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Keysight Technologies
CDMA Basics
Course Overview
Course Numbers:
Keysight Training Center: H7216A #312
Onsite Training: H7216B #312
Learn the fundamentals of CDMA technology
Course Overview Speciications Detailed Course Agenda
This course provides technicians with a Course type AMPS Basics
fundamental understanding of CDMA
technology and provides a hands- on Application/Product Training Digital Basics
classroom environment to learn about the
What is the reason behind the move to
block diagram of a mobile and how to Audience digital systems? Understanding these
measure and ind faults. This experience
All personnel involved in CDMA develop- issues enables us to introduce the fun-
enhances the productivity of technicians
ment, planning, operation, implementation damental shifts from directly modulated
in the production environment who do
and maintenance. analog signals to digitally encoded data
testing, rework, and support. By taking
knowledge of the CDMA system together
with measurement theory, the student will Prerequisites
have the tools and knowledge necessary Students will have to have completed the
CDMA Basics
to be faster and more effective in working RF Measurement Basics (H7216B opt.101) This lesson looks at three areas of CDMA:
with mobile phones. course or equivalent. Network, Air Interface, and Signal Path.
What You will Learn Course length The CDMA Network: