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The HP 1726A Time [nterval Oscilloscope is a new time interval measuring instrument. Time interval counter (
and oscilloscope technologies have been synergistically combined in the 1726A to offer performance,
convenience, and value unmatched by alternative instrumentation. The contributions of the Time Interval
Oscilloscope benefit users with frequently encountered timing applications and/or precise timing
measurement requirements.

The requirement for stringent timing measurements has resulted from advances in IC design, device
characterization of custom integrated circuits (e.g., bipolar and MO5 processes), ECL circuits, and faster
clock speeds in computers and other electronic systems. For example, characterizing a'process, verifying
system operation, or troubleshooting a new design all require highly accurate and repeatable measurements.
The feature set of the 1726A provides advanced performance with simple setup and the front panel
conveniences expected from Hewlett-Packard products,

Completing the time interval
$olution i$ the I-IF' 10326A Time
Interval Standard, a dual channel
signal source. The 10326A's
waveform period accuracy (+/-5
picoseconds) and specified dual-
channel timing relationships
provide convenient signals with
which to evaluate system
performance and subsystem
design. The 10326A is
exceptionally easy to maintain, -.
and its calibration procedure is
completely traceable to the
United States National Bureau of
Standards and to the calibration
facilities of other International
Standards Organization

FAST, CONFIDENT the Main Time/Div switch, allows independent of the operator's
the 1726A to make precise skill level. The fast mode, which
MEASUREMENTS measurements on virtually any reduces the,number of averages
Combining a CRT with a marker repetitive signal that can be taken by a factor of ten,
system makes the measured displayed on an oscilloscope. A minimizes measurement time in
interval easy to identify. Matched crystal-referenced time base all operating modes. In
wideband pre-amplifiers allow combines with sophisticated production and record-keeping
pulse parameters such as triggering circuits to form the ap'plications, a standard HP-IB
overshoot and ringing to be most accurate measurement interface outputs time interval
examined, and the overlap mode system available today-up to 10 information.
permits precise measurements to picosecond resolution and 50
be made from specific points on picosecond accuracy. TWO INSTRUMENTS IN ONE
any displayed waveform. This
The feature set of the 1726A
measurement system eliminates REPEATABILITY AND Time Interval Oscilloscope
uncertainty concerning the exact CONVENIENCE provides the performance of two
interval being measured, and it
Complex time interval complete instruments. Not only
obsoletes the technique of
measurements are highly is the 1726A the most advanced
externally gating a time interval
repeatable and easy to make with time interval measurement
counter with an oscilloscope.
the 1726A's triggered mode of solution, but with its time
operation. The triggered mode interval module turned off, the
PRECISE MEASUREMENTS 1726A offers all the capabilities of f,-
minimizes setup time, simplifies
(+/-50 PICOSECONDS) measurement procedures, and it a general purpose, 275 MHz
Time interval averaging, which is allows highly repeatable oscilloscope.
automatically controlled through measurements to be obtained