan technology in the U4154A provides
insights that can't be achieved with any other test method.

DDR eye scan automatically groups signals so you can quickly spot byte
lane related signal integrity problems. Scans can be qualified based on
state trigger criteria, thus providing unique insight. For example, read
and write scans can be separated for greater insight. Burst scan allows
you to gather signal integrity information on two read or write cycles
separated by only one cycle.

Figure 6. Eye scan clearly indicates the byte lane shift caused by fly-by
06 | Keysight | U4154A AXIe-based Logic Analyzer Module - Data Sheet

Harness your logic analyzer and scope for powerful insight
Combine the powerful triggering and protocol analysis of a logic analyzer with the signal
integrity insight of a scope to solve tough design problems. Keysight ViewScope allows you to
easily make time-correlated measurements between Keysight logic analyzers and oscilloscopes.
The time-correlated logic analyzer and oscilloscope waveforms are integrated into a single logic
analyzer waveform display for easy viewing and analysis. You can also trigger the oscilloscope
from the logic analyzer (or vice versa), and automatically de-skew the two instruments.

ViewScope enables you to perform the following tasks more easily, quickly, and effectively: