Text preview for : 5990-6541EN W2641B DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet c20140819 [8].pdf part of Agilent 5990-6541EN W2641B DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet c20140819 [8] Agilent 5990-6541EN W2641B DisplayPort Test Point Access Adapter - Data Sheet c20140819 [8].pdf
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Keysight Technologies
W2641B DisplayPort
Test Point Access Adapter
Data Sheet
Connect to your DisplayPort device to make
physical layer parametric measurements
Emerging standards for
DisplayPort standard is likely that DisplayPort will become
the primary video interface for desktop
consumer electronic devices and The evolution of the DisplayPort and laptop personal computers, and
entertainment equipment provide standard, sponsored by VESA1, was it may ultimately be used in consumer
for higher screen resolutions driven by demand for higher-resolution electronics equipment such as televi-
than ever before, which meets and less-expensive computer dis- sions and DVD players.
the market need for the highest plays. Computer industry insiders
computer monitor viewing quality have long believed that the industry The DisplayPort standard covers a
possible. High screen resolutions would ultimately shift to all digital wide range of screen resolutions and
necessitate higher link rates which flat-panel displays, and DisplayPort is physical configurations. It outlines
place new demands on the source, the digital transport interface stan- tests for the high-speed digital signals
sink and media such as cable or dard that finally promises to supplant for source and sink testing, low-fre-
PC boards. This electrical signal the popular VGA CRT monitor. The quency control path (the AUX chan-
environment makes measurement low-profile DisplayPort connector is nel), link layer and protocol verification
of physical layer parameters ideal for crowded back panels, moth- such as HDCP (high bandwidth con-
even more important and at erboard designs able to drive multiple tent protection) and media evaluation.
the same time, more difficult. monitors, and portable equipment
The Keysight Techologies, Inc. that offers uncompromised viewing.
W2641B DisplayPort test point The DisplayPort connector has been
access adapter provides unrivaled designed to support the high Display-
convenience and performance. Port bit rates now and in the future. It
1. Video Electronics Standards Association (www.vesa.org)
Test point access adapters
Test point access adapters (TPA)
should be as transparent as possible
to each measurement, connect to
a wide range of test product form
factors, and have the flexibility
to measure several parameters.
The W2641B TPAs have low loss
that is well characterized versus
Pair a W2641B TPA with an Keysight N4903B J-BERT or E4887A ParBERT (81250) for DisplayPort sink
frequency, and very good impedance validation.
characteristics and low intra-pair and
inter-pair skew to provide the high
signal fidelity connection required.
These TPAs have been designed to
conveniently connect to DisplayPort
receptacles without obstructing
cables or presenting a footprint near
the device under test greater than
the DisplayPort receptacle connector
itself. W2641B DisplayPort test
point access adapters provide the
performance and flexibility you need
to accurately evaluate DisplayPort sink
source devices.
Use an Keysight Infiniium DSO90000 or DSOX90000 Series
oscilloscope with a W2641B TPA for DisplayPort source validation.
The W2641B DisplayPort test point access adapter
DisplayPort source testing DisplayPort AUX channel DisplayPort sink testing
The DisplayPort Physical Layer The DisplayPort Physical Layer
Compliance Test Specification (CTS) The DisplayPort specification Compliance Test Specification
covers source tests such as level includes a special channel, the AUX stipulates a receiver tolerance test
verification, pre-emphasis level, skew, channel, which is used to dynamically regimen where the digital data is
jitter, data eye, transition time and coordinate the link source and transmitted with phase jitter having
many other parameters. When you sink. The W2641B exposes this sinusoidal and random characteristics,
pair W2641B TPAs with Keysight's differential lane that operates at 1 Mbs as well as a calibrated channel
Infiniium 90000 or 90000 X-Series (DisplayPort 1.1a) and also provides degradation (called intersymbol
oscilloscopes and the U7232A five other fixture sections to enable interference, or ISI). The signal
DisplayPort compliance test software, the testing of AUX that was newly parameters, such as jitter quantity
you will have uncompromised added in DisplayPort CTS 1.1a. The five and level, vary according to the bit
accuracy and unrivaled simplicity in sections are connected through snap- rate being tested. These signals can
characterizing your source design. The in SMP connectors and cover: be injected to a DisplayPort sink from
TPA's excellent performance enables