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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
Vol. 10, No. 8


Special-Purpose Performance in a
General-Purpose 50 KC-65 MC Signal Generator
make available in a low-rf to vhf range practical to check the harmonic distortion and
JL signal generator the precision and conve bandwidth of high-fidelity a-m receivers on an
nience that the present state of the art permits, overall basis by applying the signal to be meas
a new 50-kilocycle to 65-megacycle a-m signal ured through the receiver antenna terminal.
generator having significantly enhanced per Rf-wise, the generator's carrier frequency
formance characteristics has been developed. has been carried high enough to include all of
The enhancement extends to all three of the the major i-f bands including the 60-megacycle
areas (carrier, modulation and output control) band, while high accuracy in selecting the car
that define and classify a rier is facilitated by a two-frequency crystal
frits becomes signal generator. Modula calibrator. For such work as checking lines and
consultant, p. 6
Gaither joins -hp- tion characteristics, for ex driving antennas and bridges, the instrument
B of D, p. 6
ample, are such as to per- has been given a high rf output of 3 volts across
mit modulation by square waves and other 50 ohms or 6 volts open circuit. It also has the
complex waves as well as by dc levels, a facility property of maintaining essentially constant
that can be used for remote programming and any modulation level and any rf output level
on-off or tone burst modulation. Envelope dis over the full rf range. Other conveniences in
tortion is small enough and modulation band clude the ability to achieve 100% modulation,
width wide enough that for the first time it is a virtually constant output impedance, and the

Fig. 2. Oscillogram of dual-trace scope presenta
tion comparing modulated output from new gen
erator u'ith internal 1 kc modulating waveform
(positioned closely above rf envelope). Envelope
distortion is below 1%.
Fig. 1. (at left). New -hp- Model 606 A 50 kc-65 me
Signal Generator has been designed with wide mod
ulation bandwidth and low modulation distortion
to meet present-day circuit test needs. Carrier range
covers major i-f bands including 60 me band. Mod
ulation bandwidth extends to dc, permitting unit to
be remotely programmed.

P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 3 9 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .