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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
/ol. 10 No. 1-2
A Dual -Trace Automatic Base Line Oscilloscope
For The DC - Several Hundred KC Range
DUAL-TRACE oscilloscopes, since they per establishing set-ups and making initial adjust
mit two separate waveforms to be viewed ments, this feature is of considerable conveni
simultaneously, considerably simplify work in ence. When a signal to be viewed is then ap
circuits and systems where changes in waveform plied, the sweep will automatically trigger
are involved or where time or from the signal in most modes of operation.
phase relationships are of inter In its other characteristics the instrument is
est. Fig. 2 shows a representa designed to be suited to many applications in
tive case where the dual-trace display is of its frequency range. The two vertical amplifiers
value. are identical with 3 db points above 200 kc and
To make available the convenience of the maximum sensitivities of 0.01 volt/cm. Several
dual-trace feature in an instrument for the dc different vertical presentations can be selected,
to several hundred kc range, the new oscillo as described more fully later. An internal
scope shown in Fig. 1 has been designed. A square- wave calibrator enables the vertical sys
special feature of this instrument is that the tem calibration to be easily checked when de
dual-trace display is supplemented by an auto sired. Calibrated sweep speeds extend down to
matic base-line provision such that, when no 5 microseconds /cm which can be increased to
signal is applied, a low-rate sweep automati 1 microsecond cm with a x 5 sweep expander.
cally occurs. Two horizontal traces are thus pre The horizontal amplifier has a maximum sensi
sented to make the positions of the base lines tivity of 0.1 volt/cm and is identical in band
for both vertical amplifiers always known. In width to the vertical amplifiers with less than
Fig. 2. Oscillogram indicating typical instance where
dual-trace oscilloscope permits two-phenomena compari
son, here used to check plate and cathode waveforms of
Fig. 1 (left). New -hp- Model 122 A Dual-Trace Oscillo
scope permits two phenomena within dc to several hun
dred kc range to be compared simultaneously. Instrument
incorporates no-signal sweep such that base lines are
automatically displayed in absence of signal to facilitate
set-up adjustments.
P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 5 8 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .