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A Rotary Pulse Generator is another
form of the "variable control" you see
so often on schematics. These familiar
variable controls are usually desig-
nated by components with arrows
through them and are used to vary a
frequency or power level in order to
control an instrument and make it
more useable.
Some of the problems associated with
these variable analog controls are
that they tend to get noisy with age,
will physically wear out with contin-
ued use and have a limited range
Figure 1
Enter the rotary pulse generator, a
digital variable control that can be the more of a change it imparts to Figure 1shows a typical circuit for a
used to adjust power levels or fre- the circuit it is controlling. The RPG rotary pulse generator. It consists of
quencies, or manipulate graphics, contributes no noise to the circuit, is a shaft-encoder sending 120 light
markers and waveforms. It has no externally programmable and its po- pulses to the phototransistors Q1 and
"stops" and can adjust the unit con- sition can be " r e a d by an external Q3 for each full shaft rotation. The
tinuously from one end of its range program. This rotary control, in some outputs of Q1 and Q3 are amplified
to the other end. It also has variable cases, takes the place of pushbuttons by Q2 and Q4 and squared by two
speed, that is, the faster you spin it on a keyboard. Schmitt trigger gates.
Figure %isa timing diagram showing
how the circuit works to designate
clockwise or counterclockwise rota-
tion. At the moment output A goes
negative, output B will be either
positive (clockwise) o r negative
Figure 2 (counterclockwise).The shaft encoder
is designed so that the A and B
transitions are always shifted by 90
Figure 3 illustrates a typical RPG
connected to a sensing circuit. As
mentioned earlier, the RPG generates
120 output pulses a t each channel for
one full rotation, independent of the
speed at which it is rotated. To im-
prove the tuning sensitivity it is
desirable that the number of output
Figure 3
Pub. NO. 5952-0128 @ Hewlett-Packard 1987
pulses would be somewhat propor-
tional to the rotating speed of the
RPG. To achieve this, a "pulse swal-
lower" is connected in the circuit. At
low rotating speed the "pulse swal-
lower" suppresses two out of three
pulses, at medium speed one out of
two, and a high rotation speed the
"pulse swallower" is inactive. There-
fore, when you turn the RPG slowly,
the change it imparts to the device is
slower by two thirds of 120 pulses,
and when you spin the control as fast
as you can, the change it imparts is
at the full 120 pulses.
As shown in Figure 4, C2 and C3 are
charged according to the speed of the
RPG. At low speed it takes three Figure 4
pulses to charge C2 to a high logic
level while C3 charges only at high Q2 discharges C2 and C3. While the from the shaft rotation. Therefore,
speed. Therefore, C2 and C3 control "direction" flip-flop indicates to the the contents of the "digital control"
how many times the "go" flip-flop "digital control" unit whether it has unit (really an up-down counter) can
will be clocked during a full rotation. to count up (CW) or down (CCW),the be used instead of a digital input
Each time the "go" flip-flop is clocked, GO input counts the pulses coming from a keyboard. 0
Hardware Service Training, Investing in Sel
Wei Huang Course 50036A ($3,10O/ea) provides skills required to maintain, trouble-
HP Customer Training the participant with detailed ATS/ shoot, and repair the respective hard-
1000 operation and service knowledge. ware. The class is configured as 50
Certain aspects of the RTE-A and percent lecture and 50 percent lab so
RTE-4 controlling software will also that the student is provided an inte-
be discussed. The course is struc- grated practical learning experience.
tured as 50 percent lecture and 50 The class is schdduled to be held
percent lab. October 19 through October 30,1987. ---
Interested customers should contact For more information or registration,
their HP sales representative for reg- please contact Sue Goss at (707)
istration. For further information, 794-3587. Reference Course Number:
please contact Danny Shewey at (408) NEN4-856XX.
257-7000, ext. 3623.
Self-Paced Service Training
HP 8566/67/68 Spectrum Packages are Available
HP 1000 Automatic Test Analyzer
System Service Training Hewlett-Packard Customer Service
Signal Analysis Division at Rohnert Training is offering self-paced hard-
The Hewlett-Packard Advanced Park, CA is offering an HP8566/ ware service training packages on
Manufacturing Systems Organization 67/68 Spectrum Analyzer service various HP PC, PC peripheral, and
in Cupertino, CA is offering a 5-day, training seminar in October. The 10- instrument products.
HP 1000 Automatic Test System cus- day course ($2,85O/ea) provides stu-
tomer service training course starting dents with the fundamentals of spec- Currently, a total of 55 hardware
October 5th, 1987. trum analysis as well as the technical service training packages and 1 video
computer technology prestudies are and computer printer, and the mag- For the latest self-paced training
available. Service training packages tape fundamentals. product list, please call Customer
are available for products such as the Service Training at (415) 691-5300/
HP 72425A Vectra PC, the HP 22278 The self-paced hardware service 5905 or use our toll free numbers;
QuietJet printer, and the HP 4971A package is $300 each. The video 800-523-0696 (U.S.) or 800-882-9595
LAN Protocol Analyzer. Video pre- prestudy is $350 per set. All self- (California).
studies include the disc mass storage, paced items are orderable from HP
at (916) 786-8000 ext. 8068.
notes on the service note order form line voltage to the metal toggle han-
at the back of Bench Briefs, each dle. The safety ground wire connect-
appropriate number is highlighted ing the switch housing to the earth
by being printed in color. ground was omitted on HP 6214B
models w i t h s e r i a l n u m b e r s
Service notes from H P relating to 2629A11237 and 2629A11245.
personal safety and possible equip-
HP 3497A Data Acquisition
ment damage are of vital importance and Control Unit This problem can be corrected by
to our customers. To make you more installing H P Service Kit 5060-3256,
aware of these important notes, they Product Safety Service Note 3497A-
which consists of a solder terminal
are printed on paper with a red 23D-S is a replacement service note
that goes beneath the switch body
border, and the service note number for 3497A-23A-S, described in the
and a n 18 AWG green and yellow
has a "-$3" suffix. In order to make January-February 1986 issue of
wire to connect the solder terminal
you immediately aware of any poten- Bench Briefs.
to the ground terminal of the front
tial safety problems, we are high- panel.
lighting safety-related service notes HP 6214B DC Power Supply
here with a brief description of each For more information, please order
problem. Also, in order to draw your A shock hazard exists if the ac line Product Safety Service Note 6214B-
attention to safety-related service switch should fail shorting the ac 2-S from this issue of Bench Briefs. 0
If you would like to purchase large HP 3047A PHASE NOISE MEASUREMENT
quantities of service notes covering 3047A-1. All serials. Installing and calibrating the
a wide range of instruments, or if system.
you desire a complete history of all HP 3065 BOARD TEST SYSTEM
service notes documenting all changes 3065-18A. HP 3065 self-support documents, training
and equipment.
to your instruments, Hewlett-Packard 3065-45. `:Serials HP 3065CL-2542A00169,
offers a microfiche library for a one HP 3065CX-2544A00209 and below-Configuring
the HP 12009 HP-IB Interface Cards.
time charge. There is also a microfiche 3065-46. Replacing the +5V fixed DUT power supply
subscription service available that in the HP 3065HL.
3065-48. HP 3253A (NOT B version) Analog Stimulus/
automatically updates the library on Response Unit serials 1814A01875 and below.
a quarterly schedule.
Need Any Service Modification to prevent ASRU source amplifier
3065-49. New field replaceable unit for HP 3253NB
otes? The part numbers for the service
note microfiche library and subscrip-
They're free! tion service are: 3314A-2. Serials 2505A05141 and below. New PC
Board Headers and Cables.
Here's the latest listing of service Library- 5951-6511
Subscription service- 5951-6517 HP 3325A SYNTHESIZER/FUNCTION
notes. They recommend modifications GENERATOR
to Hewlett-Packard instruments to 3325A-21. Serials 2562A23808 and above. New A I 6
increase reliability, improve perform- Contact your local H P Sales Office Control Assembly.
3325A-22. Serials 2512A21906 and above. New A23
ance, or extend their usefulness. for ordering information. 0 Attenuator Assembly.
Use the form a t the rear of Bench CONTROL UNIT HP 3453A DIGITAL STIMULUS/RESPONSE
2250-29A. Engineering Revision Code 2520 and below. UNIT
Briefs to order, free of charge, service Modification to correct autoranging problem on the 3453A-6. Replacement procedures for the mother
notes for several instruments. HP 25501 A/D Converter Assembly. board within the 3453A DSRU.
3455A-25. All Serials. Replacement procedures for ANALYZER STANDARD
Outguard Digital Board (03455-66501). 3779C-OA. Service note index. 5061A-11C. All serials. Replacement kit for A10 oscil-
3779D-OA. Service note index. lator assembly P/N 05061-6170.
3457A-28. Serials 2703A02955 and below with Firm-
ware Revision 4,l. Firmware modifications in the
DETECT0 R 5180T/U-I. Serials 2640A and below except:
HP 3457A. 3780A-OA. Service note index. 2510A01123, 2510A01159, 2630A01203,
3457A-7. Serials 2538A02954 and above. New Main 2630A01207, and 2640A01231 through
Controller Board documentation. HP 3781B PAlTERN GENERATOR 2640A01245. Modification to synchronize the
3781BOA. Service note index. trigger timing in the 5180U.
3497A-23D-S. Serials 2448A15955 and below. Possible 37828-0A. Service note index. COUNTER
shock hazard. 5335A-21. All serials with Rev. 1.I firmware. Firmware
HP 3785A/B JllTER GENERATOR & Revision 1.I programming anomalies and worka-
HP 3552A TRANSMISSION TEST SET RECEIVER rounds for the HP 9000 Series 200 Controllers.
3552A-11. New display board and display LEDS. 3785A-OA. Service note index.
Supersedes 3552A-U-103. 3785A-20. Serials 25191100536 to 25191100685. Po- HP 5345A 500 MHz ELECTRONIC COUNTER
tential problem due to unused gates of A I l U23. 5345A-38. Serials 2040A and below. Recommended
HP 3561A DYNAMIC SIGNAL ANALYZER 37858-0A. Service note index. adjustment procedure after replacing ICs on the A9
3561A-9. Serials 2549A03144 and below. Modification 37858-1 8. Serials 251 8U00481 to 251 8U00690. Po- gate control assembly.
to improve Periodic Noise Source. tential problem due to unused gates of A I l U23.
HP 37898 DS3 TRANSMISSION TEST SET 5350A-6. Serials 2632A and below. Recommended
3562A-4. Serials 2502A01640 to 2502A02287. Inter-
37898-1. Serials 2638U00143 and below. Modification modification to the A8 power supply assembly.
mittent attenuation problem near 28 kHz solved.
to eliminate power supply start up problem. 53508-2. Serials 2632A and below. Recommended
3562A-5. All serials. How to tell which firmware is
installed in the instrument. modification to the A8 power supply assembly.
HP 3575A GAIN-PHASE METER 37938-0A. Service note index. HP 5351A/B MICROWAVE FREQUENCY
3575A-4C. All serials. Identification of panel meters
and interconnect boards.
HP 3852A DATA ACQUISITION AND 5351A-6. Serials 2632A and below. Recommended
CONTROL UNIT modification to the A8 power supply assembly.
HP 3577A NETWORK ANALYZER 3852A-08. Service note index. 53518-2. Serials 2632A and below. Recommended
modification to the A8 power supply assembly.
3577A-IO. Serials 2503A12340 and below. Changing
parts on input board improves dynamic linearity. HP 40628 SEMICONDUCTOR PARAMETRIC HP 5352A/B MICROWAVE FREQUENCY
3577A-11. All serials. Adding capacitors improves ratio TEST SYSTEM COUNTER
phase accruacy after A I receiver board repair. 40628-3. Serials 40628: 251 9JOO144 and below.
3577A-12. All serials. Changing resistor value improves 5352A-5. Serials 2632A and below. Recommended
41418: 2519J00160 and below. Replacement modification to the A8 power supply assembly.
ratio amplitude flatness after A I receiver board PROMS for the HP 4141 8.
repair. 53528-2. Serials 2632A and below. Recommended
modification to the A8 power supply assembly.
3580A-13. Serials 2030A06767 and below. Recom- 4063A-1. Serials 4063A: 2520J00117 and below. 5359A-7. All serials. Performance tests for the 5359A
mended replacement for counter/multiplexer IC 4141 8: 251 9JOO172 and below. Replacement
A33U2 on the FCM display board. PROMS for the HP 4141 8.
4063A-2. Serials 4063A: 2520J00115 and below. HP 5370A UNIVERSAL TIME INTERVAL
4141 8 : 2519J00160 and below. Replacement COUNTER
HP 3582A SPECTRUM ANALYZER PROMS for the HP 4141 8. 5370A-11A. All serials. Addition to front end checkout
3582A-14. Serials 2508A06671 and below. Modification procedure.
to decrease harmonic distortion. HP 4141 B DC SOURCE/MONITOR
4141 8-1. Serials 2519JOO160 and below. Replacement HP 5386A FREQUENCY COUNTER
HP 3585A SPECTRUM ANALYZER 5386A-1. Serials 2704A00453 and below. A3U1 mis-
PROMS for the HP 41418.
3585A-12. Serials 2504A05459 and below. Modification loading problem. Possible wrong part (UI Op Amp)
to prevent "OSC UNLOCK' for resolution bandwidths in the A3 Pre-Scaler Assembly. Incorrect P/N 1826-
of 3 kHz and below. HP 41458 SEMICONDUCTOR PARAMETER 0493. Correct P/N 1820-0493.
HP 3746A SLMS 41458-1. Serials 2608J00498 and below. Replacement HP 6030A SYSTEM DC POWER SUPPLY _-
3746A-OA. Service note index. PROMS for the HP 41458. 6030A-3A. Serials 2703A00505 and higher. Discrete
fault indicator (FLT) and remote inhibit (INH) en-
HP 3764A DIGITAL TRANSMISSION HP 4936A TEST IMPAIRMENT hancement for Standard and Option 700 Models.
ANALYZER MEASUREMENT SET 6030A-4. Serials 2528A00364 and below. Modification
3764A-14A. Serials 25281100857 and below. Clock 4936A-2A. All serials. Retrofit for battery. operation to improve opto-isolator reliability.
oscillator retrofit kit (Std/002/003). (options 001 and 003).
3764A-19A. Serials between 2615U01162 and 4936A-4A. Approximate serials 779 to 1030. Recom- HP 6031A SYSTEM DC POWER SUPPLY
2712U01637. Retrofit kit to upgrade the auxiliary mended replacement for plastic HARRIS devices 6031A-6A. Serials 271 3A00623 and higher. Discrete
analog input. HP P/N 1826-0735. fault indicator (FLT) and remote inhibit (INH) en-
3764A-20. Serials between 261 5U01152 and 4936A-7. Interchanged pages in the operating and hancement for Standard and Option 700 Models.
27121101637. Preferred replacement of PROMS. service manual HP P/N 04936-90022. 6031A-7. Serials 2609A00502 and below. Modification
3764A-21. All serials. Mechanical parts identification. to improve opto-isolator reliability.
HP 3776A/B PCM TERMINAL TEST SET MEASURING SET 6032ASA. Serials 271 9A01941 and higher. Discrete
3776A-OA. Service note index. 4947A-5. Serials 2708U00176 and below. Firmware fault indicator (FLT) and remote inhibit (INH) en-
3776A-31. Serials 24441100292 and below. Re- modification to rectify printout error. Supersedes hancement for Standard and Option 700 Models.
commended updates to firmware. Supersedes 4947A-3. 6032A-6. Serials 2615A01480 and below. Modification
3776A-5/-6/-12/-14/-158/-22C. 4947A-6. Serials 2708U00176 and below. Preferred to improve opto-isolator reliability.
37768-OA. Service note index. replacement of PROM U58 on A I 3.
37768-1ED. Serials 24371100642 and below. Frequency HP 6033A SYSTEM DC POWER SUPPLY
update instructions for data measurement HP 4951B/C PROTOCOL ANALYZER 6033A-4A. Serials 271 3A02552 and higher. Discrete
option 001. 4951 8-4. Serials 2612A03451 and below. Improved fault indicator (FLT) and remote inhibit (INH) en-
37768-36. Serials 2437U00642 and below. Recom- yoke assembly. hancement for Standard and Option 700 Models.
mended updates to firmware. Supersedes 37768- 4951 C-3. Serials 2647A01655 and below and 6033A-5. Serials 2548A02221 and below. Modification
5/-6/-12/-14/-15B/-30A. 2631 F50496 and below. Improved yoke assembly. to improve opto-isolator reliability.
HP 6038A/L SYSTEM DC POWER SUPPLY 86738-5. All serials. Option switch troubleshooting HP 44721A DIGITAL INPUT MODULE FOR
6038NL-ZA. 6038A serials 2705A02786 and higher; procedure. THE HP 3852A
6038L serials 2703A00879 and higher. Discrete 86738-6. Serials 2634A to 2704A. Preferred replace- 44721A-1. Serials 2552A01764 and below. ERROR
fault indicator (FLT) and remote inhibit (INH) en- ment for A2A10 and A2A11 memory board 25: DEVICE FAILURE-SLOT xxxx INTR, CH? and
hancement for Standard and Option 700 Models. assemblies. lost interrupts when using multiple channel interrupts.
6038NL-3. 6038A serials 2603A02365 and below; 86738-7A. All serials. Recommended YTM A I A1 0
6038L serials 2547A00798 and below. Modification replacement. HP 44727A/B/C DAC MODULE FOR THE
to improve opto-isolator reliability. 8673C-5. All serials. Option switch troubleshooting HP 3852A
procedure. 44727A/B/C-l. Serials 2602A00564 and below
HP 62148 DC POWER SUPPLY 8673C-6. Serials 2634A to 2704A. Preferred replace- (HP 44727A). 2602A00316 and below (HP 447278)
62148-2-5. Serials 2629A11237 and 2629A11245. ment for A2A10 and A 2 A l l memory board and 2602A00252 and below (HP 447270). Modifi-
Possible shock hazard. assemblies. cation to prevent spurious noise and spikes.
86730-8. All serials. Recommended YTM A1 A i 0
6942A-15. Serials 2622A07164 and below. Modification 8673D-5. All serials. Option switch troubleshooting 51089A-3. All serials. Packaging procedure to prevent
to prevent intermittent self-test failures. procedure. damage during shipment.
8673D-6. Serials 2634A to 2704A. Preferred replace-
HP 6944A MULTIPROGRAMMER ment for A2A10 and A 2 A l l memory board HP 62605M-P31 SYSTEM DC POWER
CARD FOR HP 6944A) 86730-8. Serials 2540A and below. Recommended 62605M-P31-1. All serials. Modifications to improve
6944A-2/98633A-I. Serials 241 2A00101 thru firmware EPROM replacement. reliability.
8673E-1. Serials 2704A and below. Preferred replace-
2412A00805. Modification to prevent transmission
errors when several multiprogrammers are linked ment for A2A10 and A 2 A l l memory board HP 64228s 80286 EMULATOR POD
together. assemblies.
642288-2. POD repair number 2627A0160 and below.
Recommended replacement 80286 Features Board.
8753A-1. All serials. Procedure for performing A9 CPU
81 12A-3. Serials 2522G04131 and above. Output HP 70900A LOCAL OSCILLATOR
amplifier heatsink uses metric hardware. EEPROM backup before a failure occurs.
70900A-3A. Serials 2629A and below. Instructions for
HP 8116A PULSE/FUNCTION GENERATOR HP 8770A ARBITRARY WAVEFORM installing the HP 70900 Memory-Plus Controller
81 16A-5. Serials 2520605071 and above and 70900A-5. Serials 2612A00727 and below. Recom-
2708A03818 and above. Output amplifier heatsink 8770A-3. Serials 2627A and below. Instructions for
installing multiple 8770A synchronization capability. mended modification to the sampler bias drive
uses metric hardware. circuit.
8770A-6A. All serials. Firmware history and upgrade
procedures. 70900A-6. Serials 261 2A and below. Modification to
HP 8160A PROGRAMMABLE PULSE prevent false external reference detection.
GENERATOR 8770A-7. Serials 2627A and below. Instructions for
installing new clock assembly for multiple 8770A 70900A-7. Serials 2642A and below. Recommended
8160A-12. Serials 2650600736 and above. New mi- A2 Video Processor replacement.
synchronization capability.
croprocessor board to improve performance. 709OOA-8. Serials 2629A01017 and below. Modification
8160A-13. Serials 2650600736 and above. Option HP 8901B MODULATION ANALYZER to eliminate triggering using high sweep output.
700-MATE compatibility now installed. 70900A-9. Serials 2612A00835 and below. Modification
89018-1. Serials 261 9A and below. Modification to
resolve HP 89018 intermittent lockup and HP-I8 to reduce harmonic output levels at 300 MHz output
70900A-10. Serials 2612A00667 and below. Modifica-
8161A-7. Serials 2648601006 and above. New micro- HP 8902A MEASURING RECEIVER tion to increase calibrator output adjustment range.
processor board to improve performance. 8902A-1. Serials 261 6A and below. Modification to 70900A-11. Serials 2606A and below. Preferred Fre-
8161A-8. Serials 2648601006 and above. Option 700- resolve HP 8902A intermittent lockup and HP-I8 quency Control Assembly.
MATE compatibility now installed. hangup. 70900A-12. Serials 2717A and above. Installation
8902A-2. Serials 2305A to 2523A. Modification to instructions for the HP 70900 RAM/ROM Board
HP 8175A DIGITAL SIGNAL GENERATOR prevent invalid error 06 indication. Assembly firmware upgrade kit.
8175A-1. Serials 2612G00416 and above. Output 70900A-14. All serials. Compatibility requirements for
amplifier heatsink uses metric hardware. HP 89038 AUDIO ANALYZER different spectrum analyzer systems.
89038-1. All serials. Plug-in filter installation kits.
HP 8558B SPECTRUM ANALYZER f3 89038-2. Serials 2652A02090 thru 2652A02117. Re- HP 71000A SERIES MODULAR SPECTRUM
85588-33A. Serials 2436A10965 and below. Recom- *' '
versed capacitor on A2 Input Amplifier Assembly. ANALYZER SYSTEM
mended video filter potentiometer replacement.
71000A-1. All serials. System service kit (HP P/N
HP 8903E DISTORTION ANALYZER 71000-60002) parts list.
HP 8642A/B SIGNAL GENERATOR 8903E-1. All serials. Plug-in filter installation kits. 71000A-2. All serials. System service kit updated by
8642A-1. All serials. Explanation of A06 and A07 8903E-2. Serials 2652A00205 thru 2652A00217. Re- three new kits.
transient errors. versed capacitor on A2 Input Amplifier Assembly. -
8642A-2. Serials 2637A and below. Modification to HP 86601A RF SECTION PLUG-IN
limit in rush current. HP 10761A BINARY MULTIPLIER BOARD 86601A-10. Serials 2437A through 2704A. Modification
86428-1. All serials. Explanation of A06 and A07 10761A-1A. Series 2140C, serials 2140A00348 to to prevent full power output in remote mode at
transient errors. 2140A00400. Modification to ensure ambient com- turn-on.
