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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - t i p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
Vol. 15, No. 2
A General-Purpose Pulse Generator
Producing High-Power, Fast-Rise Pulses
FAST risetime pulses with appreciable power with fast risetimes, a new general purpose pulse
at high repetition rates are used to advantage generator has been designed to supply up to 200
in a growing number of applications. The testing watts in its output pulse at repetition rates up to
of magnetic cores, ferrite modulators, high speed 1 Me. Maximum pulse amplitude into a 50 ohm
relays, and high power semiconductor devices rep load is 100 volts, four times the power previously
resent some of the uses for pulses of considerable available in a general purpose pulse generator.
current. Pulses Maximum pulse current into a short circuit is 2
A new dip-on current probe,
with ample volt amperes. Pulse rise and fall times at 100 volts are
page 5 age are useful typically less than 15 nsec and are reduced to less
Increased power for VLF standard
for testing pow than 13 nanoseconds for pulse amplitudes of 50
broadcasts, page 8
er amplifiers, volts (into 50 ohms) or less.
wideband modulators, and the ionization times of The new generator, -hp- Model 2 14 A, comple
neon bulbs, thyratrons, and other gaseous devices. ments the performance range of other recently-
To meet this demand for high power pulses announced -hp- generators. The Model 215A
Fig. 2. Either positive or negative rec
tangular pulses, both with baseline
fixed at ground, are available from -hp-
Model 214A Pulse Generator. Double
exposure oscillogram shows both pulse
Fig. 1. Model 214A Pulse Generators can be connected in parallel polarities; only output polarity switch
to derive complex pulse trains, as shown here in RF modulation was changed between exposures.
experiment. Flexible synchronizing and triggering capabilities in (Sweep speed: 5 fisec/cm; vertical sen
crease possible variety of pulse trains. sitivity: 5 v/cm).
P R I N T E D I N U S A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 6 3 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .