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Evaluate Multi-channel Devices HP 41424A
Previous parametric testers overly
complicated the measurement of
multi-channel devices. Users had
to interconnect current/voltage
sources, nanovoltmeters, and pico-
ammeters. The HP 4142B integrates
these features into one instrument,
thereby simplify the procedure
and reducing test time. A typical
configuration includes:
1 HP 41420A (2 slots)
Source Monitor Unit
4HP41421B (4 slots)
Source Monitor Unit .
1 HP 41424A VS/VMU (1 slot) HP41421Bx4
1 HP 41425A (1 slot)
Analog Feedback Unit characterize ECL
This assortment of modules suits
most applications. You can test ECL
circuits, multiple MOSFETs, ring
oscillators, operational amplifiers, Characterize High Power and
analog/digital switches, and hybrid Smart Power Devices
circuits. For example, stimulating Combine the HP 4142B and
several MOSFETs at once lets you HP 16087A switch to automate test-
extract AL, AW, and a host of swept ing of your devices which require
parameters (ID-IDS,ITI-VGS,G,-Vos, both high power and sub-PA resolu-
and V, vs. Temperature). tion. The ability of the HP 4142B to
easily synchronize and combine
plug-in modules, allows expanded
coverage to 2000V and 20A. The
AFU Feedback
HP 16087A is a 3-input scanner
which greatly simplifies your task
of configuring HVUs, HCUs, or
SMUs for single insertion testing.
The HP 4142B also provides a
general purpose 16-bit TTL output
(open collector) for extended sys-
Efficiently test
multiple tems functions, such as external
MOSFETs relay controls and/or controlling
test device internal settings. This
insures your ability to exercise your
smart power devices fully with a Automatehigh
single test setup. power testing with
the HP 16087A
3-input scanner.
GaAs Test and Development
The ability to provide DC and RF in
both continuous and pulsed modes
is important for testing gallium
arsenide (GaAs) and other micro-
wave devices. To verify process
quality and device performance,
you need a versatile DC parameter
test instrument which can also act
as a bias supply during RF test. Con-
ventional power supplies and volt-
meters provide awkward solutions
which can damage high frequency
devices or produce erroneous
results if not carefully used.
The precision DC parametric
measurement capability and flexible
configuration of the HP 4142B make
it ideal for comprehensive test of
microwave devices in R&D or pro- The HP 4142B
duction. Its SMU architecture pre- obtains all DC
parameters and
vents damage due to bias supply provides RF
glitching or overshoot. Its pulse biasing for single
capability reduces thermal drift
microwave testing.
error and allows testing of high
power devices, even at the wafer
Upgrade to a Full Process
Monitor System
The HP 4142B was designed for
high throughput without sacrificing
accuracy or resolution. By adding
a capacitance meter, switching
matrix, and software, you can
upgrade your HP 4142B to the
HP 4062C Process Control System.
Your HP 4142B software investment
is preserved with this migration as
well. Use the HP 9000 Series 300
controller, or IBM PC compatible
with HP co-processor card to make
DC or capacitance measurements
which meet your R&D or produc-
tion test requirements. The HP
4085B switching matrix is specially
designed for overhead probing, and
guarantees full system accuracy
right down to the wafer probing
Modular Architecture Create high power
plots in seconds
The HP 4142B provides eight slots by pulsing the
for a variety of plug-in measurement synchronously.
units. Reduce startup costs by cus-
tomizing the HP 4 142B for your
application. As your needs increase,
simply add more units. As you
move from benchtop to production,
easily migrate your tests by adding a
compatible wafer prober, switching
matrix, capacitance meter, and
system software.
Versatile Source Monitor Units
For general purpose DC or pulsed HP 41422A High Current Unit
measurements, use the HP 4142B
Use the HP 41422AHigh Current
Source Monitor Units. The equiva-
Unit to make fast 100~s pulsed mea-
lent of four instruments, these pre- Both SMUs are four-quadrant surements up to + 1OVand 1OA.It is
cision modules force voltage while sources using full active guard and a pulsed source/monitor unit with
measuring currents down to 2OfA Kelvin connections. The active the same 5-digit basic accuracy of
Or force current and simulta- guard minimizes voltage differen- the standard SMUs. A specially low-
neously monitor voltages down tials which add significant noise and inductance cable design and built-in
to 4Op.V.The HP 41421B SMU con- cable loss errors when measuring ground return let you make low
serves space (1 slot) by limiting currents below 1pA. The 4-wire Kel- level and high power tests with
ranges to -+ 1OOV and + 1OOmA.The vin sensing on the SMUs and built- equal ease.
HP 41420A (2 slots) extends the in Ground Unit (GNDU) assure
range to & 200V and -+ 1A. accuracy right to the device pins, Synchronized pulse capability has
eliminating resistive cable loss been added to the HCU so that it
errors when measuring low volt- can be used in tandem with another
ages or large currents. HCU or the standard SMUs. Prevent
thermal drift or damage by using
this dual pulse feature to sweep
your high power devices.
DUT The force-sense-
guard and stable
ground reference
(GNDU) eliminate
system noise and
cable errors.
SMU block
HP 41423A High Voltage Unit
Safely and reliably make DC or Voltage
pulsed measurements to + 1000 V
with the HVU source monitor unit.
Its low leakage design allows cur-
rent measurements down to 2 PA.
A special high voltage triaxial cable, Stop value
connectors, fixture interlock, and a Breakdown
LED status indicator provide hazard voltage
protection and convenience while
maintaining full system accuracy.
The HVU has the same pulse
capability as the standard SMUs,
including the unique quasi-pulse Start value
mode. Quasi-pulse is an advanced
pulse feature allowing a source to
monitor its slew rate and abruptly
power down when a specific voltage Quickly and safely
or current compliance condition is find breakdown
voltages using the
met. You can very rapidly determine smart quasi-pulse
voltage breakdowns while minimiz- mode.
ing the risk of damage due to exces-
sive stress. Or speed up leakage
current measurement times by
monitoring the current automati-
cally when the voltage reaches a
specified stop value.
HP 41425A Analog Feedback You can perform useful measure-
Unit ments which were previously
impractical using lengthy binary
To find important parameters that
searches. For example, quickly
are specified at a given voltage or
monitor V,, vs substrate bias or V,,
current, such as V;, or h,, connect
vs Temperature. Or use the AFU
the HP 41425A Analog Feedback
with a network analyzer to quickly
Unit between two SMUs. The AFU
search for bias conditions during
modulates the output voltage of one
characterization of a microwave
SMU while monitoring the current
or voltage of the second SMU. `I&+-
get currents and voltages are found mica1 AFW
with blazing speed (12 msec). Controlliig the
The AFU is connected internally, gate bias of a MOS
so no external hookup is transistor using
the drain current.
Measurement Modes
The plug-in units may be operated individually or in synchronized modes to perform ten different types of
measurements. The table below describes each mode and the plug-in units supporting each mode.
Available units in each Measurement Mode.
etiurement Mode
1 channel pulsed spot
Improve the reliability of your test For wafer probing, the HP 16087A
results by using accessories that control module is provided with its
were designed to take full advan- associated on/off status indicator
tage of the HP 4142B's wide mea- and connector plate. Order addi-
surement range. The HP 16088B test tional cables or a variety of connec-
fixture is a 13-channel shielded tor plates to meet your particular
dark box, with low leakage Kelvin interfacing application.
connections. An array of optional
plug-in socket modules provide
hassle free hookup to most indus-
try standard packaged parts. . \
When ordered with opt 300, the
HP 16088B includes a built-in
HP 16087A control module (3-input
scanner) for accurate and safe
switching of a HW, HCU, or SMU i
to a single device pin. For your con-
venience, the HP 16088B is com-
BP 16088B Test
Fixture and patible with both triaxial or SMU
Accessories quadraxial style cables.
HP 16087A
Control Module,
On/Off status
Indicator, and
Connector Plate.
HP 4142B Mainframe Memory
The HP 4142B mainframe contains two types of memory which increase
Chassis test speed. The program memory allows high-speed testing of multiple
8 slots for plug-in measurement units. devices without the need to communicate overthe HP-IB interface. The
No more than one HP 41425A Analog Feedback Unit per mainframe. data memory collects and sends spot or swept data efficiently over the
Maximum Common to Ground Voltage: t42V. HP-IB interface.
Supported Plug-in Measurement Units Program memory: Stores appox. 2000 program steps, which can be
Model Numbsrot Slots grouped into 99 subroutines.
Number Occupied Range of Opsrativn'
Data memory: Maximum of 4095 data values (binary)
HP 41420A HPSMU 2 4OpV to ZOOV,
20fA to 1A
Maximum of 1023 data values (ASCII)
HP414218 MPSMU 1 4OpV to lOOV,
20fA to IOOmA
HP 41422A HCU 2 4OuV tc 1OV.
20nA to IOA External trigger input: TTL level negative logic
HP41423A HVU 2 2mV to IOOOV, to IOmA
2pA Minimum pulse width: 1OOpsec
HP41424AVSNMU 1 4wV to 4OV,20pA to IOOmA External trigger output: TTL level negative logic
HP41425AAFU I Used with two SMUs to make analog Approx pulse width: 100psec
voltaselcurrent searches HP-IB interface: SHl, AHl,TG, L4, SRI, RLl, PPO, OCl,
l 2OOOVmax using two HVUs or 20A (pulsed) using two HCUs DTl,CO,El.
General Reference
Maximum Output Power Self-Test
The sum of all measurement unit's instantaneous output power At power-up the HP 41428 checks the operation of its own operational
(product of Voltage Range and Current Output or Current Compliance) status. The self-test can be performed at any time via HP-IB.
cannot exceed 32W. Each unit can be switched off to consume OW
power when in standbv (power save) mode. Auto-Calibration
The offset errors in each measurement unit are automatically
calibrated every 30 minutes.
Environmental Information
Operating temperature: 5