86428-2. Serials 2637A and below. Modification to pensation factor is calculated. 86601A-1 1. Serials 2634A and below. Preferred re-
limit in rush current. placement A8 Attenuator Driver Assembly to prevent
HP 16291A, 40628 FIELD SERVICE undetermined attenuator setting at turn-on, causing
HP 86568 SIGNAL GENERATOR INVENTORY fuse blowing in mainframe.
86568-5. Serials 251 1A and above. Addition of high 16291A-1. Replacement ROMS for HP P/N 04141-
stability time base. 69533 A3 boards. HP 866028 RF SECTION PLUG-IN
86566-6. Serials 2622A and below. Output transistor 866028-5. Serials 2437A through 2703A. Modification
heatsink replacement. HP 44701A INTEGRATING VOLTMETER to prevent full power output in remote mode at
86568-7. Serials 251 1A thru 2639A. Recommended FOR THE HP 3852A turn-on.
replacement cooling fan. 44701A-3. Serials 2703A02228 and below. Bad first 866028-6. Serials 2450A and below. Preferred re-
reading when measuring acV using the autorange placement A9 Attenuator Driver Assembly to prevent
HP 8660A/B/C SYNTHESIZED SIGNAL function. undetermined attenuator setting at turn-on, causing
GENERATOR 44701A-4. Serials 2703A02228 and below. Error in fuse blowing in mainframe.
8660A-32. Serials 2652A and above. Incompatibility range changes when measuring acV using the
with RF section plug-ins. autorange function. HP 86603A RF SECTION PLUG-IN
866OC-13. Serials 2706A and above. Incompatibility 86603A-7. Serials 2446A through 2703A. Modification
with RF section plug-ins. HP 44702A/B HIGH SPEED VOLTMETER to prevent full power output in remote mode at
FOR THE HP 3852A turn-on.
HP 8673B/C/D/E SYNTHESIZED SIGNAL 44702NB-6. Serials 2630A00742 (HP 44702A) and 86603A-8. Serials 2621A and below. Preferred re-
GENERATOR below, and 2630A00572 (HP 447028) and below. placement A9 Attenuator Driver Assembly to prevent
86738-4. Serials 2421A and below. Procedure for DC voltage performance test failures caused by undetermined attenuator setting at turn-on, causing
replacing A1A4 Pulse Driver Board. noisy dc voltage readings. fuse blowing in mainframe.
If you want service notes, please For European customers (ONLY) Name
check the appropriate boxes below
and return this form separately to Hewlett-Packard Firm
one of the following addresses. Nederland BV Address
Central Mailing Dept.
Hewlett-Packard P.O.Box 529 City
1820 Embarcadero Road 1180 AM Amstelveen
State Zip
Palo Alto, California 94303 The Netherlands
0 2250-29A 0 3577A-10 0 37828-0A 0 4951C-3 0 6033A-4A 0 86568-6 0 8902A-1 0 70900A-08
0 3047A-1 0 3577A-11 0 3785A-OA 0 5061A-llC 0 6033A-5 0 86568-7 0 8902A-2 0 70900A-09
0 3065-18A 0 3577A-12 0 3785A-20 0 5180TlU-1 0 6038AlL-2A 0 8660A-32 0 89038-1 0 70900A-10
0 3065-45 0 3580A-13 0 37858-0A 0 5335A-21 0 6038AlL-3 0 866OC-13 0 89038-2 0 70900A-11
0 3065-46 0 3582A-14 0 37858-18 0 5345A-38 0 6214B-2-S 0 86738-4 0 8903E-1 0 70900A-12
0 3065-48 0 3585A-12 0 37898-1 0 5350A-6 0 6942A-15 0 86738-5 0 8903E-2 0 70900A-14
0 3065-49 0 3746A-OA 0 37938-0A 0 53508-2 0 6944A-2198633A-1 0 86738-6 0 10761A-lA 0 71000A-1
0 3314A-2 0 3764A-14A 0 3852A-08 0 5351A-6 0 8112A-3 0 86738-7A 0 16291A-1 0 71000A-2
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